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  • Walking On Water Series

    Contributed by Raymond Perkins on Jun 19, 2001
    based on 81 ratings

    The first of a four part series based on Matthew 14:22-32.

    WALKING ON WATER Matthew 14:22-33 INTRODUCTION: R. Kent Hughes, in his book, James—Faith That Works, shares this story. "It is said that Napoleon, while looking at some papers, let slip the bridle of his horse, which reared so that the Emperor was in danger. A corporal of the grenadiers leaped more

  • My Role In My Spiritual Growth Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Aug 8, 2007
    based on 54 ratings

    This is the first in a series of sermons based on "The Pursuit Of Holiness" by Jerry Bridges.

    My Role In My Spiritual Growth – Cleaning Up A farmer goes out and plows his field. He sows the seed. He cultivates the plants and fertilizes them. All the while he knows that the plants grow because of forces outside of himself. The farmer is utterly dependent on forces he can not control. He can more

  • Fasting To Know And Worship God Lesson 7 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Nov 15, 2021

    Worship is giving the “worthship” to God that belongs to Him only (old Scottish term).

    A. INTRODUCTION: WHAT IS WORSHIP? 1. Worship is giving the “worthship” to God that belongs to Him only (old Scottish term). 2. Definition: “Worship is a face-to-face encounter with the living God based on a regeneration experience, prompted by the Holy Spirit, and resulting in the exaltation of more

  • "chutes And Ladders"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Aug 27, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon about Jesus' call to humble ourselves.

    Luke 14:7-14 “Chutes and Ladders” (The Idea for Chutes and Ladders comes from a commentary by Mark Ralls in Feasting on the Gospels, Luke part 2 pgs. 62-66)) There is a game for children that has been around for a long time, since 1943, to be exact. And I bet almost everyone here has played it more

  • Religious Liberty, Your First Freedom

    Contributed by John Crowe on Oct 13, 2014

    a sermon on Religious Liberty

    INTRO: This week I was moved as many of you were by the protesters in Hong Kong. Here’s a group of people trying to exercise freedom in order to get some type of representative government instead of an oppressive tyrannical government. As I watched video and pictures from the news, I more

  • First, We Die - Then, The Resurrection! PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Mar 15, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the journey of knowing Christ intimately, experiencing His power, sharing in His sufferings, and becoming like Him in His death.

    Welcome, beloved, to our sacred gathering today. We gather not as strangers, but as family, united under the banner of Christ's love. We are here to break bread, to share in the joy of fellowship, and to delve into the profound depths of God's Word. Our focus today is the third chapter of more

  • Affirmations - Sermon Viii: Belief In God's Forgiveness And Mine Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Oct 19, 2019

    How wonderful to be forgiven by God our Father, by family and by friends! How wonderful to forgive others - and to "forget" their trespasses against us! Amazing is God's grace - and ours!

    INTRODUCTION TO AFFIRMATIONS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH As time marches on and the aging process begins to cast a shadow on my short-term memory, my mind seems sharper now than ever regarding long-term memory. It is interesting to me that, at 85 years of age, I am more

  • The First Church Of The Hatfields And Mccoys Series

    Contributed by Donald Mcculley on Mar 18, 2019

    In the church at Corinth they were feudin’ and fightin’, stewin’ and suein’. So much so that Paul wrote a letter telling the congregation how to deal with their “family feud”. What do you say to the first church of the Hatfields and McCoys?

    THE FIRST CHURCH OF THE HATFIELDS AND McCOYS 1 CORINTHIANS 1:10-2:5 Introduction: You remember the Hatfields and McCoys don’t you? In 2002 they went back to a Pikeville, KY courtroom. This time it was to settle a dispute over a cemetery plot and property rights. Some “feudin” seems to never more

  • First Sunday In Advent: The Hope Candle Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Dec 1, 2022

    Hope. Something everyone needs. This message describes times when hope seemed gone but reminds us that Jesus provides hope!

    (Modified from a message preached at FBC Chamois, MO on 11-27-2022; not an exact transcription) Introduction: This is the first Sunday in the Advent season, the four or so Sundays before Christmas Day. Now I understand that some churches believe in using these candles and some don’t; and there is more

  • The First Missionary Journey: Part 1

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Jan 7, 2014

    Paul begins the first of his three meaningful adventures. Here I believe that we are going to see some of the things that we can all expect in our personal adventure for God.

    APR 14 2013PM The First Missionary Journey Part 1 Acts 13: 1-52 Tonight we come to the 13th chapter of Acts were Paul begins the first of his three meaningful adventures. Here I believe that we are going to see some of the things that we can all expect in our personal adventure for God. READ more

  • Giving God The First Part Of The Day

    Contributed by Gary Holt on Apr 6, 2024

    God desires a relationship with us. Do we intend to move toward God?

    “Giving God the first part of the day.” Luke 5:16 HOW LONG IS MY LIFE SOURCE: “New Years - NOW IS THE HOUR!” by Melvin Newland, Minister, Central Christian Church, Brownsville, TX A few years ago People Magazine: ? published an article entitled “Dead Ahead” ? telling about a new clock that keeps more

  • For This New Year, Seek First The Kingdom

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Jan 19, 2023

    "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness." In this New Year, let's make this our motivation or "driving purpose." The information our Lord shared is just as good today as it was when He walked this earth.

    (Based on a message preached January 8, 2023 at First Baptist Church of Chamois, MO, but is not an exact transcription) Introduction: Good morning to you all and Happy New Year plus a few days! You know, I had planned on preaching from a different text this morning but I believe the Lord nudged more

  • Lesson 2: First Step Of Faith

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Feb 13, 2013

    Faith is Obedience to God's Word

    Series: Learning Faith From Abraham Dr. Elmer Towns Lesson 2: First Step Of Faith February 10, 2013 A. BECOMING A FAITH-WALKER “So Abram departed as the LORD had spoken to him, and Lot went with him. And Abram was seventy-five years old when more

  • First Step Of Faith Lesson 2 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Apr 21, 2017

    Why God leads us into problems.

    A. BECOMING A FAITH-WALKER “So Abram departed as the LORD had spoken to him, and Lot went with him. And Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran. Then Abram took Sarai his wife and Lot, his brother’s son, and all their possessions that they had gathered, and the people whom more

  • First Sunday Of Lent - Lent 1 A

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Feb 3, 2020

    Tactics of legal reasoning used by the devil

    Here are some of the tactics of legal reasoning used by the devil on Eve-- The first question recorded in the Bible was asked by the serpent in the Garden of Eden. The snake misquotes the divine prohibition by applying it to all the fruit trees, over-stating God’s norm to enlarge its scope: “Did more

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