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  • Heavenly Conscious PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 28, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Encourage believers to resist the temptations of this world and instead focus on God's promises, living with an awareness of heaven and preparing for our eternal life with Him.

    Good morning, Church family! Today, we are going to delve into a topic that is as relevant today as it was when the Apostle John first penned his letters - living with a heavenly conscious, the world's allurements vs. god's promises, and preparing for our eternal place. Elisabeth Elliot once wrote, more

  • How To Live In The Final Days

    Contributed by Pedro Trinidad on Feb 5, 2010

    According to 1 Peter 4:7 there is a way to live in these days that will help us to be successful and victorious

    How to Live in the Final Days I. INTRODUCTION a. The letter Peter wrote to the Christians that were once gentiles y not so many with the Jewish background. He writes to “foreigners” but not of a geographic place but “foreigners” in their own land due to the decision they more

  • Paul And His Final Days

    Contributed by Chuck Booher on May 2, 2013
    based on 3 ratings

    We need to be people who endure hard times by reading God’s Word, sharing Christ and being faithful to the end.

    Come to Paul: one of the most amazing men who ever lived! • I want you to know who Paul is and then you will understand him and what he is telling you. • He wrote 13 Books of the New Testament so you need to get where he is coming from. • At the end of his life he passionately more

  • Jeremiah And The Final Days Of Judah Series

    Contributed by Roshelle Brenneise on May 5, 2023

    Even as Jeremiah tried to prevent the destruction and misery their rebellion had brought, the people only hardened their hearts and stubbornly refused to listen.

    May 06, 2023 Jeremiah was born during the reign of Manasseh – Judah’s worst king. When Manasseh’s grandson, Josiah, came to the throne he attempted to undo everything Manasseh had done. He removed the idols from the land, but he couldn’t remove idol worship from the hearts of the people. more

  • Brighter & Brighter Until The Final Day

    Contributed by John Gaston on May 12, 2021

    It's easy to get stuck in negativism in this life, but as Christians, our destiny is good beyond our wildest dreams. Proverbs 4:18 captures this with rare insight, telling us to look ahead to our incredible future.

    BRIGHTER & BRIGHTER UNTIL THE FINAL DAY Prov. 4:18 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. Driving to work, a man had to swerve to avoid a box that fell out of a truck in front of him. Seconds later, a policeman pulled him over for reckless driving. 2. Fortunately, another officer had seen the carton in more

  • The Three Essentials To A Good Verdict On Judgment Day Series

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Oct 4, 2002
    based on 56 ratings

    how to be able to pass God’s wrath on the Great and Final Day

    October 6, 2002 Sermon Series on the End Times - Judgment Day Some of you may remember the Snickers commercial a few years back. It pictured a very long line of people waiting to see whether they were going to heaven or hell. Finally somebody yelled, “come on, let’s go!” Immediately a hole more

  • Final Preparations Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Nov 13, 2023

    Preparation is so important. In Mark 14, in Jesus' final days before His crucifixion, we see Him making final preparations for Himself and His disciples. If we haven't made spiritual preparation in advance, then i will be too late when the storm arrives, or the battle begins.

    Introduction A. The story is told about a football game that took place between the big animals and the little animals. 1. As you might expect, the large animals had a big lead going into halftime. 2. With a big lead, at the start of the second half, on first down, the big animals called a running more

  • The Final Benediction

    Contributed by Rodney Johnson Sr., on Jan 1, 2013

    John closed the bible by invoking God to allow the grace of the Lord to be with His people.

    Introduction: In this final day of 2012, there is no greater need than the blessing of God on our lives. The word benediction carries the idea of seeking God for a blessing on behalf of others. I. The Favor of God. (Grace) II. The Fullness of God. (Lord Jesus Christ) Master / Savior / and more

  • Be Ready For The Final Judgement Day

    Contributed by Michael Trigg on Dec 3, 2005
    based on 16 ratings

    We all will have an eternity, but will it be with God; don’t trifle with your eternity.

    INTRODUCTION: Children look forward to special days, well, we all do don’t we? Holidays, prize-givings, birthdays, Christmas, Easter. How many of us look forward to the Judgement Day of the Lord? Today is supposed to be the day in the Christian calendar when we think about the Last Judgement Day more

  • The Final Judgement

    Contributed by Dennis Selfridge on Jul 17, 2004
    based on 31 ratings

    We all need to live each day fully for Him.

    The Final Judgment Matthew 25: 31-46 25:40 LETTER FROM A PASTOR To My Dear Friend, Pastor Phil Blowhorn, I sure hope attendance at your church was better than my church. Mercy, pastoring ain’t always easy, now is it? We had us a bunch of sick folk, and them added to all the more

  • The Final Invitation

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Feb 16, 2020

    The day is coming when the final invitation to come to Christ will be given.

    “The Final Invitation” Revelation 22:12-17 Scripture Reading 12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. 13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. 14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, more

  • The Days Of Noah Series

    Contributed by Mark Hall on Oct 19, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    The Final generation and the Days of Noah

    THE BEGINNING OF WHAT IS TO COME: THE DAYS OF NOAH This morning I want you to open your Bible with me to the book of Matthew as we continue our study on the beginning of what is to come. In speaking of the final generation, Jesus clearly outlined numerous signs and events that would take place more

  • Final Exams

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on May 25, 2014

    The final exam called the particular judgment is in essence a look into our hearts for evidence of love.

    Final Exam Ascension Sunday 2014 I can see a swath of sinners settin' yonder And they're actin' like a pack of fools Gazin' into space lettin' their minds wander 'Stead of studyin' the good Lord's rules You better pay attention, build your comprehension There's gonna be a quiz at your more

  • Jesus' Final Hours

    Contributed by David Nolte on Mar 20, 2016

    Considers 4 major events from upper room to empty tomb

    “Jesus’ Final Hours” Mark 14:17 - 16:7 David P. Nolte The last hours of Jesus’ earth life were fading fast away. His appointment with death was imminent. Before His work would be totally complete and successful there were significant events that had to take place. more

  • Christ's Final Week: Days Of Controversy

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Mar 26, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    The days intervening between Christ’s triumphal entry and his crucifixion were days filled with controversy. The enemies of Christ were bound and determined to find some way of bringing charges against Him that would rid them of Him forever.

    Christ’s Final Week: Days of Controversy Matthew 21:18-27 Introduction: The days intervening between Christ’s triumphal entry and his crucifixion were days filled with controversy. The enemies of Christ were bound and determined to find some way of bringing charges against Him that would rid them more

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