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  • Liar Liar

    Contributed by Brian Harvison on Aug 2, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    A look at the story of Ananias and Sapphira, and their lack of honesty and integrity

    Liar Liar Acts 5:1-11 A single man named Jerry had a pet cat that he loved very much. One year, he decided to take a vacation to England, so he left his cat with his brother Dan. As soon as Jerry got to England, he called his brother Dan. “How is my cat?” he asked. “Your cat is dead,” Dan more

  • Dealing With The Madness In The Middle

    Contributed by Gregory Thomas on Nov 13, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    In the center of everyone’s life there is a source of madness some 1) Self Inflicted 2) Self Propelled 3) Self Induced msot of which God ordered for you life to get you to enbody the promise.

    Dealing With the Madness In The Middle Genesis 25: 21-28 Genesis 27:1 - 27:41 21And Isaac intreated the LORD for his wife, because she was barren: and the LORD was intreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived. 22And more

  • King For A Day

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on May 30, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    Could it be that many who followed Jesus into Jerusalem turned away from him when they realized Jesus was not going to overthrow the government? Do we seek our own selfish agenda through Christ or is He truly our King?

    King for a Day Luke 19:28-48 The word Hosanna is a Greek word which is translated from the Hebrew word hoshiiah na which means save now. A few weeks ago we learned Jesus was called Yeshua Hamashia or Jesus the Messiah. Today we celebrate and remember how Jesus was King for a Day as he rode into more

  • The Devil's Tools

    Contributed by Steve Woods (Pastor Woody) on May 2, 2019

    It is so important to any believer that we not let the Devil’s tools eat away at us and cause us to go in a direction, down a path, that is far from God.

    All too often today I see where people have lost their faith. They either don’t believe at all, have never heard nor understood the word of God or something has happened in their lives to take them away His Word. As we have talked about many times here at our Church, we know what this and, deep more

  • I Quit Living A Lie Series

    Contributed by Herbert Cooper on Sep 20, 2011
    based on 25 ratings

    As adults we live lies that create stress in our lives. I want to talk to you about the lies we live.

    This first lie is: 1. I have to meet everybody’s needs A. Many people struggle with trying to meet everybody’s needs. It’s this superman or superwoman complex that says I have to be there for everybody. I have to help all my relatives: 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th cousins. I know more

  • Wrong Paths- Deceit Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Jan 22, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 26th Sermon in the Series "Israel's 2nd King". This Series is about King David.

    Series: Israel’s 2nd King- David [#26] WRONG PATHS- DECEIT 2 Samuel 11:6-13 Introduction: David had been through so much; but things were finally going well for him- He was destroying all of his enemies and building a strong Kingdom. David is an example to us of what happens when we let our more

  • Truth, Time To Wake Up And Smell The Caffine. Series

    Contributed by Andrew Moffatt on Nov 8, 2009
    based on 10 ratings

    A sermon looking at the call upon Christians to tell the truth, to live in the truth and to realise that God delights in the truth!

    We live in a society which is prone to exaggeration: think about this I found this in yesterdays Press, what kind of car is this? “The sportier, sleeker, you won’t want to stop. One look and you’ll be seduced by the curves and fine lines. With even more specification and features than you could more

  • Why I Do Not Obey The Lord

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Feb 28, 2022

    Every pastor hears excuses. But some of the excuses he hears are better than the others.

    Illus: One lady gave her excuse for why she does not attend church. She said, "I don't go to church, and this is my reason: • If I go some of the time, it makes me want to go all the time. • And since I can't go all the time, it makes me feel guilty when I miss some of the time. • more

  • David Flees To The Philistines Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Oct 18, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    First Samuel 27:1-28:2 shows us that even God's servants of great faith can falter.

    Scripture When David was still a teenager, God called him to become the next king over Israel. However, David’s ascension to the throne was still many years away. David served Saul for a number of years, but eventually Saul became extremely jealous of David and wanted him killed. David became a more

  • Lesson 1: Satan Wants You Blinded

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Aug 31, 2012
    based on 7 ratings

    Satan Wants You to Believe Lies about Hell

    Series: Surprising Things About Hell Dr. Elmer Towns Lesson 1 May 20, 2012 A. INTRODUCTION: DESCRIPTION OF HELL 1. Hell is the strongest expletive, i.e., curse word. 2. Wrong thinking, hell is at the center of the earth. 3. Ruled more

  • Days Of The Holy Spirit And Deception.

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Oct 28, 2020

    Verse 2 of Isaiah 60, gives the reader more of a grip about the time and season of this glorious light. It will be in a day and time of great darkness, and a deep darkness among the people.

    Days Of The Holy Spirit and Deception. Isaiah 60:1-2NKJV Glynda Lomax wrote, I live in Arkansas. I love when autumn comes and fall leaves drift down on autumn breezes. But in Arkansas, you have to be careful about those leaves on the ground because some of them conceal serpents. There are lots of more

  • Its About Time To Transform Series

    Contributed by Allan Kircher on May 8, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Since we have been transformed by His power, we are challenged to live like the new creatures we are.

    Pastor Allan Kircher Shell Point Baptist Church May 5th 2013 Ephesians 4:25-32 It's about time to transform! Intro: This passage builds on what Paul has been saying about the new life we have been given in Jesus. The word “Therefore” calls our attention back to verses 17-24, which more

  • Weapons Used Against Nehemiah

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Jun 1, 2022

    We come tonight to a section in which Nehemiah finds himself once again in trouble. Trouble seem to follow him wherever he went.

    He is constantly the victim of plots and schemes. Illus: Reminds me of these three fellows name Stupid, Trouble and Shut up. One Day Stupid, Trouble, and Shut Up were driving along in their car when Trouble suddenly hurled himself out of the window. Well, Stupid and Shut Up did not know what more

  • The Value Of Honesty Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Nov 6, 2008
    based on 9 ratings

    An application of the ninth commandment about lying, demontrating the value of honesty in honoring God, healing relationships, and helping ourselves gain personal credibility.

    The Value of Honesty (Exodus 20:16) At midnight, one spring evening in 1987, a terrible thing happened: Seven million American children suddenly disappeared. No, it wasn’t a mass kidnapping or a serial killer. It was the IRS. They had changed a rule for the night of April 15, which for the more

  • A Disaster And A Healing. Series

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Jul 11, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    'A Disaster and a Healing' Acts chapter 5 verses 1-16 - sermon by Gordon Curley (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: (1). A contrast worth noting (vs 1-2). (2). A pair as bad as each other (vs 1-2). (3). A charge of deceit and lying (vs :3-4,9). (4). A warning they will never forget (vs 11). (5). A ministry back on track (vs 12-16) SERMON BODY: Ill: • One summer morning in the 1920s, • A more

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