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Sermons on Ezekiel 37:6:

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  • A Little Faith And A Breath

    Contributed by Mari Larson on Jun 3, 2018

    With A Little Faith and A Breath, God Reaches Everyone (This was preached the weekend after the school shooting in Santa Fe, Texas -- that is mentioned near the end of the sermon)

    Dear friends in Christ, grace to you and peace from God our Creator, Jesus our Savior, and from the Unpredictable and Unquenchable Holy Spirit whose presence we celebrate this day. Amen Imagine yourself in the time of Ezekiel. It is about 600 BC. Nebuchadnezzar was about to destroy what more

  • God Can And Will Do It Again!

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Dec 14, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    Have you ever faced a situation that you wondered whether anything could be done to fix it? God tells Ezekiel what to do about the condition of his nation. God stirs his faith for action. Ezekiel responds. How would God direct us to respond to our impossi

    Intro I want to begin with a question God asked Ezekiel, in Ezekiel 37:3: "Son of man, can these bones live?"i Have you ever faced a situation that you wondered whether anything could be done to fix it? Have you ever had a financial debt that that looked like an insurmountable mountain? Sometimes more

  • The Valley Of Dry Bones

    Contributed by Daniel King, D. Min. on Dec 21, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    This is a revival sermon that will cause sleeping churches to wake up and dead churches to come alive. It will also challenge believers to reach out to the lost.

    Three thousand years ago, God gave the prophet Ezekiel a vision. Ezekiel says, “The hand of the LORD was upon me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the LORD and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great many bones on the more

  • "Blow On Us, O Holy Spirit!”

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jun 2, 2019

    We're glad to hear about the Holy Spirit moving. But what if the Holy Spirit is not blowing in the U.S.A? Are we without any resources? NO! God allowed Ezekiel to "Prophesy to the Wind/Spirit." If he can initiate a Spirit-move, so can we!

    “BLOW ON US, O HOLY SPIRIT!” Ezekiel 37:1-11 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. Someone reimagined the Burning Bush account as it would be today: "Moses, listen to Me. I have good news, and bad news." Moses says, “Tell me the good news first.” 2. “OK.” The Voice continues: "You, Moses, more

  • Dry Bones Live

    Contributed by Pablo Catala on Jun 6, 2019

    Believing God for the impossible

    Beloved this evening I want to make a disclaimer and that is that God can bring dead things back to life. See beloved this is a missing jewel in the church today, the drawing of a man or a woman that would dare come to God and boldly ask for the impossible. Today church is filled with very more

  • Les Ossements Desseches

    Contributed by Patrick Berthalon on Jul 3, 2019

    C'est une vision du prophète Ezéchiel, prophète de l'exil, au VIe siècle avant J-C !

    LES OSSEMEMENTS DESSECHES Ézéchiel 37.1-14 INTRODUCTION C'est une vraie scène de film d'horreur, décrite en détail, avec des ossements qui bougent tout seul, qui se rassemblent et se couvrent petit à petit de tendons, de chair et de peau et qui fi-nalement more

  • When All You See Is Dry Bones

    Contributed by Ray Swift on Jul 6, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    Sometimes our valleys can represent the absent of life, hope and justice. This message gives the Christian and the church an assurance that God will be with us and the Spirit of God will lead us. This message was shared with a patriotic musical.

    FBL July 03, 2016 Sunday AM When All You See Is Dry Bones Ezekiel 37: 1-14 Intro.: The message was to be a bright message of hope, a new beginning for a new nation. Yet as the people began to look around and look to the future, there really seemed to be no hope and no future. The disdain for more

  • Total Recall

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Apr 17, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    We are not created for death; We were created for life, but unfortunately we chose death in that Garden so long ago. We were in a prison of our own making and there was no escape until we were recalled to life.

    Total Recall Ezekiel 37:1-10NLT Introduction: Most of you have heard of Charles Dickens’ book~ “The Tale of Two Cities.” "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times," Charles Dickens writes in the opening lines as he paints a picture of life in England and more

  • Transformation Through The Spoken Word

    Contributed by Tesh Njokanma on May 27, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    A Sermon that discusses the amazing power in the Spoken Word. It's not just enough to know the Word and believe the Word, you have to speak it. Everything, every person, every problem and situation can respond to the Spoken Word.

    A transformation is a complete or major change in someone or something. Ephesians 2:11-22 is a very good example of such a change. It describes the state of a person before the person comes to know the Lord Jesus Christ and the radical change or transformation that takes place after the person more

  • Beyond All Odds - The Story Of Israel Proves The Accuracy Of The Bible

    Contributed by Paul Barreca on Jun 2, 2016

    The success of the Jewish people is a powerful proof for the accuracy of God's promise to bless them above all other people of the earth.

    Is it a mere coincidence that Israel is successful in unparalleled ways, and at the same time, the object of hatred throughout much of the world? Is there any significance to the survival of the Jewish people who have been mercilessly hunted, and targeted for elimination not once or twice, but more

  • A Revival Of Hope Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on May 19, 2015
    based on 15 ratings

    For us today it is a message of hope. No matter how hopeless a situation might seem, there is a God who restores life. We have a God that can make even dry bones live again.

    EZEKIEL 37: 1-14 [HOPE FOR LIFE Series] A REVIVAL OF HOPE [Psalm 119:25 / John 6:63 ] Have you ever faced a seemingly hopeless situation? One where everything you did seemed to no avail? The odds were so against you that you wanted to give up? Ezekiel the prophet did. He wanted to see more

  • Cracked Pots? God's Plan

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Dec 15, 2014

    God has a plan and we do not have to wait until we have perfect conditions to begin. Try, and try again.

    I AM A CRACKED POT? THIS SEEMS IMPOSSIBLE TO ME? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. TEXT: Isaiah 43:2 When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither more

  • The Wind Will Blow Again

    Contributed by Pastor/Author: Terry Sisney on Jan 1, 2015
    based on 9 ratings

    God said prophesy; The wind is blowing again (you might see a valley of dry bones) but God sees an army just waiting for his voice and the wind to blow again.

    Ezekiel 37:1-37:10 I know I won't win any popularity contests with this word, but I am not just a preacher (I am a watchman on the wall, and I have a God given responsibility when I see the sword coming to sound the alarm) God told Ezekial: When you see the sword coming and you don’t sound more

  • Can The Dead Hear?

    Contributed by Isaac Butterworth on Jan 12, 2015

    When the heart goes out of our faith, then the life goes out of our church. A vital congregation has its source in God.

    Nobody wants to be a part of a dead church. Not even Jesus! In the last book of the Bible, the book of Revelation, we find Jesus speaking to the church in a city called Sardis, and you know what he says? He says: “I know your works; you have a name [for] being alive, but [actually] you are more

  • The Indispensible Gift

    Contributed by Pastor/Author: Terry Sisney on Feb 7, 2015
    based on 14 ratings

    As children of God there is only really one thing we can't live without

    as we look in Ezekiel 37: 1-10 it begins with the prophet of God standing in the valley of dry bones. A man of God surrounded by death, hopelessness, and despair. As far as the eye can see there is only brokenness emptiness, death. This is the valley of death. Dreams have died here, hope for more

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