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  • Through Prayer Pt 6 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Oct 11, 2019

    Misconceptions about prayer are common today so we need to have a proper understanding of the word - PRAY – P = Presence of God – R = Reminder of the race we are in – A = Awareness of the spiritual realm – Y = Yeshua in Hebrew means to rescue or deliver and is rooted in the name of Jesus.

    Opening Video: The Mighty Influence of a Praying Mom: Rhonwyn Kendrick’s Story Series: Find Joy in The Journey Through Prayer Thesis: Jesus was filled with joy and this inner joy came from His relationship with God the Father through prayer. Prayer and inner joy are linked together because prayer more

  • The Purpose Of Prayer

    Contributed by Gene Haraldsen on Jul 22, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    When we don’t understand the purpose of prayer we will be disappointed with and discouraged by the experience of prayer.

    The Purpose of Prayer Examining the Motives behind our Prayers Turn to Romans 8 There are many different types of prayer: public, private, group, family, church, national, confession, petition, intercession, fasting, short, long… Three-year-old Donna, who loved to pray before meals, would more

  • A Hallowing Experience Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Apr 11, 2013

    This series includes applications from Brad Young's "The Jewish Background of the Lord's Prayer" and Nehemia Gordon's and Keith Johnson's "A Prayer to Our Father." This lesson deals with Proclaiming, Praising, and Practicing the Name of God.

    1. Importance of a Name Shakespeare asked “What’s in a name” a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. Many people, like Shakespeare, would say that a name is not important; however, the importance of a name is paramount. In the Bible the name of a person described their more

  • Understanding Prayer

    Contributed by Nelson Emeonu on Aug 20, 2014

    Prayer is the panacea for the world situation today.

    “Ask, and it shall be given you,seek and ye shall find, knock,and it shall be opened unto you; for everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth;and to him that knocketh it shall be opened” (Matthew 7:7-8) “Ask, and you will be given what you ask for. Seek, and you more

  • Why Should We Pray?

    Contributed by Ed Wood on May 31, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Despite the universality of the experience of prayer, we have become aware of a growing neglect of the practice of prayer.

    WHY SHOULD WE PRAY? Luke 11:1-13 INTRO: Prayer is the universal language of religion. In every age, on every continent, in every religion, people have prayed. Despite the universality of the experience of prayer, we have become aware of a growing neglect of the practice of prayer. Prayerlessness more

  • Definite Praying

    Contributed by Nelson Emeonu on Aug 20, 2014

    God wants you to be clear and precise to him in your prayer chamber. You should be explicit and ask for definite needs. He knows your needs but wants you to pray.

    “And He said unto them, which of you shall have a friend and shall go unto him at midnight, and say unto him, friend, lend me three loaves...”(Luke 11:5) “ And Jesus said to his disciples, "Suppose one of you should go to a friend's house at midnight and say to him, 'Friend, let more

  • Faith; The Foundation Of The Human Experience

    Contributed by Frank Martin on Feb 5, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    God is Love. Man is faith

    Faith, the foundation of the Human experience. By F. Martin Such a broad statement to begin discussion, yet one that is worthy of much explanation. Since my word is of ill effect, let us join spirits and intertwine with the Holy Spirit who will provide wisdom and insight to this text. He will more

  • The Experience Of Daniel (#5 Of Series On Prayer) Series

    Contributed by Rule Digal on Nov 25, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    The blessing of being in the inner chamber of God’s Presence through prayer.

    The Experience of Daniel Text: Daniel 6 Intro. A. Why is prayer essential? We have learned four points in our last lesson about the essentiality of prayer. 1. Prayer will draw us near to God; 2. Prayer will allow us to experience God’s Power; 3. Prayer will unlock the storehouse of God’s more

  • Experience The Spirit In Prayer, Praise And Worship Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Mar 25, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    We need to experience the Spirit of the Lord’s presence in our prayer, praise and worship. We need to invite Him to come in these times both individually and corporately through time of worship. When we experience his presence through the seven dimensions

    Opening Song for this message: He is Yahweh Series: Experience the Spirit Romans 12:1: 1Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. John 4:24: God is Spirit and those who more

  • Lord Teach Us To Pray - Part One

    Contributed by J. Yeargin on Nov 13, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    David’s life is an example for all of us not just with his experiences in life, but (as well) his experiences in prayer. If there was anyone in the Bible who really understood the ups and downs of prayer it had to have been David.

    LORD, TEACH US TO PRAY Introduction: Last week we considered the differences between a little boy named David and a great king, named Saul. If you remember, King Saul had been told the Word of God by the prophet Samuel. But King Saul disobeyed Samuel and the Word of the Lord. The result was more

  • Prayer

    Contributed by Charles R. Peck on May 13, 2013

    Learning how to pray will enhance one Christian experience, and relation with the Father.

    Prayer Matthew 6:5/13/13 As you begin your consistent prayer life, setting goals that are realistic will help while seeking the will and favor of God. It would be good to imagine what life would be like minus some of the things we take for granted. Like electricity, can, nice clothes, food a home, more

  • How To Experience The Power Of Prayer: Part 1

    Contributed by John Knight on Jul 15, 2002
    based on 14 ratings

    Getting the most out of prayer! Part 1: Our misconceptions

    Luke 11:1 1 Once when Jesus had been out praying, one of his disciples came to him as he finished and said, "Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples." Matthew 6:9-13 9 Pray like this: Our Father in heaven, may your name be honored. 10 May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be more

  • How To Experience The Power Of Prayer: Part 2

    Contributed by John Knight on Jul 15, 2002
    based on 17 ratings

    Requirements of Prayer.

    1 Once when Jesus had been out praying, one of his disciples came to him as he finished and said, "Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples." Matthew 6:9-13 9 Pray like this: Our Father in heaven, may your name be honored. 10 May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done here more

  • The Power Of Prayer - The Man Jabez

    Contributed by Nelson Emeonu on Jul 23, 2014

    A correction can be made in ones foundation through a greater force - prayer. One's destiny can be fought for and recovered by the power and mercy of God.

    THE POWER OF PRAYER - THE MAN JABEZ 1 CHRONICLES 4:9-10 Life a times may cause pain. When one recognises himself, then he can think what lies ahead of him. A correction can be made in ones foundation through a greater force - prayer. One's destiny can be fought for and recovered by the power and more

  • How To Fully Experience The Fullness Of God Series

    Contributed by Ron Sheveland on Feb 4, 2009
    based on 16 ratings

    Bold prayer to our generous Father leads to the inner strengthening by the Holy Spirit which leads to greater faith and intimacy with our loving Savior. It is then that we fully experience the fullness of God

    How to Fully Experience the Fullness of God Ephesians 3:14-21 Picture this: You have just finished a ten mile hike on a 95 degree day and on the entire journey you haven’t had a thing to drink. Stumbling with thirst, you come to your father’s house and plea for water. With love and concern he more

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