  • Gene Haraldsen

    Contributing sermons since May 30, 2003
Gene's church

Church Extension Plan
Salem, Oregon 97302

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  • Stretched And Strengthened

    Contributed on Nov 24, 2009
    based on 12 ratings

    If we will discipline ourselves to stretch spiritually, we will be strengthened to do God’s Will.

    Stretched and Strengthened Luke 5 The spiritual journey of the Apostle Peter has often motivated me: • A down to earth-regular guy- so much so his friends probably called him Pete… ‘Peter’ would have been too formal for him • A commercial fisherman • An ‘ear’ for authentic spiritual more

  • What To Do When A Crisis Comes

    Contributed on Nov 23, 2009
    based on 7 ratings

    How we respond to the crises of life is crucial to spiritual health and effectiveness.

    What To Do When A Crisis Comes I Samuel 30 How do you tend to respond to a Crisis? tragedy? bad news? One day not too long ago I was coming out of store and I saw a man getting out of his van who had no legs. He was transitioning to a wheel chair - apparently his legs had been amputated - more

  • What Are You Looking For?

    Contributed on Jan 23, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    The Resurrection should challenge our thinking and decision process about what is the most important truth and experience in life to pursue.

    Read - 20:1-15a "Who is it you are looking for? What a question – immediately after His miraculous Resurrection, immediately after overcoming the death sentence of the world’s most powerful government, Jesus responds to Mary Magdalene’s question with one of his own, “Who is it you are more

  • Habits Of The Heart

    Contributed on Jan 31, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    Proverbs says we are to Guard our heart - according to God’s Word our Heart is who we really are. The condition of our heart and the habits of our heart are important to God and shows Him and us the real us. What are the Habits of our Heart?

    HABITS OF THE HEART I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the Heart – what the Bible says about it in comparison to what our culture says about it. Those view points are very, very different: There are alot of songs about the Heart: Like… 1. I left My Heart in San Francisco – Tony more

  • Taming A Hurtful Tongue

    Contributed on Jul 26, 2004
    based on 17 ratings

    What are the consequences of an untamed, hurtful tongue? What are the consequences of an under control, helpful tongue?

    Taming a Hurtful Tongue Ephesians 4:29-32 Week one I don’t mean to upset anyone, but someone brought a lethal weapon with them to Church this morning. For purposes of security and safety, our ushers should have asked some to check such deadly weapons at the door...but more