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  • For 2005 Utilize "Jehovah's Name"

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Dec 31, 2004
    based on 30 ratings

    We often sing the song, "Stayed upon Jehovah, hearts are fully blessed. Finding as He promised, perfect peace and rest." However, do we really comprehend the full meaning of the name Jehovah?

    For 2005 Utilize the Twenty Ways That Jehovah is Used in the Scriptures (Exodus 6:2-10) We often sing the song, "Stayed upon Jehovah, hearts are fully blessed. Finding as He promised, perfect peace and rest." However, do we really comprehend the full meaning of the name Jehovah? Fact:The word more

  • In 2005 Use The Power Of Jehovah

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jan 7, 2005
    based on 35 ratings

    We often sing the song, "Stayed upon Jehovah, hearts are fully blessed. Finding as He promised, perfect peace and rest." However, do we really comprehend the full meaning of the name Jehovah?

    For 2005 Utilize the Twenty Ways That Jehovah is Used in the Scriptures (Exodus 6:2-10) We often sing the song, "Stayed upon Jehovah, hearts are fully blessed. Finding as He promised, perfect peace and rest." However, do we really comprehend the full meaning of the name Jehovah? Fact:The word more

  • Breakthrough 2000

    Contributed by Glenn Newton on Jun 18, 2004
    based on 8 ratings

    A message calling the Church to renew it’s commitment to our mission and cause.

    Breakthrough 2000 JUNE 27, 1999 AM PASTOR GLENN NEWTON TEXT: Exodus 6:1-9 In our passage this morning, the message is pretty clear, God makes himself very clear. Moses is again complaining because no one seems to be listening to him, nothing seems to be going as it should, not a more

  • El Shaddai- The God That Is More Than Enough

    Contributed by Toby Powers on Dec 23, 2005
    based on 70 ratings

    When you come to the place where he is all you have, you will find that he is all you need! He is more than enough.

    From The Desk Of Pastor Toby Powers Truth Baptist Church Hwy 78 Bremen, GA El Shaddai- The God That Is More Than Enough Exodus 6:1-9 Intro: In this passage Moses is going to the Hebrew Children in Egypt to preach a sermon of hope to them. God says that he is going to lead them out of bondage. He more

  • God Promises Deliverance Series

    Contributed by Andy Payne on Apr 20, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    God’s Dreams Are Bigger Than Yours

    God Promises Deliverance Ex 6:1-12 INTRO: Exodus – story of Moses is about rescue/obedience Covenant relationship since Genesis “You will be my people and I will be your God.” Since the opening chps – Israelites were oppressed From a position of privilege (end of Gen) -- more

  • Getting On God's Agenda

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Oct 16, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    God’s agenda is to give freedom to the oppressed, and He will not be stopped. But our disobedience can frustrate Him. The church needs to get on God’s agenda quickly.

    A little book called “Kids’ Letters to Pastors” provides some fertile ground this morning for us to begin thinking about getting on God’s agenda. You see, you and I know the words we are supposed to say, whether we mean them or not. But kids say what they think, without editing. And so I suspect more

  • Listening For Freedom Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Nov 6, 2003
    based on 15 ratings

    We fear freedom for reasons both internal and external -- "broken spirit and cruel slavery". Choose to be a liberator for someone else and you can break that slavery.

    We are made to be free; in fact, we need freedom. Every person needs freedom. That’s obvious. That’s what God has made us for. The Scripture says, “For freedom Christ has set us free.” We say we want to be free. We want to be free. But therein lies a problem. The problem is that that’s not more

  • The Problem, The Pain, The Promise: The Choice Is Yours

    Contributed by Bishop Malcolm Coby, Ph. D. on Aug 20, 2016

    One of the great challenges of life is learning what to do about the choices we make. The purpose of this lesson is to help the listener grow away from problems and pain to believe and receive the promises of God.

    I. Introduction A. The Word of the Lord 1. Exodus6: 1. Moses sorrowed because his demand for freedom ironically had increased his people’s burden, not eased it. 2. So the Lord comforted and reassured his messenger, speaking to Moses twice (indicated by the word “also” in v. more

  • The Circle Cycle

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Oct 22, 2013
    based on 6 ratings

    We continue to see the same spiritual scenery. We continue to fall into the same traps and trip over the same obstacles. We find ourselves rounded out. In a cycle of circling. Why? And more importantly how do we line out?

    The Circle Cycle I had witnessed it then in the lives of countless young people as I crisscrossed the nation and now after 6 years of working with our incredible congregation that God has and continues to gather is that so many of us, even after sitting in powerful worship services, hearing more

  • A Profound Deliverance Series

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Apr 12, 2020

    This message explores the Passover event with emphasis on the protection for God's people through the blood on the doorposts. Pastor Tow concludes by connecting the teaching with the resurrection of Christ.

    This week is a time of celebration. Wednesday evening began a celebration of the Passover. This morning is a celebration of the resurrection. These historical events are awesome demonstrations of God’s love and provision for His people. In this message I want to focus on the Passover deliverance, more

  • Frustrated? Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Apr 9, 2018

    we get tunnel visioned and don't see God and His plans and we get frustrated but there is a solution.

    Before we read our passage from Exodus 6 this morning, let us note 3 important truths. Our Scripture of the Week is Romans 3:23 – “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” and Psalm 144:3 states “LORD, what are human beings that you care for them, mere mortals that you think of more

  • Why Do We Doubt? Series

    Contributed by Bobby Oliver on Apr 10, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    We doubt when we're overwhelmed, we doubt when others doubt, and we doubt when we forget.

    Why do we doubt? Exodus 6:1-27 - We’re continuing our study through the book of Exodus, and as we study, we’re asking the question, “What can we learn about honoring God from this passage?” - Last week, we look at three ways that God showed Moses that He was greater than his problems. - The more

  • Cruel Bondage

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Apr 21, 2014

    God expect us to step into His Hand and leave everything in His care.

    Cruel bondage! Exodus 6:9”So Moses spoke thus to the children of Israel; but they did not heed Moses, because of anguish of spirit and cruel bondage.” I had worked for a few years for one of the Sheraton Hotels and had watched the workers slogging day in and day out, at the hotel. more

  • "now You Will See" Series

    Contributed by Jon Daniels on May 3, 2021

    Sermon based on Exodus 6:1-13. Encourages hearers to see how God is at work in their lives to help them in their times of heartbreak.

    “NOW YOU WILL SEE” Exodus 6:1-13 FBCF – 5/2/21 Jon Daniels INTRO – Ever had your heart broken? All of us have experienced that at some point in our life: - Your first boyfriend broke up w/ you & you cried all night - Your best friend moved away - Your favorite pet dies - The QB of your more

  • God Doesn't Shop Around (Exodus 6:1-13) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Dec 6, 2021

    In covenanting with us, God self-limits himself. He has committed to us, and here, He reminds Moses about how this works.

    Last week, we ended on what was maybe the low point of the book of Exodus. Yahweh had commanded Moses and Aaron to go, and tell Pharaoh to let his people go. And they did. But when they spoke to Pharaoh, he resisted, hard. He didn't acknowledge Yahweh, and he wouldn't let the people go. more

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