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Sermons on Exodus 2:10:

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  • Biblical Mothers With The Character Of Christ

    Contributed by Jeff Budzinski on May 20, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    HAPPY MOTHER”S DAY! (Have all the Mother’s Stand). This morning I want to talk to you about (3) Godly women of the Bible. They were women that listen and cried out to God. All three women birthed boys that turned into powerful living examples for God.

    Introduction · HAPPY MOTHER”S DAY! (Have all the Mother’s Stand). · This morning I want to talk to you about (3) Godly women of the Bible. They were women that listen and cried out to God. · All three women birthed boys that turned into powerful living examples for God. They were loving more

  • God's Sovereign Hand Of Purpose Series

    Contributed by Jeff Simms on Oct 31, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    To examine how God works in the life of Moses to bring about His Sovereign purposes.

    SBC Philippi 10/24/04 Sunday morning God’s Sovereign Hand of Purpose Exodus 2:1-14 Primary Purpose: To examine how God works in the life of Moses and brings about His Sovereign purposes. Today we are looking at what could be described as one of the darkest times in Jewish history. The story more

  • Moses And The Ark

    Contributed by Marc Bertrand on Nov 5, 2004
    based on 34 ratings

    Through the action of faith Moses mom prepared the future deliverer of Israel for his task. By faith she protected him; surrendered him; and trained him. Mother’s Day.

    Today is Mother’s Day and I wanted to begin our service with a few significant questions to test your knowledge about Mothers. First, how many people here have had a mother? Good, just checking to make sure you’re arms all work. Does anyone know who was considered the greatest prophet in the Old more

  • Getting Paid To Raise Your Own Child

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on May 5, 2005
    based on 350 ratings

    Some good Mother’s Day funnies lead into this study of Jochebed, mother of Moses...who was paid to raise her own child. Link to Formatted text and Powerpoint included.

    Getting Paid to Raise Your Own Child Exodus 2:1-10 and Hebrews 11:23-28 Link at bottom: What My Mother Taught Me My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE: "If you’re going to kill each other, do it outside - I just finished cleaning!" My mother taught me RELIGION: more

  • Desperate Mothers

    Contributed by John Tung on May 7, 2005
    based on 47 ratings

    Like Desperate Housewives, many mothers today are desperate mothers.

    DESPERATE MOTHERS Gen. 4:1-8, Ex. 2:1-10, 1 Sam. 1:1-11 John Tung, 5-8-05 I. Introduction Happy Mothers’ Day to all the moms here. It is a special day for you. It is your day to be loved and appreciated in a special way. There is no doubt moms do a lot for their families. Everybody’s mom does more

  • Growth Is Not An Option

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Sep 24, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    This sermon is about God’s expectation that all believers will grow in Christ.

    Growth Is Not An Option GNLCC Exodus 2:1-14 Ephesians 4:11-16 Hebrews 11:24-27 Come go with me on a trip for a moment on a pastoral visit to Louise’s house.. What would you think if I told you that when I went to Louise’s house I had a chance to meet her son for the first time. The fellow more

  • Amram & Jochebed: Bringing Up Godly Children Series

    Contributed by Thomas Cash on Jan 18, 2005
    based on 27 ratings

    In some circumstances, raising children can become a conflict-ridden roller coaster ride. Although we don’t know much about them, Moses’ parents did something right! (Based on a book by Bob Russell)

    Sermon Notes Amram & Jochebed: Bringing up Godly Children Exodus 2 (Fifth in the series Marriage by the Book) Introduction: Which of these two statements are true? “Children are a great blessing to marriage.” “Children put a great deal of pressure on marriage.” Of course, both are true. Kids more

  • A Love That Keeps Series

    Contributed by David Phaneuf on Jul 28, 2003
    based on 145 ratings

    There are times in each of our lives when it seems God has all but forgotten us. The story of Moses in the bulrushes is a reminder that God does not forget us, but continues to work for us in ways we may not always imagine.

    A GREAT STORY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT: THE LOVE THAT KEEPS (Moses in the Bulrushes) EXODUS 2:1-10 A mother was putting her little four-year-old daughter to bed for the night. The child was afraid of the dark, and the mother, on this particular occasion, with her husband away, was fearful also. When more

  • "Drawn Out”

    Contributed by Johnny Carver on May 8, 2004
    based on 40 ratings

    The unique parallel between Moses and Jesus as delvierers for their people and the unusual situations that brought things about.

    Scripture: Exodus 2:1 – 10 Title: “Drawn Out” Introduction: The parents of Moses were from the tribe of Levi, slaves and members of a hated race of people. To them (Moses’ parents) was a son born who was to be the “deliverer” of a people, and from which was to come the Savior of the world. Moses more

  • You Are No Accident Series

    Contributed by Paul Decker on Feb 10, 2008
    based on 9 ratings

    Realize your significance in God’s story.

    YOU ARE NO ACCIDENT Exodus 2.1-25 S: God’s Plan C: Following God’s Call Th: Movin’ On Up! Pr: REALIZE YOUR SIGNIFICANCE IN GOD’S STORY. Type: Inductive I. DELIVERED II. PREPARED III. FIRED IV. HUMBLED PA: How is the change to be observed? • Realize that you are an unfinished work • Don’t take more

  • El Ejemplo De Una Madre Series

    Contributed by Jose Vega on Dec 11, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    La Biblia nos da ejemplos dignos de imitar

    Tema: Día de la Madre Lugar: IBD Texto: Varios Fecha: 05-14-06 Título: El ejemplo de una madre. • Aquí tengo una lista de cosas que dijeron las madres de algunos personajes bíblicos. o Sanson! Sacá tu mano de la boca del león, quién sabe dónde habrá estado. o David! Te dije que no jugaras more

  • Deserving Honor- Mothers

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Jul 13, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Mother’s play a significant role in depositing a sense of the eternal in the lives of their children.

    Speak to Mothers- re-envision/reinforce their role. The role of a mother reaches beyond the home. Mothers must recognize the profound power they have in molding human souls, not only for the difference they will make in this life, but also to prepare them for eternity. Pastor Doug Batchelor Clear more

  • Jochebed Series

    Contributed by Neil Partington on Jul 31, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    Mom have to make some difficult decisions. Jochebed was one of those women. In the end, it was her faith that helped her through.

    The second grade teacher had been giving a lesson on science. She had explained about magnets and showed how they would pick up nails and other bits of iron. Now it was question time, and she asked, “My name begins with the letter M and I pick up things. What am I? Billy, a little boy on the more

  • Family Faith Series

    Contributed by Jake Kircher on Dec 28, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    We need to be the Body of Christ

    Object Lesson – Whirlpool in the Sanctuary. Have all the youth run a circle and then pick the smallest youth and have him or her run in the opposite direction. I think this is the same way that we, as Christians, find our selves feeling towards the world and culture around us. As we read God’s more

  • Thank You Mom

    Contributed by Jose R. Hernandez on Jul 10, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Today is the day when everyone in this country celebrates this special date by recognizing the crucial role that all mothers play.

    Today is the day that has been designated in this country as mother’s day. Today is the day when everyone in this country celebrates this special date by recognizing the crucial role that all mothers play. In reality the role that mothers plays is very frequently underestimated or not more

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