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Sermons on Exodo 32:28:

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  • Cow Tippin Sexual Immorality Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Nov 26, 2017

    The Golden cow of sexual immorality is a big fat cow getting bigger by the day as it enslaves people into it’s dark world of shame and bondage. It’s a sin that the apostle Paul says we need to run from!

    Series: Cow Tipping! Thesis: Cow tipping has to do with tipping over and destroying idols in our life that usurp God. They come in many forms and shapes. Sermon 1: We have looked at the golden cow of the love of money, materialism and prosperity at any cost. Sermon 2: We have looked at the golden more

  • Opportunity Knocks In Chaos…exodus 32: 25-28

    Contributed by Eddie Young on Aug 24, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Blessing from God will come to you if you stay faithful

    We begin with two men and at this time in their lives they are pastoring a people known as the Israelites. Moses is the leader of the flock and Aaron, his associate Pastor; and his older brother. Moses has just been in intersession with God for Israel and he can’t figure out why God is upset with more

  • Actions By Emotions?? Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Dec 10, 2018

    We are to live by faith, not by emotions!

    Let’s continue our worship of our God by again learning from Exodus 32; please open your Bibles there…. Read along with me Exodus 32:17-35…. Moses was called by God to go up the mountain for 40 days and nights with God. Joshua was called to be at the mountain, but not all the way up with Moses. more

  • Dont Worship The Cow Dude!

    Contributed by Rev. Robert Strickland on Aug 7, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Yield to the Holy Spirit…not peer pressure

    If your friends were worshipping a golden cow, would you? Exodus 32:1 Fear causes us to bow to peer pressure, but what are we afraid of? • Not being cool? • Not being happy? • Losing your friends? Because they didn’t ‘feel’ God, they looked for an more

  • Losing The Presence Of God Lesson 20

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Mar 28, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Ten ways to keep from losing God's presence

    A. CAUSES – EXODUS 32:1ff 1. People were not led by a man of God (shepherd). “Moses delayed coming down” (v. 1). 2. People looked with eyes of sight, not eyes of faith. “The people saw” (v. 1). 3. People sought comfort and guidance from other sources not from God. more

  • Pressure Proves... Series

    Contributed by Selvan John on Jun 6, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Pressures of life is the factor that would prove whether we stand firm for God or compromise.

    Pressure Proves… Greetings in Jesus name! This morning I want to share something important and very relevant and that every one of us go through every day and that is PRESSURE. Our lives are full of pressure – pressure from work, pressure from family, pressure from friends, pressure from children, more

  • The Sound Of Compromise Series

    Contributed by Rodney Burton on Jan 29, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    While Moses was on the mountain with God, the camp of Israel compromised by worshiping a golden calf. We get into compromise by creating a god in our own image.

    Background n God had brought the children of Israel out of Egyptian slavery and bondage and across the Red Sea. Now they were camped at Mount Sinai, and God had called Moses up to the top of the mountain to deliver His law to him for the people. n While the people were waiting for Moses’ return, more

  • Where Are The Visionaries?

    Contributed by Raymond Williams on Feb 20, 2021

    The vision carried out in modern preaching of today, is not so much a stimulation but to act as a restraining force to stem the tide of wickedness and destruction.

    The majority of the sermons of Rev. Raymond Williams comes from the sermon notes he preached from and are not always fluid. Where is the Visionaries Today? Proverbs 29:7-18; Text verse 18: Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. Another more

  • Moses Standing In The Breach

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jun 12, 2014

    We look at the reality of Hedges, the crucial need for intercessors, the five things that hindered Moses' intercession, and the five arguments he used to prevail with God.

    MOSES STANDING IN THE BREACH Exodus 32:7-14, 32. INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. Bill’s girlfriend, Karen, got a job at a local hardware store. Karen told Bill, "The owners don't want us hanging out with our friends. If you stop by, tell them you're my brother." 2. On Bill’s first visit, he more

  • Set Apart For The Lord

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Jul 21, 2014

    Moses demonstrates what it means to be set apart for the Lord. We not only are stand apart from sin, we are also to call others to stay away from sin.

    Does June 11 seem like a distant memory? It was only 40 days ago, but it probably seems like a lifetime for this congregation. On June 11 we had just started to lay tile in the sanctuary. On that same day one contractor stood among the construction chaos and said, “You want to be open by June more

  • Idols

    Contributed by Je Layugan on Oct 17, 2023

    Everyone is a fan of something or someone, but we must exercise caution and be mindful of the dangers of idolatry. Because a simple admiration or desire can turn into idolatry. Idolatry is often a good thing that becomes a god thing. That will eventually create a barrier between us and God.

    To become a fan is generally fine. “Everyone is a fan of something or someone, but we must exercise caution and be mindful of the dangers of idolatry. Because a simple admiration or desire can turn into idolatry. Idolatry is often a good thing that becomes a "god thing". That will more

  • Punishment Pays For Sin (Exodus 32:15-35, Isaiah 53:1-6) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Feb 10, 2023

    Sometimes, God is unwilling to "carry" sin; it has to be paid for through punishment. This idea, supported by Isaiah 40, unlocks the Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53. Jesus atoned, by taking the punishment of our sin.

    Let's start today by rereading last week's passage Exodus 32:1-14: (1) and the people saw that Moses was delayed in coming down from the mountain, and the people gathered/assembled before Aaron, and they said to him, "Rise up. Make for us elohim who shall walk/go before more

  • Exodus 32:1-35 - Leadership Challenges And Failures

    Contributed by Carl Willis on Apr 18, 2024

    Moses is taking too long and the people are grumbling. Aaron has a choice to make and instead of standing strong he chooses the path of compromise.

    We are jumping back into Exodus, so we want to recap a little bit. Exodus is the story of the people of Israel being delivered from captivity by God Himself, using Moses as His leader. Today, we're going to be in Chapter 32, where we'll study two lessons in leadership with Moses and Aaron. more

  • The Golden Calf Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on May 16, 2022

    How did Israel get so misguided? How could it happen? God just rescued them from slavery. The very first thing the people do is make an image and worship the image. The worship of the golden calf is tragic. Could anything be more tragic?

    Why worship an object when the living God offers a relationship? There is no good reason. It was so misguided for the Israelites to form the golden calf image and worship it. So tragic for this to happen. What we hope to gain from this passage is that we will seek the true God Almighty with all our more

  • Recovering From Sin Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Sep 6, 2024

    When you sin, own your own sin, confess your sin, commit to serving God again, and continue in the salvation He has provided in Christ.

    Several years ago, Alice Pike tried to use a fake $1 million dollar bill to shop at Walmart. She went to the register with $1,675 worth of stuff and expected change. Pike told police she got it from her estranged husband, who is a coin collector. They arrested her anyway on first degree forgery more

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