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  • 3 Million Steps Forward, 2 Steps Back Series

    Contributed by Byron Harvey on Feb 5, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Second in a six-part series on the life of faith as seen in the person of Abraham

    When we left him last week, he had stepped out in great faith and was on the move, going at the behest of God to a place known only to God. He had marched what must have seemed like 3 million steps. What courageous faith! What derring-do! He built two separate altars, one at Shechem and one at more

  • The 1 Essential Thing Series

    Contributed by Byron Harvey on Feb 5, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Third in a six-part series on the life of faith as seen in the person of Abraham

    We have questions. God has answers. It is what we do with the answers God gives that makes the difference in our lives. Genesis 15 is effectively one extended, spirited conversation between God and Abram, punctuated by one crucial conclusion that forms one of the lynchpins of Bible theology when more

  • What's In A Name? Series

    Contributed by Byron Harvey on Feb 5, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    Fourth in a six-part series on the life of faith as seen in the person of Abraham

    Shortcuts to God’s will are not worth taking. In chapter 16, we read that Abram and Sarai decided that enough was enough; perhaps God meant that Abram would have a son by another woman, since Sarai was barren, and so she gave her maiden Hagar to Abram. Hagar conceived and bore Ishmael to Abram; more

  • Laughing With God Series

    Contributed by Byron Harvey on Feb 5, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Fifth in a six-part series on the life of faith as seen in the person of Abraham

    Cross a pessimist with a comedian and you get Woody Allen. His brand of off-beat, self-deprecating, hang-dog humor can be sometimes insightful, sometimes depressing, but usually, pretty funny. A sampling of his best one-liners: “I was thrown out of college for cheating on the metaphysics exam: I more

  • Worst-Case Scenario Series

    Contributed by Byron Harvey on Feb 5, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    Sixth in a six-part series on the life of faith as seen in the person of Abraham

    Go to the website, and you’ll find out what to do in the event you find yourself in a real-life, worst-case scenario. For example, there are complete instructions for such things as How to jump from a building into a dumpster How to survive if your parachute fails to more

  • "Jephthah: Rebel With A Clause"

    Contributed by Clark Tanner on Feb 21, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    Jepthah was a man in need of grace, and God had it to give in abundance.

    Have you ever met someone who has to have everything in writing? I mean, not necessarily in a literal sense; just someone who is so afraid of being cheated, ‘burned’ in the modern vernacular, that they want assurances and promises from others before they will take any requested action or partner more

  • Totally Sold Out For God

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Feb 24, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    The only way to be what God wants you to be is to be totally sold out for Him.

    I find myself often asking questions about my faith. Not that I ever question being a Christian, but I question my own commitment and resolution to being in that continual state of growth that we know is sanctification. Have you ever been there? And part of me says that I should never admit to more

  • Overlooked

    Contributed by Shane Brooks on Feb 28, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    Sometimes the world doesn’t know where or who you are...God always does.

    1 Samuel 16:1-13 INTRO..overlooked..unappreciated..when is my time gonna come 1. God Picks from the Back of the Line- VS 7 We live in a world so overrun with pretty people Jesse is asked to bring ALL HIS SONS Doesn’t even INVITE DAVID Some say David wasn’t invited...ILLEGITIMATE Psalm 51:5 more

  • I Still Believe In The Good Way

    Contributed by Jerry Stepp on Nov 24, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Believing in the foundations of truth

    I STILL BELIEVE IN THE GOOD WAY JEREMIAH 6:16-17 KJV INTRODUCTION In this day and age in which we live in, people everywhere are looking for some other way to…..get around there taxes, paying there tithes, speaking the truth in love, being honest, being pure, and many others. The Bible separates more

  • Moses Vs. Pharaoh Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Mcleod on Dec 3, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    God’s way isn’t always the easy way, but it’s always the best way.

    [If you would like to receive free weekly sermons by email, please contact] For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and out a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV). Fear is the opposite of faith. 24By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be more

  • The Great Adventure

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Dec 29, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    In the great adventure, God does not promise us that there will not be problems along the way, but He does promise to be with every step.

    The Great Adventure Text: Matt. 2:13-23 Introduction 1. Illustration: The following ad once appeared in a London newspaper: "Men wanted for hazardous journey. Small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful." The ad was signed by Sir Ernest more

  • Watching The Walls Fall Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Jan 14, 2007
    based on 17 ratings

    The walls fall only after the will falls.

    Watching the Walls Fall Joshua 5-6 Rev. Brian Bill 1/14/07 [Video Drama: “The Speculators”] There’s a big difference between just thinking about something and actually doing it. As we learned last week from the opening chapters of Joshua, God called His people to take the first step if they ever more

  • Faith Series

    Contributed by Lito Sacatropiz on Jan 14, 2007
    based on 4 ratings


    Text: Matthew 14:25-33 Subject: Faith Theme: Walk by Faith Introduction: Proposition: How to maintain our Faith? Transitional Sentence: We can maintain our Faith by acting the four Principles from the below enlisted in… I. We must Trust Jesus (v. 25-28) A. Trust means reliance on other -Assumed more

  • Faithfulness Series

    Contributed by Lito Sacatropiz on Jan 14, 2007
    based on 5 ratings


    Text: Jude v. 20 Subject: Faithfulness Theme: Build yourself up Proposition: Believers must be a defender of truth and propagate the faith and resist false teaching. Transitional sentence: We can be a defender of truth and propagate our faith and resist false teaching in four ways enlisted in…. more

  • Three Simple Truths About Biblical Faith

    Contributed by Jimmy Chapman on Jan 19, 2007
    based on 13 ratings

    simple truths on faith from Abraham’s life

    Three simple truths about Biblical Faith I. Faith Requires a Promise from God (Romans 4:20a). II. Faith Rests in the Power of God (Romans 4:21). God’s ability is the foundation of faith’s stability. III. Faith Results in Praise To God (Romans 4:20b) more

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