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  • No Other Gospel Series

    Contributed by Todd Pugh on Jan 15, 2008

    3 0f 13 sermons from Galatians, dealing with the exclusivity of the Gospel of Jesus to all other forms of "salvation", particularly Free Masonry.

    No other gospel Galatians Series / Part 4 / Sunday August 20th, 2006 Intro: A few weeks ago we took a family vacation out to the Raystown area; a few of us toured the Lincoln Caverns. The guide took us down 120 feet into the earth and turned out all the lights. It was intense darkness. You more

  • The Virgin Birth Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Dec 14, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Sermon regarding the textual evidence and the theological significance of the virgin birth of Christ

    Text: Matthew 1:18-25, Title: The Virgin Birth, Date/Place: NRBC, 12/13/09, AM A. Opening illustration: A group of Bible scholars have unanimously agreed that Jesus had a human father, but they are uncertain who it was. Thus, according to these scholars, Jesus was not born of a virgin, was not more

  • Lessons I Learned From Abraham Lincoln

    Contributed by Tim Richards on Jul 3, 2005
    based on 20 ratings

    A July 4th sermon about spiritual lessons I learned from an in depth study of Abraham Lincoln.

    Introduction: 1. This morning as I begin my sermon on the lessons I learned from Abraham Lincoln I want to share a series of 5 questions about former presidents. They may or may not be about Abraham Lincoln. I will tell you that at least one of them will have Abraham Lincoln as the correct answer. more

  • Like A Rock

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Sep 29, 2007

    Todays call to worship is all about building our lives on the rock of our salvation. That rock is Jesus Christ. He is described for us as the Corner Stone. We are also described as Living Stones built on Him.

    Like A Rock Last week I introduced a new construction project to you. The project was entitled Lets Build a Church. As I outlined that project I finished by listing seven things that we could do that would help build our church. This week I would like to expand on one of those seven points. Id more

  • Clear Thinking About New Life

    Contributed by Dave Martin on Jan 10, 2005
    based on 15 ratings

    Have you ever felt like you sinned too many times or have so messed up your life, God abandoned you? ... You feel like you will never be close to God again...

    Pastor Dave Martin Cross Creek Community Church ~ Nov 14, 2004 “Clear Thinking... About New Life” – Part 5 In an average lifetime, the average American spends: • 3 years in business meetings • 13 years watching TV • $89,281 on food • Consumes 109,354 pounds of food • Makes 1811 trips to more

  • Who Can Stand?

    Contributed by Ken Pell on Aug 30, 2010
    based on 2 ratings

    God’s judgment should give hope to the saint and motivation to repent to the sinner.

    WHO CAN STAND? Rev. 6:12 – 7:12 Sermon Objective: God’s judgment should give hope to the saint and motivation to repent to the sinner. Supporting Scripture: Psalm 46; Psalm 91:9-10; Mark 13:24-25, Romans 8:28-39 INTRO Oh! Excuse me everyone. I was so busy reading this morning’s more

  • Almight's Attested Assurances Accomplish Anointed Allegiance Series

    Contributed by Mack Armstrong on Sep 28, 2007

    The Jewish people had a set way of worshipping God, but there was no inner personal presence of God until the fulfilmment of the Better Promise came and made His entry into the heart of the redeemed one.

    HEBREWS 8:6-13 ALMIGHTY’S ATTESTED ASSURANCES ACCOMPLISH ANOINTED ALLEGIANCE I. THE ASSEMBLING: A. Adoration. B. Accessibility. C. Accountability. II. THE ACCEPTANCE: A. Affirmation. B. Affinity. C. Acquirement. III. THE ATONEMENT: A. Advocate. B. Anticipation. C. Arrangement. more

  • Division And Unity

    Contributed by James May on Nov 13, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    I do not believe that God is pleased with the divisions within the Body of Christ that cripple our witness. Where do we draw the line on division and acceptance with one another?

    DIVISION AND UNITY By Pastor Jim May We live in an age when there are great divisions within the church. I have no doubt that I am considered too liberal by some standards, but then there are others, even more liberal than I, who consider me to be too strict and legalistic. Where do we draw the more

  • You've Got Mail! Series

    Contributed by Mark Opperman on Jan 21, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    God has an instant message of love that He wants to send to everyone.

    You’ve Got Mail! Acts 10:23-48 Intro: Most people like to check the mail. It is especially nice when you receive a personal letter from a friend, sharing things that only friends would share. There are always important bills and other business-related things that we need to keep track of. Then more

  • A Brilliant Workout Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Apr 9, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Seventh in the Philippians Series dealing with working out our own salvation.

    "A Brilliant Workout” REVIEW Paul’s letter to the Jesus followers living in a Greek city called Philippi contains the necessary ingredients of a life of “Maintaining the Joy of the Lord No Matter What”. The first ingredient is found in the first chapter where Paul calls us to Adopt the Right axis more

  • Too Proud To Duck

    Contributed by James May on May 11, 2005
    based on 24 ratings

    Pride was Naaman’s sin that had to be overcome before he could be healed. All mankind has to learn to Duck - not in Jordan, but in the Blood of Jesus to be healed of the "leprosy of sin".

    Too Proud to Duck by Pastor Jim May The story is told of two ducks and a frog that lived together in a farm pond. They were best of friends. All day long you could watch them amuse themselves and play together in their pond. When the hot summer days came, however, the pond began to dry up, and more

  • The Gospel & Who We Are Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Aug 23, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    The Gospel is not about 1) Pleasing People; 2) A Human Centered Message; 3) A Human Devised Message, but a 4) Christ Centered Message.

    Now that the Olympics are wrapping up in Beijing, one of the strangest events took place. International Olympic Commission President Jacques Rogge said that Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt was disrespectful to his rivals. He saw it as a disrespectful display of Ego as Usain won gold in the men’s more

  • From Living Dead To Truly Alive Series

    Contributed by Steven Chapman on Apr 2, 2007
    based on 3 ratings

    ... follow along as we step through this text together you will learn that moving from the living dead to being truly alive gives you reason to “LIVE out LOUD”.

    From Living Dead to Truly Alive Ephesians 2:1-10 Today’s text is perhaps the single greatest explanation of how we arrive at a “LIVE out LOUD” Christianity in the Bible. Paul explores the radical transformation we experience because of God’s resurrection salvation – from death to life. Today, I more

  • How To Change For Good

    Contributed by Greg Laurie on Nov 29, 2006
    based on 94 ratings

    I suggest we don’t always know as much as we think we do. And sometimes we miss the obvious. Here in John 3, Jesus reveals something that that is an ESSENTIAL truth of life. So much so, that to miss it is to MISS EVERYTHING. If you don’t get this one rig

    “How to Change for Good” John 3. There are certain things we ALL KNOW in life. You don’t Tug on Superman’s cape. You don’t Spit into the wind. You don’t tug on the mask of the old Lone Ranger AND? I suggest we don’t always know as much as we think we do. And sometimes we miss the obvious. Here more

  • Acquittal Through Faith In Christ

    Contributed by Charles Salmon on May 27, 2002
    based on 18 ratings

    The content, source, and evidence of faith that brings acquittal from guilt of sin.

    Acquittal Through Faith In Christ Rom. 5:1 INTRO.: One word used in the New Testament to describe our salvation is "justification." This is a word borrowed from the court room. It has the meaning of being acquitted from guilt for a crime. In our American system of jurisprudence, a person may be more

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