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  • A Series Of Coincidental Events Series

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Dec 25, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Esther, Pt. 6

    A SERIES OF COINCIDENTAL EVENTS (ESTHER 6) Somerset Maugham, the English writer, once wrote a story about a janitor at St. Peter’s Church in London. One day a young vicar discovered that the janitor was illiterate and fired him. Jobless, the man invested his meager savings in a tiny shop, where he more

  • The Event That Changed The World

    Contributed by William Fallert on Mar 10, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus and Peter walk on water. You have heard numerous sermons on this event. Is there more to be learned?

    The event that changed the world. Mathew 14:22-33 How many times over the years have you heard a sermon about Jesus and Peter walking on the water? 2-3-4-More? You would think by now that I would have learned all that I could have learned about this. But is just not the case. I was more

  • The Four Coming Events

    Contributed by Jeff Van Wyk on Mar 16, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    We are living in the last days and Jesus is coming soon. Prophetically, there are four events that will occur in sequence and the countdown will begin with the first event which we are about to see take place.

    The Four Coming Events We are living in the last days and Jesus is coming soon. Prophetically, there are four events that will occur in sequence and the countdown will begin with the first event which we are about to see take place. Event 1 – The perfection of the church We really need to more

  • A Series Of Providential Events Series

    Contributed by Peter Loughman on Apr 24, 2009
    based on 17 ratings

    Is the hand of God with you during good times, or maybe, God has brought you to terrible times as well. Why would the hand of God leave us in difficult times?

    The right place at the right time. Coincidence? Happenstance? Good fortune? The wrong place at the wrong time. Bad luck? Fate? Accidental? When an amazing and wonderful thing happens in our life we say that the hand of God was certainly with us….does that mean that when something bad happens in more

  • Game Changing Events Series

    Contributed by Chris Mccarthy on Nov 15, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    This series is designed to change the way the Church perceives and influences this broken world.

    Game Changer Series Game Changing Events November 14, 2010 VIDEO: MARCUS DUPREE One tackle changed everything. Many would say Marcus missed his calling. What about you? Perhaps you’ve been so busy pursuing a career that you’ve missed your calling. Moses’ career was tending more

  • The Major Events At The Cross Series

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Sep 20, 2011

    We are going to divide this passage into 8 events to get a better understanding of what is happening. This is not an unfamiliar story to most Christians but maybe we can learn yet a little more about it.

    The most significant event in history is the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. We are saved by His death. Because He died, we live. But there IS a condition. We have to believe, and it’s the necessity for belief that John stressed throughout his gospel. He was an eyewitness of the crucifixion, and more

  • An Eventful Night In Bethany Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Sep 19, 2018

    A Jesus entered the home of Simon the Leper, many were there. Some out of curiosity; some came to see the spectacle; one, in particular, came to worship.

    An Eventful Night in Bethany Mark 14: 1-11 Today we begin a journey through a very eventful and emotional chapter in Mark’s gospel. The events recorded cover a span of just over twenty-four hours. At the conclusion of the chapter, we will find Jesus accused and condemned of the Sanhedrin in the more

  • Through The Events Of Life

    Contributed by Pablo Catala on Jan 6, 2022

    Joseph and the trials that formed him

    We don't seek to escape this life by dreaming of heaven. But we do find we can endure this life because of the certainty of heaven. Heaven is eternal. Earth is temporal. Those who fix all their affections of the fleeting things of this world are the real escapists, because they are vainly more

  • The Major Events At The Cross Series

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Nov 27, 2024

    John was an eyewitness of the crucifixion, and he closed his account of the crucifixion by saying “the man who saw it has given testimony, and his testimony is true…that you also may believe.”

    The most significant event in history is the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. We are saved by His death. Because He died, we live. But there IS a condition. We have to believe, and it’s the necessity for belief that John stressed throughout his gospel. He was an eyewitness of the crucifixion, and more

  • A Donkey And A Horse

    Contributed by Monte Brown on Jan 24, 2015

    With what is happening in our world today and everything seems to be pointing to the soon coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus

    A Donkey and a Horse some notes from Kenneth Trent pastor of Second Baptist, Channelview, Texas Prelude . With what is happening in our world today and everything seems to be pointing to the soon coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus. It would be good to focus on this day, Palm Sunday the day more

  • What In The World Is Going On?

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Apr 10, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Three events that have happened from Feb 2013-April 2013 1. World Beginning To Unit to a Sp. Leader 2. Israel's Promise Land Eroding 3. WWIII Threat 4. Sp. Decay

    2 Thessalonians 2:9–12 (AV) 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this more

  • Following For Life

    Contributed by David Flowers on Jan 31, 2010

    In this standalone sermon, Dave discusses what it means to follow Jesus for life.

    Following for Life August 2, 2009 David Flowers Hey, good morning everybody. Welcome to our first Sunday service in 69 weeks. I mean, if you don't count last week. Are you all awake this morning? We've just come off a 10 week series on spiritual formation, and really the sermon I preached at more

  • #3~ Revelation~ Still To Come Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Jul 4, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    God has a set time for each and every happening, we that are saved would like for the rapture to take place today, I believe He'll call His Church away when the last soul is saved that makes up His Church, He knows the exact number to fill His Church.

    #3~ REVELATION~ STILL TO COME 7-6-13 Today we'll continue talking about things that are still on Gods Prophetic calendar, things that He has told us that are going to come to pass, He has a set time for each and every happening, we that more

  • Everything Seems To Be Unraveling

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Apr 4, 2011

    Wherever we turn the world seems to be in chaos. The time of the Lord's return is very near

    - March 11, 2011 -- The National Inflation Association (NIA) - Statement “U.S. Dollar Collapse Could Occur at Any Time” - China, Russia, India, Brazil & others calling for one world currency - Gold is climbing up over $1400 an ounce. - Oil continues to rise – Approaching all more

  • Pieces Of The Puzzle Are On The Table Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Oct 21, 2016

    Examining verses predicting each future event in sequence of its fulfillment.

    THE PIECES OF THE PUZZLE ARE ON THE TABLE Part 1 PURPOSE: To examine the verses predicting each future event in sequence of its fulfillment. I. INTRODUCTION: AN ANALYSIS OF EVENTS INFLUENCING PROPHECY. A. WHAT PIECES ARE ON THE TABLE? 1. The Berlin Wall fell on more