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  • Influence Series

    Contributed by Russ Barksdale on Jul 22, 2015

    A life surrendered to Jesus is a life that influences for Jesus

    August 25 Influence Acts 3:1-10 A life that is surrendered to Jesus is a life that makes an impact for Jesus. Making an impakt for Jesus is: 1. As you go v.1 “where I live, work, and play.” 2. As you look for needs. vv.2-4 Most people are filled with fear and despair. 3. more

  • Influence With Outsiders Series

    Contributed by David Zetterberg on Feb 6, 2012

    We as Christians are at our best when we are personally growing in our intimacy with God, community with insiders, and influence with outsiders. (Special thanks to North Point Community Church for the 3 Vital Relationships concept.)

    Three Vital Relationships: Influence with Outsiders We are wrapping up our Three Vital Relationships series this morning. We have talked about the importance of our relationship with God and our relationship with those who are a part of our church family. This morning I want to talk about the more

  • Influence With Outsiders Series

    Contributed by Ryan Akers on Sep 11, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Where are the Christians who would stand out in a crowd? The church seems to conform and be idle in sharing the gospel. But Christ call is still alive for us today.

    Stand Out- Part 1 Influence with Outsiders Pastor Ryan Akers Matthew 3:1-12 What have you ever done to stand out in a crowd? Life pushes conformity, we are crying to make an impression on this world. We want to because deep down we know there is something more than what we have right now. The more

  • Innovative Influencer Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Nov 11, 2014

    Don't limit God to one place and to one plan if you want to continue to reach people with the good news of Jesus Christ.

    Two moose hunters in northern Canada shot an unusually large moose. It was a real trophy animal, but there was only one problem. The moose was too big for their packhorses to carry out of the woods. That didn’t bother the hunters, though. They just used their cell phone to call in a tiny more

  • People That Influence Their World

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Apr 30, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Witness, influence, evangelism and service

    PEOPLE THAT INFLUENCE THIS WORLD Matt 5:13-16 (page 683) May 30, 2010 INTRODUCTION: I came into my office Monday, went to check out my email and under the headings that scroll by was… "Believe it or not, celebrities are fat and zitty like the rest of us." Well since I'm more

  • The Influence Of One Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Apr 13, 2010
    based on 44 ratings

    Christians are to be the salt of the earth. 1. Salt is essential for LIFE 2. Has MEDICINAL properties 3. Is a PRESERVATIVE 4. Was used to promote HEALTH 5. Can kill WEEDS 6. Has the power to MELT ICE 7. Promotes THIRST

    The Influence Of One Have you ever wondered how much influence one person can have? A guard standing on a city wall can sound an alarm and wake a whole city to respond to what otherwise would be certain destruction. One good man may be the means of safety for thousands. A little influence can more

  • The Spreading Tree Of Influence

    Contributed by John Gaines on Jun 2, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Every Christian is either a first-generation Christian or on who has a family history of some faith and dedication to the Lord. Both are valuable assets to the church when used properly.

    INTRODUCTION I. FIRST GENERATION CHRISTIANS A. How many of you are ‘first generation Christians’? By that term, I mean people who do not have parents or close family members who were members of the church of Christ who taught or influenced you to obey the gospel. You studied the Bible for more

  • Attitudinal Influence Series

    Contributed by Mark Opperman on Feb 8, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Our attitude determines our altitude as we seek to follow Jesus. Let’s look at Paul’s example so we can learn to respond in love to fellow believers, to those who don’t yet believe, and so we can evaluate our own attitude towards the gospel - the message

    Attitudinal Influence Romans 1:8-17 Intro: Sometimes it’s easy to get so caught up in our own concerns and defending our own ideas sometimes that we don’t see the bigger picture of how our attitudes and actions might be affecting those around us. That could have been going on in the more

  • The Power Of Influence

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Oct 6, 2011
    based on 11 ratings

    God can use our influence for His kingdom and His glory

    The Power of Influence Matthew 5:13-16 August 28, 2011 Morning Service Dr. John Geddie went to Aneityum, (Anatom) an island in Vanuatu in 1848 and worked there for God for 24 years. On the tablet erected to his memory these words are inscribed: When he landed, in 1848, there were no Christians. more

  • Influencing Others Exemplified By Daniel

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Apr 9, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    What makes a person influential? What caused Daniel to be such a powerful influence all the days of his life?

    Influencing Others Exemplified By Daniel Daniel 1:8-21[1] 8-14-05 Intro “You are the salt of earth.” “You are the light of the world.” That’s Jesus’ description of his followers in Matthew 5. Both metaphors are about influence. In that culture salt was primarily used to preserve meat—to keep more

  • Influence Is .......

    Contributed by Horace Wimpey on Sep 8, 2011
    based on 6 ratings

    Jesus calls us to be an influence in this world through a comparison to salt in the sermon on the mount.

    INFLUENCE IS….. Matthew 5:13 Intro. I heard of a minister who was making a wooden trellis to support a climbing vine. As he was pounding away, he noticed that a little boy was watching him. The youngster didn’t say a word, so the preacher kept on working, thinking the lad would leave. But he more

  • Influencing People Through Holy Living

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Nov 24, 2008

    Our witness and our testimony is the greatest gift of evangelism. How we present Christ is how the unchurch will see Christ.

    Influencing people through Holy living Colossians 4:1-6 Introduction- This morning we will be looking at Colossians 4:1-6. The book sits between Philippians and 1 Thessalonians. If I had to sum up the book in a few words, I would say the supremacy of Christ more

  • Be Influencers

    Contributed by David Taylor on Oct 7, 2004
    based on 9 ratings

    What it means to be salt and light

    Sermon on Mount Being a People of Influence In the SOM, Jesus’ aim was to create a lifestyle in his followers that would make people think about the value of God, or to glorify God. Jesus goes from talking about persecution to being salt and light that is being an influence in the world around more

  • Influence

    Contributed by Jay Mcphearson on Oct 28, 2003
    based on 46 ratings

    We are to change the world we live in.

    Intro: (Start with Blank) A lady was getting on a bus for her early morning commute. She had her small baby in her arms. She walks up the steps and the bus driver looked at the baby and said – mam – that is the UGLIGIEST baby I have ever seen. It made her mad. She slowly walked to the back of more

  • Influence

    Contributed by Danny Nance on Mar 21, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    A message focusing on the Christian’s call to influence his/her world.

    Influence Matt. 5:13-16 It is told that once during the Civil War, a detachment of General Sheridan’s men, caught in a tight corner, broke and fled and galloped away for their lives; and just then Sheridan himself came riding up. Taking in the situation at a glance, he rose in his stirrups, waved more

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