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  • What Is Happiness, Really? Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jun 4, 2021

    Happiness does not come from anything this-worldly. If you restrict happiness and joy to material things, you are doomed to disappointment.

    Happiness Is . . . When I was in my teens, it was still legal to advertise cigarettes on television, so we were often overwhelmed with those kinds of commercials. I think the one that was most offensive was the one that used a popular jingle to say “Happiness is the taste of” a particular cancer more

  • "Christmas Is For-Giving”

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Dec 8, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    We need to forgive for our own health and wellbeing. Like thanksgiving, forgiveness is one of the healthiest things we can do. Medical science has found that unforgiveness upsets our body’s chemical makeup taking us from heights of euphoria to depths of depression.

    The Giving of Christmas “Christmas is For-Giving” Watch on YouTube channel: Last week we looked at the first giving of Christmas, which was “Thanks-Giving,” and that’s because even the holiday of Thanksgiving comes before Christmas. Today I’d like to more

  • The Misplaced Joy

    Contributed by Kayode Omotoso on Jan 6, 2015

    The real joy of the anointed lies in the fact that his name is written in the book of life and not in the level of the anointing or the ministerial achievements.

    Having been sent out by Jesus after giving them power, the seventy returned full of joy because they were able to perform unusual signs and wonders including casting out demons (Luke10:17). It was a fantastic ministerial feat that was worth celebrating - common men doing the more

  • Five Keys To Living In Resurrection Power Series

    Contributed by Dan Cale on Apr 10, 2004
    based on 124 ratings

    This is the third in a series of messages looking at the days surrounding the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. This studies the resurrection as it applies to living each day.

    The Passion Pt 3 Five Keys To Living In Resurrection Power Matthew 28:16-20 In the weeks leading up to Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday – I shared with you the first two installments of a series called The Passion. I want to conclude that series today. One of the main points that I wanted to get more

  • Be Thou Perfect!!

    Contributed by Kayode Omotoso on Jul 4, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Most of us as Christians are so comfortable counting on our long year of salvation and probably service in the house of God yet the Almighty God whom we claim to be serving is so disappointed in our relationship with Him. Grow your relationship with Him.

    There is a reason for you to be perfect, and that is because I am the Almighty, the God who is perfect in all things. However, you cannot become perfect by any other means except by growing your relationship with Me. Those were the words of God to Abraham in Genesis 17:1, fifteen years after he more

  • Staying True

    Contributed by Howard Mcglamery on Dec 11, 2002
    based on 78 ratings

    Paul challenges the young preacher Timothy to stay true in the midst of paganism and apostasy.

    Staying True I Timothy Introduction In the book of I Timothy, Paul, the aged and experienced apostle writes to the young Pastor, Timothy, who is facing a heavy burden of responsibility in the church at Ephesus. Ephesus was a city famous for its Temple and worship of the Goddess Diana. Its Temple more

  • Get Energized! Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jan 12, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    We need to allow the Holy Spirit to energize us God’s way! And we need to ask God to launch us into motion for eternity!

    “Get Energized!” Props for illustrations through sermon: Sling Shot – with nerf balls, frozen water bottle –unfrozen water bottle- a ball-a cell phone. Introduction: What is energy? From my research I have discovered that energy changes things: a. Energy makes a ball more

  • Fun Is Fundamental Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 6, 2021

    If Christianity is not fun it is not pleasing to God nor man. We too often think fun and play is a secular side of life. It is good for a break until we get back to the important and serious stuff of life. This concept is too bad for it leads Christians to not take fun seriously.

    Geography students after traveling around the world by books were asked to list what they considered the seven wonders of the world. It was a hard decision but such things as Egypts Great Pyramids, The Taj Mahal, The Grand Canyon, and The Great Wall of China, were getting a lot of votes. The more

  • Looking At Adversity

    Contributed by C.j. Moffett on Aug 12, 2003
    based on 98 ratings

    No one in their right mind enjoys pain and hardship, but do they hold a redeptive purpose?

    --Nietzche said, "Whatever doesn’t kill me only makes me stronger." --Illus: Kia Jurgenson was a student at a Christian University. A gifted high school basketball player (she was all state), she received a full-ride scholarship and started as a freshmen on the University team. During those more

  • Death Of The Righteous

    Contributed by Segun Omole on May 3, 2012
    based on 8 ratings

    Christians pray about heaven but no one really wants to die. Death I have come to understand is a vehicle to glory for a Christian.

    To man death of a righteous man means a waste. Their place is left vacant and what they used to do is left undone. We mourn and cry for we see them no more. Wondering whether we would ever see them again even in eternity as we are still on the journey hoping to reach the right destination in more

  • Spiritual Encounter

    Contributed by Daniel Haas on Aug 7, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    We are to be a bread and butter church

    John 3:1-17 Spiritual Encounter - “Very truly, I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God without being born from above.” - Born-again Christians are not exactly what I wanna be - heartfelt Mormonism - love mircales: Glenn Beck crying for job, statehood revelation requirements - legalistic more

  • Coming Back To God

    Contributed by Patrick Morley on Jan 21, 2002
    based on 4 ratings

    I want to show you or, at least to begin to demonstrate to you, that it is not unreasonable to believe that Christianity is true, that you don’t have to trick yourself into becoming a Christian, that Christianity perfectly explains what we see going on in

    Some of you will find the material that we’re going to cover this morning much of it to be a review if you’ve been with us here for any length of time. These are very serious days and many men, many people are re-evaluating their relationship with God, and they are considering coming back to God. more

  • Lessons Learned In Battle Series

    Contributed by Curry Pikkaart on Oct 13, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    We can gain wisdom and gain faith from the lessons Israel learned in their journey through life’s battles.

    “The Charge of the Light Brigade: Lessons Learned in Battle” Exodus 15:22-27 In 1997 the Detroit Red Wings, along with the State of Michigan, were in ecstatic euphoria following the Red Wing’s capture of the coveted Stanley Cup championship trophy. Celebrations were ongoing and the sweet taste of more

  • Let's Go Series

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Sep 3, 2001
    based on 13 ratings

    Having done the groundwork, Nehemiah rebuilds the walls up in 52 days

    V. THE ACTUAL RECONSTRUCTION 1. Allocation of the Work. Neh. 3 Nehemiah doesn’t do all the work himself. HE DELEGATES. As Christians leaders we need to learn to delegate - especially the work with the greatest kudos. Remember in the Kingdomn of God, it is the leader that should be servant of more

  • The Foundation Of True Happiness

    Contributed by Paw The on Jun 3, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    Life is not often as what we plan or expect. When disasters come. When the reality is not as what we want, where can we find strength to live our lives? Jesus is the answer!

    The Foundation of True Happiness Luke 24 : 13 ¡V 35 We would like to plan and control our lives. We strategize our paths trying to be as good as possible. The first season of life we were carefree and innocent. As we reach adulthood and begin to assume life-responsibility ¡V working hard to raise more

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