
Summary: In this sermon , we will explore bizarre behaviors of false prophets that we should be aware of.

As believers, we are warned in the Bible to be cautious of false prophets who seek to deceive and lead us astray. In these end times, it is essential to discern the true prophets from the false ones. In this sermon , we will explore bizarre behaviors of false prophets that we should be aware of.

1. Sensationalism and Drama

False prophets often use sensationalism and drama to attract attention and gain followers. They may use emotional manipulation, loud music, and flashy performances to create an atmosphere of excitement and euphoria. However, true prophets of God focus on delivering the Word of God with humility and simplicity (1 Corinthians 2:1-5).

2. Materialism and Greed

False prophets often prioritize material wealth and riches over spiritual growth and development. They may use their prophetic platform to accumulate wealth, properties, and luxurious lifestyles. In contrast, true prophets of God are content with living modestly and simply, focusing on the kingdom of God rather than personal gain (1 Timothy 6:6-10).

3. Self-Aggrandizement

False prophets often seek to elevate themselves above others, claiming special titles, powers, or anointings. They may use their prophetic platform to promote themselves rather than Jesus Christ. In contrast, true prophets of God deflect attention from themselves and point people to Jesus Christ, the only true Savior and Lord (John 3:30).

4. Unbiblical Teachings

False prophets often teach doctrines that are contrary to the Bible or add their own interpretations to scripture. They may claim new revelations or prophecies that contradict the Word of God. In contrast, true prophets of God preach and teach the Word of God as it is written, without adding or subtracting from it (Deuteronomy 4:2).

5. Manipulation and Control

False prophets often use manipulation and control to keep their followers in line. They may use fear, guilt, or shame to coerce people into doing their bidding. In contrast, true prophets of God encourage believers to think critically, discern spiritually, and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit (1 John 4:1).

6. Lack of Accountability

False prophets often refuse to be accountable to anyone, claiming that they are answerable only to God. However, true prophets of God are willing to be accountable to spiritual leaders, peers, and even their followers (1 Corinthians 4:1-5).

7. Unholy Alliances

False prophets often form alliances with other false prophets, occult practitioners, or worldly leaders to advance their own interests. In contrast, true prophets of God are separate from the world and its systems, and they refuse to compromise their faith for personal gain (2 Corinthians 6:14-18).

8. False Miracles and Signs

False prophets often perform false miracles and signs to deceive people into believing their message. They may use sleight of hand, illusions, or other tricks to create the appearance of supernatural power. In contrast, true prophets of God perform genuine miracles and signs that are done in the power of the Holy Spirit and for the glory of God (Acts 2:43).

9. Disregard for Scripture

False prophets often disregard scripture or pick and choose which parts to obey. They may claim that they have a "new" or "higher" revelation that supersedes the Bible. In contrast, true prophets of God reverence the Bible as the inspired Word of God and seek to obey it in every aspect of their lives (2 Timothy 3:16-17).


As believers, we must be vigilant and discerning when it comes to prophets and their teachings. We must test every spirit and every message against the Bible, the inspired Word of God. By being aware of these bizarre behaviors of false prophets, we can avoid being deceived and led astray. Instead, we can follow true prophets of God who preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, teach the Bible, and live lives of humility, integrity, and obedience to God.

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