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Sermons on eternal rest:

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  • Passages To Eternal Rest Series

    Contributed by Dennis King on Jun 14, 2022

    Can you define the eternal rest believers will be blessed with in heaven and on the New Earth? Did you ever think we would be working there?

    Hebrews 1 from the Easy-to-Read Version follows: In the past God spoke to our people through the prophets. He spoke to them many times and in many different ways. And now in these last days, God has spoken to us again through his Son. He made the whole world through his Son. And he has chosen his more

  • The Challenge Of Choosing Eternal Rest Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Aug 10, 2010

    The writer to the Hebrews set before his audience a deeper consideration of Jesus’ Rest. What challenges do ’Christians,’(traditionists), face in the consideration of Jesus’ Rest? The challenge of choosing Eternal Rest is accepting the challenge of...

    SERIES: The Careful Considerations of Our Christian Confession—Hebrews 3:1-6; 7-17; 3:18--4:11; 4:11-13; 4:14---5:11 The Hebrews writer pressed upon his audience to deeply/profoundly consider the aspect of their Christian confession concerning Jesus as their Apostle & High Priest. Thus the more

  • Our Eternal Rest (Hebrews 4)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on May 21, 2024

    Did the Sabbath rest and a land of rest, picture our true rest in Christ for all eternity? Let's discuss this in Hebrews 4.

    Did the Sabbath rest and Israel’s rest from Egyptian slavery in the land of promise picture a better rest and a better promised land in eternity? Do we who have believed enter that rest? Why did a generation rest on the day of rest, but not enter the land of rest? Is there a rest that another more

  • Rest (Joshua 11)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Feb 13, 2025

    Did Israel find true rest in the Sabbath or the land? Where is true rest? Let's begin in Joshua 11.

    Did a Sabbath rest or a land of rest, finally give Israel true rest, or do both picture a blissful, eternal rest far greater than any worldly rest? Let’s begin in Joshua 11. After Israel’s initial conquests, did many other kings join forces against them? When Jabin, king of Hazor, heard of this, more

  • A Daily Quest That Leads To Eternal Rest

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Jul 16, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    We spend 2.5 days a year looking for lost items like the TV remote. The prophet Isaiah helps us see what important daily quest we should undertake.

    According to a 2017 survey by Pixie, a company that furnishes technology to locate lost items, Americans spend the equivalent of 2.5 days a year looking for misplaced items. What do you suppose the most misplaced item is? No, not phones or keys. It’s the TV remote. Apparently more than 70% of us more

  • The Eternal Sabbath Series

    Contributed by Ron Tuit on Oct 22, 2016

    The Sabbath day of the Old Testament is fulfilled in the work of the Lord Jesus in the New Testament. It is no wonder that Christians in the Early Church called the first day of the week, "The Lord's Day". The Lord's Day coincides with God's Creation.

    “The Eternal Sabbath” Exodus 20:8-11 We have been looking at the Ten Commandments as part of the unfolding drama of salvation in the Old Testament. A short review from Exodus 20:1: “And God spoke all these words, saying: 2 "I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the more

  • The Land Of Promise (Hebrews 3)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on May 20, 2024

    The Bible describes a day of rest, a land of rest and our eternal rest. They are all related. Let's look at the land of rest in Hebrews 3.

    Did a generation that kept a weekly rest day, NOT find rest in the land of promise? Was it because of their lack of faith, evidenced by their disobedience? Let’s find out in Hebrews 3. Upon whom should we fix our thoughts? Was Jesus also an apostle, one sent, in His case sent from more

  • A Christian's Rest

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Jun 13, 2020

    Where can we find true rest for our souls? Do we find true rest on a Sabbath day, in a promised land, or in Jesus and in eternity? Let’s look at what Jesus had to say about rest in Matthew 11:16-30.

    Where can we find true rest for our souls? Do we find true rest on a Sabbath day, in a promised land, or in Jesus and in eternity? Let’s look at what Jesus had to say about rest in Matthew 11:16-30. “But to what shall I liken this generation? It is like children sitting in the marketplaces and more

  • In Terms Of Eternity

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Jun 11, 2023

    The Bible teaches that after death (Hebrews 9:27), we will face judgment and enter eternity, either heaven or hell. Consider what that means and how it should motivate us to spread the Gospel in these last days.

    The Bible teaches that from the moment we are conceived, we are destined to live forever (Psalm 61:7; Daniel 12:2; Matthew 25:46: Romans 2:7). The LORD God Almighty saw fit to create us, give us meaning, a purpose, and conscience to use for His glory and our benefit (Psalm 73:25-28; Romans more

  • Rest From Our Burdens

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Oct 10, 2018

    Where do we find true rest in a world gone crazy? Like Israel do we find true rest in a Sabbath or a land? Is there a land anywhere in this world where we can find true rest from all our problems and worries?

    Where do we find true rest in a world gone crazy? Like Israel do we find true rest in a Sabbath or a land? Is there a land anywhere in this world where we can find true rest from all our problems and worries? Let’s find out what our true rest is, by looking at Hebrews 4. Is His Rest the more

  • The Rest Of The Package

    Contributed by Daniel Richter on May 15, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus as our Everlasting Father & Prince of Peace...

    The Rest of the Package December 30th, 2007 Beartown Road Alliance Church We began our Christmas series three weeks ago as December was just beginning and Christmas still seemed like it was a good ways off in to the distance. Now, December has come and gone, Christmas has come and gone, and after more

  • Embracing The Gift Of Your Dash PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 5, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    To understand and embrace the fleeting nature of our earthly life, to live in Christ and not in the world, and to prepare for our eternal rest in Jesus.

    Good morning, family. Today, we're going to visit a somewhat overlooked gem in the Psalms, Psalm 39:1-13. This passage beautifully illustrates the transient nature of our life on Earth and the eternal promise of rest in the arms of our Savior, Jesus Christ. It's about embracing the gift of our dash more

  • Strike The Tent: When The Righteous Go Home

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Jan 10, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    Life is temporary, no matter how many years one may dwell in this present world. The men, women, and children who die in Christ leave this troubled enter into the joy of for heaven and the presence of the LORD. Scripture tells of what they will gain as they take in their first glimpse of glory.

    The censors engaged in the "cancel culture" movement have taken it upon themselves to rid this nation of any memory of those who lived before us because they were either' oppressors", or "fascists", or had engaged in "white privilege", or some other reason more

  • The Promise Of Heaven Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    The promise of heaven is eternal rest and freedom from all the sin, death, and destruction that permeates life. It's where weary travelers find everlasting rest and peace at the faithful feet of Jesus.

    Today, we're gonna talk about the promise of heaven. That's that awesome place we get to go to when we believe in Jesus. But first, let me show you something cool. Object Lesson: Bring out a heavy backpack filled with rocks or books. Ask for a volunteer to wear it and walk around. See this more

  • The Promise Of Heaven Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the promise of eternal rest and freedom from sin in heaven, as a part of the 'Sunday is Coming' series, which celebrates the resurrection of Christ.

    Welcome back, church! We are currently wrapping up a three week series called Sunday is Coming, which began this past Easter Sunday when we celebrated the resurrection of Christ. Which, if you’ve been following along, is a pretty big deal with far-reaching and eternal implications. What we learn more