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  • Connect

    Contributed by John Harvey on Oct 17, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Connecting with God si the first step toward Chrsitian maturity.

    October 7, 2007 Me: I have always longed for relationship. I have always had a major desire to be in close relationships with other people. What I have discovered is that I really want connection. I like to find a place where I belong and where I can really be myself. It was not very long ago more

  • Connecting

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Mar 9, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    From the very beginning of Jesus’ evangelistic ministry, we see that faith means connecting to Jesus. And faith in Jesus means a connecting lifestyle. We connect to Jesus and then we connect others to Jesus. When you become a follower of Jesus, you cannot

    Connnecting Acts 8: 26-40 The first time a Philip is mentioned in the Bible is in John Chapter 1. Jesus has just been baptized in the River Jordan and John the Baptist proclaimed him the Lamb of God. Jesus then leaves to begin his ministry in Galilee. Finding Philip along the way, he says to him, more

  • The Connection Series

    Contributed by Moses Radford on Feb 25, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    This message will give you a sense of connection between Jesus and his mother.

    JOHN 2: 1-12 3. Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come. John 2:4 (KJV) A. HE WASN'T BEING DISREPECTFUL B. HE WAS POINTING OUT WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT C. HIS PURPOSE VS. PRESENT SITUTION more

  • Connections

    Contributed by Anthony Seel on Aug 27, 2012

    A Psalm about the benefits of our personal connection with God through Jesus Christ and the connections that we have with one another in the church.

    The Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost August 26, 2012 Proper 16B St. Andrew’s Church The Rev. M. Anthony Seel, Jr. Psalm 16 “Connections” He came to work at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York, as a newly minted PhD in physics. He was not more

  • Connecting Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Aug 5, 2018

    At CHC we want everyone to “Connect with God and Connect with People.” We cannot settle for a dry shallow view of Christianity in our life and just know of God we must be willing to go deeper into a relationship with God to actually know God intimately. J

    Opening Illustration: The Car Chase! Series: You Asked for It – What is the churches mission or mission statement? Why is the church here? Focus of this message is on our Church Motto: “Connecting with God and Connecting with people!” Sermon: Connecting Question: What is CHC’s more

  • Connect Series

    Contributed by Russ Barksdale on Jul 22, 2015

    A life that makes an impact for Jesus is a life that is connected to other believers

    September 8 Connect Acts 4:32-35 Follow Influence Connect 1. A common purpose. v.32 2. A common story v.33 Grace (charis): the favor of God 3. And uncommon act. vv.34-35 Opening illustration, Band of Brothers It’s amazing what humans will do, what they more

  • The Connection

    Contributed by Richard Papafio on Feb 7, 2018

    Once we are connected to Jesus we need to bear fruits

    May the peace of the Lord be with you. Topic: THE CONNECTION John 15:1-2 King James Version (KJV) 15 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. 2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more more

  • Connections Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Aug 4, 2020

    Luke 1 narrates the birth of the Messiah, and the first chapter of the book of Acts of the Apostles expresses the Birth of the Church. Luke brings out the connection between the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles.

    1: 01-11 Introduction to Acts of the Apostles 1: 1-03 Connection between Gospel and Acts 1: 4-08 Connection between Christ and Disciples 1: 9-11 Connectivity between Present and Future Church 1: 1-03 Connection between Gospel and Acts more

  • Connect, Respect, Protect - Evangelism

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Jan 27, 2015

    This sermon is an explanation of the process of evangelism using Connect, Respect and Protect which is a motto used by the Strategic Response Unit of Flashpoint.

    Today’s Scripture reading is from Romans 10:1-15 (NLT) “Dear brothers and sisters, the longing of my heart and my prayer to God is for the people of Israel to be saved. I know what enthusiasm they have for God, but it is misdirected zeal. “For they don’t understand more

  • The Blessings Of Knowing God Intimately Series

    Contributed by Samuel Arimoro on Feb 1, 2025

    Knowing God intimately is the greatest privilege a believer can have. This knowledge goes beyond head knowledge; it is an experiential relationship with God.

    Title: THE BLESSINGS OF KNOWING GOD INTIMATELY By Rev. Samuel Arimoro Main Text: Daniel 11:32 Supporting Texts: Psalm 91:14, Philippians 3:10, John 10:14-15 INTRODUCTION: Knowing God intimately is the greatest privilege a believer can have. This knowledge goes beyond head knowledge; it is an more

  • Eternal Series

    Contributed by Gordon Pike on Aug 28, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Our days are like pearls strung together on a thread. One event triggers another but we can’t foresee what’s to come. Not so for God. God dwells in eternity. He exists in the past and in the present and in the future … all at the same moment.

    What is truly the one thing that money can’t buy? It’s time! Nobody … and do mean NOBODY … not even Donald Trump or Bill Gates or George Soros or Oprah Winfrey or Warren Buffet or Mark Zuckerberg can buy themselves a single second of time … as Steve Jobs found out on October 5th, 2011. His $8.3 more

  • Are You Connected?

    Contributed by James May on Dec 4, 2005
    based on 55 ratings

    If our light is to shine for Jesus then we need to stay connected to Him as our source of power and turn on the switch to allow the Holy Spirit to shine through us. We are only reflections of His glory if we keep the clouds of sin away.

    ARE YOU CONNECTED? By Pastor Jim May As I walked into the church this morning before the sun arose, I entered into a very dark building. Just as any of you would have done, the first thing I looked for was a light switch. Flipping that switch made all the difference in being able to walk more

  • Connecting With God

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Apr 23, 2024

    The Lord desires to connect with His people

    Relationships Series Connecting with God #1 Selected verses Genesis 2-3 Good morning and welcome- glad that you have joined us this morning. We start a new series this morning on relationships. We connect or have relationships in many ways. Mother father Brother sister Boy friend more

  • Connecting With God Series

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Mar 15, 2024

    Ways we connect with the Lord and with others.

    Relationships Series Connecting with God #1 Selected verses Genesis 2-3 Good morning and welcome- glad that you have joined us this morning. We start a new series this morning on relationships. We connect or have relationships in many ways. Mother father Brother sister Boy friend more

  • Connecting The Disconnected

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Jun 15, 2011

    This sermon focuses on those who are connected to Jesus Christ as disciples as opposed to those who are connected with (asociated) Christ.

    CONNECTING THE DISCONNECTED Text: Hebrews 4:14 – 16, 5:7 – 9 Just recently I read a sermon in last Friday’s edition of the Times and Democrat by the Rev. Frank Hay. He made some interesting comparisons in his sermon. He mentioned how Judas’s kiss which more

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