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  • "The Christian's Labor” – 1 Of 6 Series

    Contributed by Naveen Balakrishnan on May 31, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    This is the first part (triplet of exhortation) of a six part series on the Christian’s Labor from 1 Thessalonians 5:12-24.

    “THE CHRISTIAN’S LABOR” – 1 OF 6 1 THESSALONIANS 5:12-13 1. The COMING Day of the LORD. (5:1-3) 2. The CHILDREN of the Light. (5:4-8) 3. A COMFORTING Legacy. (5:9-11) 4. The CHRISTIAN’S Labor. (5:12-24) I. First Triplet of EXHORTATION. (vv. 12-13) a. Know the ones that labor among you and more

  • Epiphany

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Jan 8, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    God’s message of salvation was intended for all people.

    Epiphany January 6, 2013 Morning Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: God’s message of salvation was intended for all people. Focus Passage: Matthew 2:1-12 Supplemental Passage: He says, "It is too small a thing that You should be My Servant To raise up more

  • Are You Burning Out Series

    Contributed by Dennise Ogalesco on Apr 15, 2015

    In the race, it doesn't matter how long it takes to finish but what is important is that you continue. Never ever get tired and avoid getting burn out. It is when you lose the passion to run even you are still in a race.

    ARE YOU BURNING OUT? ( Losing the Fire that Once you have ) 1 KINGS 19:1-9 Prophet Elijah displayed the Power of God and Triumphed to almost 450 false prophets of Baal by burning the sacrifice through the Fire fell from heaven after he prayed to God. All the prophets were put to death and more

  • Greater Riches In Christ

    Contributed by Trevor Chuma on Jun 6, 2019

    For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23

    The Bible says; When Moses was come to years, he refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter; Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt (Hebrews more

  • The Marks Of A Wicked Heart Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Aug 12, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    In this sermon we'll explore the biblical connection between evil behavior and foul language, arrogant facial expressions, and haughty body language.

    The Bible teaches that our words, actions, and even our body language can reveal the condition of our hearts. In this sermon we'll explore the biblical connection between evil behavior and foul language, arrogant facial expressions, and haughty body language. Foul Mouth (Matthew 12:34, more

  • What About Faith And Good Works? (Part 2)

    Contributed by Tony Miano on Apr 7, 2001
    based on 82 ratings

    . In this section of James’ letter, we see an objection stated (v. 18a), the objection challenged (vv. 18b-19), and the objector confronted (v. 20).

    What About Faith and Good Works? An Answer to the Skeptic James 2:18-20 Preached by Pastor Tony Miano Pico Canyon Community Church April 8, 2001 Introduction: A couple of weeks ago I talked about the way James weaved a courtroom drama throughout his writing, in the first half of chapter two. more

  • Deacons Who Serve Well Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Sep 21, 2013

    The rewards of serving well as a deacon are explored.

    “Those who serve well as deacons gain a good standing for themselves and also great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus.” [1] Jesus said, “The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” [MARK 10:45]. Jesus also more

  • Love Your Loserness - James 1:9-11 Series

    Contributed by Darrell Ferguson on Feb 12, 2021

    We all have those areas in our lives where we feel like … losers. Most people respond by trying to feel good about themselves, but there’s a better way.

    James 1:9 The brother in humble circumstances ought to take pride in his high position. 10 But the one who is rich should take pride in his low position, because he will pass away like a wild flower. 11 For the sun rises with scorching heat and withers the plant; its blossom falls and its beauty more

  • The Vegetarian

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Dec 29, 2019

    A study in the book of Romans 14: 1 – 23

    Romans 14: 1 – 23 The Vegetarian 1 Receive one who is weak in the faith, but not to disputes over doubtful things. 2 For one believes he may eat all things, but he who is weak eats only vegetables. 3 Let not him who eats despise him who does not eat and let not him who does not eat judge him who more

  • Mission Imperative - 1 Peter 2:9-10 Series

    Contributed by Darrell Ferguson on Dec 12, 2024

    All ministry is based in praise, and we must take this monster calling seriously.

    1 Peter 2:4 As you come to him, the living Stone--rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him-- 5 you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 6 For in Scripture it says: more

  • Divine Wisdom Series

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Aug 30, 2008

    What does wisdom from above look like? What would happen in a church displaying such heavenly wisdom? James gives us the answer to these questions.

    JAMES 3:17, 18 DIVINE WISDOM “The wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. And a harvest of righteousness is sown by those who make peace” James called for people of wisdom to identify themselves. Those who more

  • The Church That Made An Impact: Why The Thessalonian Church Made An Impact Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Nov 6, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    A discussion based exploration and exposition of 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

    The Church that Made an Impact: WHY the Thessalonian Church Made an Impact Series: 1 Thessalonians Chuck Sligh Nov-Dec, 2016 NOTE: This is the fourth lesson of an extended Bible study of the book of 1 Thessalonians. Each lesson includes discussion questions. Some are open ended questions which more

  • No Pain, No Gain - The Story Of The Laodicean Church

    Contributed by Michael Worker on Jun 22, 2007
    based on 47 ratings

    A historical look at the church of Laodicea, with present day application.

    Laodicea: Revelation 3:14-18 Laodicea. What thoughts does this conjure up in your mind? It is a word that we like to throw around as a people. Whenever things are not as we feel they should be, we blame it on being the Laodicean Church, and possibly this is quite true. This morning I would like more

  • Mind Control 8 Series

    Contributed by Clyde White on Mar 27, 2006

    It is the study, application and expression of the Word of God that leads to a Christ-centered life. In general, the Christian church, even though growing in number, is shrinking in depth of Spiritual Comprehension and Discernment.

    We’ve looked at the need for every Believer to "earnestly contend for the Faith, once for all delivered to the Saints". To do so, we need to recognize and resist false doctrine. Unless we can recognize and do resist false doctrine, it will not be long until we, ourselves, will be caught-up in the more

  • A Response Of Saving Faith-7

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Nov 13, 2012

    7 of ? The Hebrews writer recounted the very practical responses which faith had wrought in their forebears/ancestors. Saving faith yields practical responses to life. Saving faith meets life’s challenge with...

    A RESPONSE Of SAVING FAITH-VII—Hebrews 11:3-40 Attention: Lucky Saucer A famous art collector is walking through the city when he notices a mangy cat lapping milk from a saucer in the doorway of a store & he does a double-take. He recognizes that the saucer is extremely old & very valuable, so he more

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