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  • Hope To Escape Sin's Sentence Series

    Contributed by D. Greg Ebie on Jan 22, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    THE BEGINNINGS OF HOPE, part 3 – We have been given favor with God. The lives of Enoch and Noah show us our certain hope to escape sin’s sentence of death. ---Listen online and find PDF of my sermon notes at

    • Genesis 5-8 (selected verses) 5:1 This is the written account of Adam’s line. When God created man, he made him in the likeness of God. 2 He created them male and female and blessed them. And when they were created, he called them "man." 3 When Adam had lived 130 years, he had a son in his own more

  • How To Escape The Sin Trap Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Jul 3, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    1. Don’t try to excuse your sin (vs. 13). 2. Examine your sin (vs. 14-15). 3. Exalt God’s goodness (vs. 16-17). 4. Embrace the word of truth (vs. 18).

    Christianity Where the Rubber Meets the Road Part 3: How to Escape the Sin Trap James 1:13-18 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - Feb. 26, 2012 BACKGROUND: *Before we start, it’s important to note that up until now, James has used the word “temptation” as we would more

  • The Way Of Escape Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Aug 20, 2022

    If you want to escape sin in times of temptation, realize how much God has blessed you, resist the desire for evil, rely on God for your way of escape. Then take that way of escape and run! Run from the idolatry that will eventually destroy you.

    For six months, a farmer near Regensburg, Germany, worked in vain to capture his runaway bull. The bull had escaped in the summer and hid out in the Bavarian woods. The farmer attempted to lasso the animal, but the bull would always slip away into the woods. Once, the farmer tried shooting the more

  • How To Recover From Personal Failure

    Contributed by W F on Aug 19, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    God loves to help those who have no-one else to turn to. Here's his plan for surviving when our lives come crashing down.

    We often think that plane crashes are catastrophic and unsurvivable events. Thanks to movies and 24/7 news channels, most of us think that all plane crashes end in a free fall from 30,000ft and a terrifying fireball. It might surprise you to learn that most plane crashes are actually survivable. more

  • Escape-A-Sin Series

    Contributed by Steven Dow on Jun 29, 2005
    based on 13 ratings

    Number 2 in the series "What’s Holding You Back?" Learn how to Escape-a-Sin: Realize the seriousness of your situation. Evaluate your available options. Take decisive action.

    ESCAPE-A-SIN What’s Holding You Back? – Part 2 Romans 6:12-23 July 3, 2005 Introduction: How do you escape from a date that has gone sour? For most of us here today dating is a distant memory, but most of us can probably remember those social experiments that went bad quickly. The kind where more

  • Escaping Temptations

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Jan 29, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    We see Cain yielding to sin and falling bait to it just because of his heart condition. He did not take any stand to rule over it or run from it. He just yielded. For Cain (and for us) there is an exit on every level of temptation, and we need to see the

    Opening illustration: When we sin we often do so with the futile hope that we shall obtain the maximum amount of pleasure at the minimum penalty. It seldom works that way, however. I once heard the story of a man and his wife who decided to go to a drive-in movie. They thought the price was too more

  • The Verdict On Sin

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Sep 2, 2012

    If we hear the word sin, we think of sins plural. We think of our lists. What is on the sin list? Which list? Whose list?

    LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide) - Produces delusions of grandeur. - It gives a feeling of exaltation. - You can take a trip into a make-believe land - Students used LSD to expand their outlook on life - Thinking you can jump from a building and fly - Having an overpowering sense of more

  • Escaping The Mess Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Dec 23, 2021

    To escape the mess of our world, walk with God and believe His Word.

    Last year (2020), as Christmas approached, Amir Fakharian, CEO of RexRoi manufacturing, decided to create an ornament which reflected the year. As you remember, that’s when the Corona pandemic terrorized the world. There were riots in the streets, and it ended with a contested election, which 59% more

  • Escape From Sodom

    Contributed by Michael Stark on Jul 18, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Christians living in Sodom are in grave danger. Though God will graciously keep His own, they must need His warning to escape.

    “The two angels came to Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom. When Lot saw them, he rose to meet them and bowed himself with his face to the earth and said, ‘My lords, please turn aside to your servant’s house and spend the night and wash your feet. Then you may rise up more

  • Temptations Will Seize You

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Aug 16, 2013

    PENTECOST 10 - Temptations will seize you. We learn this truth from examples in Scripture. We lean on this truth that Jesus delivers us.

    TEMPTATIONS WILL SEIZE YOU (Outline) August 21, 2011 - Pentecost 10 - 1 CORINTHIANS 10:6-13 INTRO: Our world grows darker with sin with every passing moment. Believers are not exempt from the consequences of sin on this side of heaven. Sin affects us every day. Sin infects us from more

  • Escape Series

    Contributed by Alan Tison on Feb 7, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    How do we handle temptation, a better question may be how do we escape temptation, This message looks at the temptation Adam and Eve faced in the garden and gives practical ways we can escape temptation. This message is #2 in a 6 part series,

    No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. 1 Corinthians 10:13 Those are comforting words for everyone who more

  • Escape Series

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Sep 27, 2019

    Have you had a ‘burning bush’ moment - a time when we can see that God is near and He is calling us to greater commitment and service to Him?

    Introduction This month we have been focused on recovery and looking at Scriptures that teach us how God plays a role in our victory over the addictions, struggles, persistent sins, and troubles in our lives. Our text offers a ‘burning bush’ moment - a time when we can see that God is near and He more

  • The Great Escape – Escape From Temptation Series

    Contributed by D. Greg Ebie on Apr 27, 2006
    based on 51 ratings

    We all face temptation, but God has promised that regardless of what the temptation may be that we face, He will make a way of escape. Temptation does not have to destroy us; we don’t have to fall into the trap of sin. WE CAN ESCAPE FROM TEMPTATION! #3

    THE GREAT ESCAPE – Escape From Temptation 1 Peter 2:16 INTRODUCTION: Temptation is a thread that joins us all together as human beings; temptation levels the playing field! We are all susceptible to its attraction, and we can all be equally devastated when we yield to its seduction. Some of the more

  • The Allure Of Sin

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Aug 7, 2012

    We must not give in to our temptation and be overtaken by our lusts.

    The Allure of Sin August 5, 2012 Evening Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: We must not give in to our temptation and be overtaken by our lusts. Focus Passage: 2 Samuel 13:1-14 Supplemental Passage: No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to more

  • God's Fire Escape

    Contributed by Mark H. Stevens Thd on Feb 19, 2014

    God will give you an escape route from sin....but will you TAKE IT?

    Some of you will accuse me of stereotyping men as being somewhat simple, but when it comes to sex and women most men are. Chris Rock the comedian once said, “A man is only as faithful as his options”. That of course was meant to be funny, but there is a thread of truth to this more