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  • Veteran Funeral Service

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Jul 6, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    This Funeral Service was for a non-Christian US Veteran.

    It is a huge honor for me to conduct funeral services for US Veterans! I spent a few minutes talking with Rick about his dad. Some of the things that popped out to me were: * His strength and toughness -- Maybe the movie character was named for him * His skills as a Marksman * His skills as a more

  • First Sunrise Service

    Contributed by Chris Gilley on Jul 6, 2015

    Outline for the first Easter sunrise service.


  • The Balance Of Worship And Service Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Aug 20, 2015
    based on 6 ratings

    Are you faithful in your worship and service?

    Worship and Service Out theme this month is the Supernatural Spring of Worship. And my question for you is this: Are you faithful in your worship and service? Perhaps I need to clarify the question a little. What really brought you here this morning? Was it your desire to fill your heart with more

  • Grave Site Service

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Mar 4, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    This is a grave site service for a believer in Jesus Christ, but also a veteran. It talks about two graveyards, two resurrections and our future resurrection. It also talks about heaven as the place where a belivers heart longs to be.

    Funeral – Grave Site Service As I stand in this graveyard and before this grave I remember another graveyard and the person who was buried there. And many of his friends and family were there to mourn the loss of their friend and loved one as well. The man’s name was Lazarus. Right after his more

  • Striving For Success In Service

    Contributed by Gregory Lilly on Feb 23, 2014

    Everyone of us wants to be successful in our service to the Lord, but oftentimes our success is stopped because we do not readily accept God's will for our lives. How can you be successful in your service for the Lord?

    Philippians 3:14 Paul wrote that living and dying unto Christ should be the focus of our lives always in the theme verse to this book in Philippians 1:21. Paul also wrote that we should become willing vessels through which God can work His will as he shared in this book in Philippians 2:13. more

  • The First Sunrise Service

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Apr 25, 2014

    A message on the resurrection for an early morning sunrise service

    The First Sunrise Service Matthew 28:5-7 April 20, 2014 Easter Sunrise Service The morning of the resurrection brought a message that was an end of fear. There is no longer reason to fear death. There is no longer reason to fear the wrath of God. There is no longer a reason to fear the trials of more

  • Learning That Service Is Satisfying Series

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Jan 13, 2012

    Oswald Chambers spoke over 100 years ago prophetically of the time we are living in today. He said, “We are moving into a more spiritual but less Godly time.” There is a desperate need for the church today to surrender their life to Jesus. He tells us

    Intro: Oswald Chambers spoke over 100 years ago prophetically of the time we are living in today. He said, “We are moving into a more spiritual but less Godly time.” God clearly tells us to be born again in John 3, we are told by Paul if we are in Christ we are a new creation. More people are more

  • Strength Is For Service, Not Status. Series

    Contributed by Daniel J. Little on Jan 16, 2012

    A Christianity that allows you to escape living by radical faith in God is not a Chrsitianity that would be recognized by the early church, or by many believers in third-world countries around the world.

    Strength is For Service Not for Status 01-15-2012 Pastor Dan Little The Landmark Church, Binghamton, NY 13901 Jesus showed the disciples what it meant to live as a servant. For three years He modeled the servant life before them, and then toward the end of His earthly more

  • "Christianity Equals Service"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Feb 1, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon about "being raised with Christ" in order to "serve."

    Mark 1:29-39 “Christianity Equals Service” In November of 2010 a wedding party was unexpectedly called into action right after the ceremony. While they were posing for pictures on a scenic ledge, a woman who was not involved in the wedding fell into the water and started more

  • Demonstration Of Royal Service

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Apr 24, 2012

    Jesus had so little time left for the disciples to learn that the way to glory is through service and not through position and authority. How could Jesus get the message across forcibly enough so that they would never forget the truth? This is what led

    Three weeks in John 13. Just before tonight’s passage, as recorded in Luke 22 and Mk. 10, the disciples had been arguing over who would hold the leading positions in the government Jesus was about to set up. The discussion was heated. They were caught up in the ambition for position and more

  • The Diaconal Call To Service Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jan 1, 2012

    The plan of God for all of us, especially clergy, is a call to service and understanding, not tyranny.

    Solemnity of the Epiphany 2012 Diaconate Vocation Spirit of the Liturgy “Where is the newborn king of the Jews?” the Magi said to Herod. It was a straightforward question to the wrong guy. There are times to be subtle and times to be blunt. I recall many years ago when I was a sales more

  • Service Of The Stations Of The Cross

    Contributed by Bruce Rzengota on Jan 4, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    A modern Liturgy for an Evangelical Approach to the Stations of the Cross

    Service of the Stations of the Cross Blessing Leader: May the Grace of God be abundant in this place and recall the suffering of the anointed one, the Christ, the only begotten Son, Jesus. Holy Spirit, lead us closer to the Cross. People: And also with you. Scripture (Psalm more

  • It Is Finished - Communion Service Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Aug 8, 2012
    based on 7 ratings

    Jesus said only I can lay my life down and take it up! Jesus did it all! That’s why when He was on the cross He said, IT IS FINISHED! No other sacrifices were required, no more animals, no more blood, no dark cloud of guilt hanging over us because of our

    I want us to think for a few moments about the last meal Jesus had with His disciples. We call it the Last Supper and Jesus and His disciples were celebrating the Feast of the Passover together. Jesus picks up a cup of wine and in: Luke 22:20 it says In the same way, after the supper he took more

  • Graveside Service 1 Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Jun 13, 2013
    based on 8 ratings

    This is a short service for a graveside.

    Graveside Service 1 Scripture In John 11:25 “Jesus said, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.’” Then He asked, “Do you believe this?” Let me ask today more

  • Purpose Of Service (Hix)

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Jan 21, 2013

    You can't have evangelism without service and you can't have service without evangelism!

    Mark 9:30-37 God's purpose to Seek and Save that which is Lost. The purpose of evangelism is to tell other about Christ, as someone told you. Don’t wait till you are standing by someone’s casket and wondering if they are saved or not….Found out today, asked them today!! The Purpose Of Service more

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