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  • The Empty Cup

    Contributed by David Swensen on Jun 19, 2002
    based on 74 ratings

    There are no longer any standards. Anything goes; everything is acceptable. God, however, doesn’t see it that way and He certainly doesn’t take sin lightly and neither should we.

    INTRODUCTION “John Griffith tended to one of the huge railroad bridges that cross the mighty Mississippi. It was 1937 when this true story took place He brought his 8-year-old son, Greg, to work with him to see what Dad did all day.The little boy was wide-eyed with excitement when the huge more

  • Empty Cross, Empty Tomb ... Full Heart Series

    Contributed by Gordon Pike on May 14, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Mary Magdalene was an empty cup and an empty cross and empty tomb filled her up. And if you are an empty cup this morning, let me tell you how an empty cross and an empty tomb can fill you up.

    Have you ever tried to help someone who doesn’t want to be helped? Pretty frustrating, amen? Just ask Jesus. It’s hard to help someone who doesn’t want help … difficult to heal someone who doesn’t think they’re sick … impossible to fill a cup that’s already full ... impossible to teach a mind more

  • The Cup

    Contributed by Richard Mcnair on Oct 27, 2004
    based on 25 ratings

    We have been offered cups of coffee and many other cups in out lifetime. The cup of selfishness, pleasure, pride, anger. greed, gluttony, unbelief, unfaithfulness. This morning I want to invite you to taste a different cup --- the cup of Christ!

    My Cup I collect coffee cups. My favorite cup is this Commemorative Desert storm gold plated mug. SHOW MUG w/ coffee in it. >> THEN HIDE MUG. I have sipped coffee from some really nice cups, and the same coffee taste better - from a better cup. I have tasted some coffee that no cup could more

  • The Cup

    Contributed by Jonathan Mcleod on Sep 14, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    The wrath that was due us fell on Him.

    (You can read all of Jonathan's sermons on or you can sign up for his Sermon of the Week by contacting This sermon is based on chapter 3, “Looking Below the Surface,” in The Cross of Christ by John Stott. THE AGONY IN THE GARDEN OF more

  • Gonna Need A Bigger Cup

    Contributed by G W Bill Elliott Jr on Nov 30, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Typically, we stop pouring fluid as the container is filling to the rim. Too often, we tend to ease-up on God's calling on our lives because we sense we are filling up. He wants us to go get a bigger cup, through!

    No, this is not a story about the whole ‘glass half full’, or ‘glass half empty’ debate. In fact, the late George Carlin once observed, “Maybe the glass is just twice as big as it needs to be!“… he then proceeded on a tirade of how we overthink, over-analyze, and certainly over-debate about such more

  • Sermon # 1 - God's Bountiful Heart Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Feb 22, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    What is the secret to a life of overflowing abundance? There’s much we can learn from the life of David and Abraham. God can bless abundantly if only we can follow certain principles, and let go of thoughts and attitudes that displease God.

    We read in 2 Corinthians 9:8, “Besides, God is able to make every blessing of yours overflow for you, so that in every situation you will always have all you need for any good work.” (ISV) This is Paul’s words to the church at Corinth and he wished them that they would be full and overflowing with more

  • The Devil's Cup

    Contributed by David Dailey on May 24, 2003
    based on 5 ratings

    THE longer you drink the more bitter it becomes

    John 2:9-10 is our text. The Governer of the feast said something here that is a very important truth. As we read this scripture, we see the manner of the world (or the devil) described, and we see the manner of the bridegroom (or the Lord). The Governer said; Every man at the beginning doth set more

  • My Cup Runs Over Lesson 10

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Sep 21, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Relationship is key to understanding Psalm 23

    A. RELATIONSHIP IS THE KEY TO UNDERSTANDING PSALM 23 1. The Shepherd’s relationship to me begins with His commitment. a. Possession. “His own sheep” (John 10:4). b. Sacrifice. “The good shepherd giveth His life” (John 10:11). c. Transforms. “He restoreth my soul” (Ps. 23:3). d. Care. “Calleth more

  • My Cup Runs Over Lesson 9 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Mar 1, 2019

    The Shepherd’s relationship to me begins with His commitment.

    A. RELATIONSHIP IS THE KEY TO UNDERSTANDING PSALM 23 1. The Shepherd’s relationship to me begins with His commitment. a. Possession. “His own sheep” (John 10:4). b. Sacrifice. “The good shepherd giveth His life” (John 10:11). c. Transforms. “He restoreth my soul” (Ps. 23:3). d. Care. “Calleth more

  • The Cup Experience

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Mar 20, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Have you ever, like Job, asked God the question why me? I try to be faithful, I try to be obedient. I go to church faithfully. Yet I am in this mess yet again. It's a cup experience

    “The Cup Experience” By Bishop M.L. Maughmer, Jr. Matthew 20:22-23, Matthew 26:39 Genesis 44 & 45 OPENING:- One of the great figurative images of the Bible is the cup. There are many references to the cup in the Bible. Now what gives the cup its significance is not the cup itself, more

  • Cupped And Committed

    Contributed by Betty Johnson on Sep 6, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon for duck-hunting season when we had several hunters visiting us, most Christian, some not.

    Cupped & Committed April 9, 2006 Scripture: Mark 8:34 He called the crowd and his disciples to himself and said to them, ‘If anyone wants to follow me, let them deny themselves, and take up their cross, and follow me. For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their more

  • Emptied Out To Be Filled

    Contributed by David Cramer on Sep 6, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    How to be emptied out and then refilled by the Lord.

    How to be emptied and then refilled Stand and lift up your bible and repeat after me. This is my Bible. I am what it says I am. I can do what it says I can do. I am going to learn how to be what it says I can be. Today I will learn more of the word of God. The indestructible, never ending, living more

  • Accepting The Cup

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on Feb 16, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    Communion message based on Ray Vander Laan’s description of the acceptance of the "bride price" by the prospective bride.

    Accepting the Cup Matthew 26:17-29 February 11, 2007 This last week Debra and I were at our annual Pastors Retreat in Rapid City with the other pastors of our district. It’s always a great time of refreshment and fellowship, not to mention listening to some great teaching from guest speakers and more

  • What's In The Cup?

    Contributed by Carol Post on Oct 18, 2018

    Are you ready to drink from the cup of Jesus?

    What’s in the Cup? The message today is based on the portion of scripture found in Mark 10:32-45. Jesus Predicts His Death a Third Time 32 They were on their way up to Jerusalem, with Jesus leading the way, and the disciples were astonished, while those who followed were afraid. Again, he took the more

  • The Cup Of Redemption

    Contributed by Mike Hays on Apr 8, 2001
    based on 138 ratings

    The Jewish Passover that Jesus observed with His disciples was very different from our observance of the Lord’s Supper today. Jesus became our Cup of Redemption through His crucifixion on our behalf.

    The Cup of Redemption Luke 22:7-22 Sunday marked the day that all of God’s people began to lose sight of everything other than the preparations for the most important day of the year. There was much to do. People had come from everywhere to celebrate Passover in the Holy City of Jerusalem. The more

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