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  • Embracing The Holy Spirit Series

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on May 19, 2013

    Understanding who the Holy Spirit is and His role in our life.

    Title: Embracing the Holy Spirit Theme: To show the importance of embracing the Holy Spirit not just as an emotional experience but as a helper, counselor, intercessor, friend Text: John 14:1 - 18 Offering: Matthew 6:19-20 "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust more

  • Rooted In God's Love

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Feb 22, 2019

    Continuing to look are our call to accept the Spirit of God in our heart, which changes who we are called to be.

    Rooted in God’s Love Ephesians 3:14-21 February 24, 2019 I don’t usual give homework assignments . . . but last week I did. My hope after last week’s message was that each of us would take time to allow God’s Spirit to fill our spirit. We would seek to draw closer to Him as we passionately more

  • Embracing The Spirit Within SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 11, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    The secret of a life overshadowed and empowered with the Holy Spirit is learning the lifestyle of hosting the presence of God. Learning how to cultivate a genuine and intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit.

    The secret to living a life overshadowed and empowered by the Holy Spirit is learning how to cultivate a genuine and intimate relationship with Him. This involves hosting His presence in our lives. In the story of Martha and Mary, we see that Mary chose to sit at Jesus' feet and listen to His more

  • The Holy Spirit PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 25, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the Holy Spirit as our divine guide, intimate companion, and source of strength, urging us to understand and embrace His presence in our lives.

    Welcome, beloved family of faith, to this blessed gathering where we come together, not as strangers or mere acquaintances, but as brothers and sisters united under the banner of Christ's love. We are here, in this sacred space, to delve deeper into the mysteries of our faith, to seek understanding more

  • The Gift Of The Holy Spirit PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Mar 19, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon encourages embracing the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, understanding God's grace, and deepening our relationship with our Heavenly Father.

    Good morning, beloved. As we gather here today, hearts aflame with a yearning for the divine, we find ourselves standing on the precipice of a profound revelation. A revelation that will illuminate our path, and guide us ever closer to the divine embrace of our Heavenly Father. Today, we set our more

  • Embracing Encouragement

    Contributed by Tim Hinrichs on Feb 23, 2012
    based on 5 ratings

    Encouragement is vital for our survival - through it we help others to love and good works. It's the responsibility of every believer to encourage and it's an urgent need because there is more and more of a need of encouragement in this evil days.

    In 1995 twin girls Kyrie and Brielle were born prematurely. Weighing only 2 pounds each, they were watched over very carefully each in their respective incubators. Kyrie began putting on weight immediately, but Brielle struggled - she cried and cried leaving her gasping and blue faced. They wrapped more

  • Embracing God's Call Series

    Contributed by Jerry Owen on Aug 15, 2018

    The proper way to respond to God when He is calling you to serve Him.

    EMBRACING GOD’S CALL 1 Kings 19:19-21; 2 Kings 2:1-25 What will you do with your life? That’s a mind-blowing question. As a graduating senior, it is like a freight train coming at you in a tunnel. Don’t fret, though, because it’s good practice for you. It seems I’ve spent most of my life in more

  • Holiness And The Holy Spirit Series

    Contributed by Kerry Bauman on Feb 1, 2006
    based on 8 ratings

    The only way to conquer the sinful nature is to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit.

    Holiness and the Holy Spirit (The Secret to Living a Holy Life) Text: Galatians 5:16-26 Introduction: This morning, we have the third message in our ten-week series which is a call to holiness entitled, "In the World, but Not Of It." If you’ve been a believer for very long you know that as more

  • The Holy Spirit Series

    Contributed by John Braland on Oct 18, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    What is the Holy Spirit? What is it’s function and what do I need to know about it? Millions of peopel equate the Holy Spirit with the Force found in the Star Wars movies. Why is that? This message will eduate non-Christians and equip believers as to

    How many of you are Star Wars fans? Josh is eight now and he loves the Star Wars movies. We have light sabers and lego fighters the Star Wars games on the Nintendo DS and all of the movies except episode #2 which Josh has been begging me to buy. Every night before bed we have an epic battle that more

  • Holy Spirit PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 18, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the Holy Spirit's empowering presence in believers' lives, enhancing their connection with God and enabling them to bear spiritual fruit.

    Good morning Today, we are going to focus on a powerful passage in the Book of Acts, a passage that speaks to the very core of our Christian walk. Acts 1:8 says, "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, more

  • The Holy Spirit Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Jun 21, 2021

    The Holy Spirit Series: CREED: Truths that Unite Brad Bailey – February 28, 2021

    The Holy Spirit Series: CREED: Truths that Unite Brad Bailey – February 28, 2021 Intro... I want to add my warm welcome to each of you. We are continuing our weekly engagement with the central truths that are identified in what has been called The Apostles Creed. These are the truths... that were more

  • The Holy Spirit Series

    Contributed by J. Douglas Duty Jr. on Oct 4, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    From a series "What we Believe..."

    “What We Believe…” God the Holy Spirit Romans 8:2-16 Today we look at what is probably the most controversial, the most misunderstood and least used doctrines in churches today – that is the HOLY SPIRIT. In the the Old Testament, God’s power; in New Testament He is the third person of the more

  • The Holy Spirit

    Contributed by Joe Bedy on Apr 11, 2003
    based on 59 ratings

    A keyword sermon describing the Holy Spirit as the Paraclete.

    Every Monday our evangelism team goes out to call on people who have visited the church or to parents of the children who attend our school. Last Monday we finished our scheduled call with Darryl and Sharon who are very strong believers in the Lord. Before we left their home we circled for a more

  • The Holy Spirit

    Contributed by Dennis Deese on Aug 7, 2003
    based on 74 ratings

    Let’s consider some things we need to both see and know about the Holy Spirit.

    “THE HOLY SPIRIT” Dr. Dennis Deese - JOHN 14:15-17 JOHN 14:17 Seeth: 2334 theoreo {theh?o?reh’?o}: A Word not used of an indifferent spectator, but of one who looks at a thing with interest and for a purpose; This word would be used of a general more

  • The Holy Spirit

    Contributed by Samuel Hagle on Nov 27, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    This is a sermon about the Holy Spirit, who He is, and what He is doing, from the OT until today.

    Sermon/Bible study about the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is present thru out the whole Bible. From Genesis 1 to Revelation. Genesis 1:2 says “darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.” Revelation 22:17 says: “The spirit and the bride say, more

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