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Sermons on elder qualifications:

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  • Paul’s Charge To The Ephesian Elders Series

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Oct 14, 2023

    Paul sees the elders of the Ephesian church for the last time. He gives them a charge: 'Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock.' It's a message the church needs to hear today.

    Today’s passage has a lot to tell us about the job of a minister or pastor or elder. Maybe you think, ‘I’m not a minister or pastor or elder. This doesn’t apply to me’! But all of us have responsibilities towards other people. This passage has something to say to all of us. Before I get more

  • The Hall Of Fame Of Our Faithful Elders PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 15, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the power and importance of faith as the foundation of our Christian walk, urging believers to actively engage with God's promises.

    Welcome, beloved, to this gathering of saints, where we find ourselves wrapped in a fellowship of faith, united by our shared love for the Lord. We are here to immerse ourselves in the Word of God, to drink deeply from the well of wisdom that never runs dry, to be refreshed, renewed, and more

  • Desire To Serve Series

    Contributed by Daniel Austin on Mar 1, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    In these statements, Paul gave to Timothy, Titus, and now to us, principles which are true and dependable, truths upon which we can build our faith and our lives in Christ.

    Desire to Serve A Trustworthy Statement 09/21/08 PM Text: 1 Timothy 3:1 Introduction In this lesson we draw again from the letters of Paul that we often refer to as the “Pastoral Epistles”, those letters written to Timothy and Titus. In this lesson, as with the others, we focus on a particular more

  • “the Dynamic Impact Of A Good Deacon”

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Feb 19, 2014

    In Acts 6, we see what kind of positive impact the effective ministry of the deacon can have on a local church.

    The early church was experiencing phenomenal growth, marvelous miracles, pulsating power, and unlimited blessings. Then, right in the middle of this success story, dissension arose. The Greek speaking widows were being neglected in favor of the Hebrew speaking widows. The Apostles said that they more

  • Right Church Leadership (1 Timothy 3)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on May 6, 2024

    Do we have the right to reinterpret Paul's inspired qualifications for elders and deacons, adapting them to a sinful society? Let's find out in 1 Timothy 3.

    Do we have any authority to ignore Paul’s inspired qualifications for elders and deacons? Do we have any authority for man-made requirements? Do we have any authority to ordain women as elders? Do we trust that God inspired Paul with instructions for all time, or do we bend them to suit the whims more

  • Humble Church Servants Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Sep 12, 2018

    Three aspects of deacons

    Text: 1 Tim 3:8-13, Title: Humble Church Servants, Date/Place: 4.22.18, WHBC, AM A. Opening illustration: “The world may assess a man’s greatness by the number of people whom he controls and who are at his beck and call; or by his intellectual standing and academic eminence; or by the number of more

  • #5 Fundamental Foundations Of Faith (Identifying The New Testament Church By Its Organization) Series

    Contributed by Tim West on Jan 15, 2024

    This lesson examines the Biblical organization of the church

    Fundamental Foundations of Faith Identifying The New Testament Church by Its Organization INTRO. A. In this series of lessons on the fundamentals of faith, we have studied the church, and we saw that the church is the “called out.” B. We also saw that in the New Testament, that more

  • Who Is The Church Boss?

    Contributed by Larry Wise on Jul 18, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon about the role of the elders.

    Who is the “Church Boss”? I Peter 5:1-5 Have you seen the new TV show called Undercover boss? It’s about good bosses. The contrast to that is the Annual "Worst boss" contest. One of the best-selling business books in 1996 was called "Best Boss, Worst Boss" by management more

  • The Overseer’s Fitness-1

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jul 30, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    1 of 6. Paul related the moral qualifications for an overseer of the Church. Character traits for overseers of the church are definitive. ?How is his fitness determined? An overseer’s fitness is decided by his...

    The OVERSEER’s FITNESS-I—1Timothy 3:1-7 Attention: Americans are fitness freaks! We watch people on TV getting fit. We buy videos(in lieu of a personal trainer) to help us get fit.(P90-X—Walk Away the Pounds—etc.) We want to be fit because we are rightly convinced that a healthy body is better more

  • Deacons Present And Future

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Jul 15, 2019

    Church Structure is designed by God. Deacons are important!

    DEACONS FOR THE PRESENT AND THE FUTURE INTRODUCTION The Church is the Body of Christ. It was bought by the blood of Christ and every Christian exists and lives in submission to Christ. It should be of no surprise to us that God has given us specific instructions about how he desires the church to more

  • So, You Want To E A Deacon

    Contributed by Horace Wimpey on Apr 23, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    This is a sermon for Deacon nomination Sunday at our church

    So, You Want To Be A Deacon Acts 6:1-7, 1 Timothy 3:8-13, (NLT) Intro: The story’s told of a long-winded preacher who had a member who fell asleep during every sermon. So the pastor said to his deacon, “Bob, I want you to take this long stick and use it to tap Brother John on the head more

  • A Bibilical Deacon

    Contributed by Dwight Kennedy on Feb 22, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    I want us to look at what the BIBLE gives as qualifications of a deacon. Also, the question sometimes comes up, "Do we really need deacons now?" I believe that stems from a misunderstanding of what a deacon should actually be.

    The church has many positions that are filled with Godly men and Godly woman, but the Bible only teaches of two offices: 1) Bishop, Elder, Overseer, or Pastor, and 2) Deacon. Churches today are filled with men who may hold the TITLE of deacon, but their lives disqualify them from actually being a more

  • Eldership Installation: Where Quality Matters

    Contributed by Chad Martens on Apr 29, 2002
    based on 100 ratings

    Sermon on elder installation. Covers the requirements to be an elder, some of the duties of an elder, and the congregations responsibility TO the elders.

    Eldership: Where Quality Matters Elder Installation 1 Timothy 3:2-7 A sermon by: Chad Martens, Senior Minister Town and Country Christian Church Cameron, MO INTRODUCTION: Today we have the privilege to be able to set aside 2 of our men and ordain them as elders of Christ’s Church. In preparing more

  • Pull Together Not Apart

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Feb 5, 2013

    In the selection process of church leaders we must see the importance of purpose as well as process.

    1. Fatigue Back in the 90’s there was a President of Harvard University named Neil Rudenstine. Now, one of the major roles of college president is to raise money for the institution so they can pay the salaries and other financial responsibilities of the organization. And Neil Rudenstine was more

  • Respecting & Rebuking The Saints.

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 13, 2016

    Respecting & Rebuking the Saints - 1 Timothy chapter 5 verses 1-24 - sermon by Gordon Curley. PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: • Good advice to older members (vs 1-2) • Good advice to widows (vs 3-16) • Good advice to church leaders (vs 17-25) SERMON BODY: Quote: G.K. Chesterton (the influential English writer of the early 20th century): “I owe my success to having listened more

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