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  • Down To Racing Weight

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Apr 2, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Delivered March 1986. To run this race of life and faith, you need worthy role models, you need to rid yourself of destructive habits, and you need the pacesetter, Christ.

    Beneath this bulky middle-aged body and especially beneath the generous folds of this preaching robe, there beats the heart of a runner, a racer. Surprise, surprise, you never knew that, did you? But it's true. Inside this fleshy disgrace to the human race there lies buried somewhere the soul of more

  • Down To The Sea In Ships Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Mar 3, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    A study of chapter 27 verses 1 through 36

    Ezekiel 27: 1 – 36 Down to the sea in ships 1 The word of the LORD came again to me, saying, 2 “Now, son of man, take up a lamentation for Tyre, 3 and say to Tyre, ‘You who are situated at the entrance of the sea, merchant of the peoples on many coastlands, thus says the Lord more

  • Laying Down Our Will

    Contributed by Jeff Budzinski on Jun 29, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    In order to grow in the things of God and to be used in a powerful way for Jesus, we must lay down our will. In order for God’s life (His will) to be expressed through us, we must lay our life (our will) down. God’s will for our life overrides the plans

    Introduction · In order to grow in the things of God and to be used in a powerful way for Jesus, we must lay down our will. · In order for God’s life (His will) to be expressed through us, we must lay our life (our will) down. · God’s will for our life overrides the plans, purposes and pursuits more

  • Jesus Sat Down Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Jan 10, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon on Hebrews 1:1-3 on how we have a better message and a better messenger compared to the Old Testament (Outline and several thoughts come from Jack Peters

    HoHum: Betty Botter bought some butter, "But," she said, "this butter’s bitter. If I bake this bitter butter, It will make my batter bitter. But a bit of better butter - That would make my batter better." So she bought a bit of butter, Better than her bitter butter, And she baked it in her more

  • Lord Came Down!

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Jun 2, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    The words “the Lord came down” sent a shiver up my spine!

    Lord came down! Numbers 12:5 “Then the LORD came down in the pillar of cloud and stood in the door of the tabernacle, and called Aaron and Miriam. And they both went forward.” The words “the Lord came down” sent a shiver up my spine! We live in a world where morality is more

  • Passing Christianity Down Series

    Contributed by Bob Marcaurelle on Mar 2, 2016

    First message in an exposition of First Timothy that gives the setting, background and purpose of Paul's first letter to his son in the faith, Timothy

    PASSING CHRISTIANITY DOWN AN EXPOSITION OF FIRST TIMOTHY Copyright 2004 by Bob Marcaurelle First Timothy Sermon 1 A. The Faith Passed On (1:1-3) PASS IT ON! PASS IT DOWN! “Paul- an more

  • "Breaking Down The Walls" Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Dec 22, 2015

    Place is not a barrier to worship. Place is irrelevant. We do not worship a place. We worship in spirit. This is not referring to the Holy Spirit; this refers to the heart. We must worship with the heart.

    5 Priorities of the Church “Breaking down the Walls” John 4:1-26 I am reminded of a young boy who asked his mother if she could remember the highest number she ever counted to. She said well really can’t remember so why don’t you tell me what the highest number is you have more

  • Down Into The Land Of Slavery Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Dec 28, 2014
    based on 26 ratings

    God had planned this trip to Egypt for centuries. But why choose that pagan land? Why not someplace else?

    OPEN: (We turned the video's sound down as I explained the artist and artwork that was being shown). I’m not much for modern art, but this particular piece of artwork intrigued me. It’s the work of the renowned French artist Bernard Pras. more

  • Love Came Down Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Dec 4, 2022

    God’s Love showed up on earth in human form to touch us, speak to us, encourage us and present to us God’s love in person! It was and is the greatest gift you could ever receive!

    Sermon: Love Came Down Thesis: The message tonight for the Christmas is all about God’s Love for us – God sent “Love Personified” who is Jesus to show us how much He loves us – God sent Love in human form born as a baby to show us His love in the flesh – in a tangible way – that’s really to me “The more

  • Lay Them Down

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Jun 5, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Freedom is not found in discarding the yoke of Christ; it's found in losing our own burden. It's not found in discarding his authority; it's an amazing truth that freedom is found under the yoke of Christ.

    Opening illustration: All of us enjoy receiving invitations—to a meal, a wedding, or a concert. Usually, when the invitation is printed on a little card, there are cryptic letters written at the bottom: RSVP. We know what those letters mean. They are an abbreviation of a French request to more

  • The Way Down Is Up

    Contributed by John Gullick on Jun 9, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon that looks at the dynamics of Mark chapter 3 20 - 35 and attempts to show how often in the Christian life in order to go up we need to go what the world considers as down.

    2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1 Mark 3:20-35 In 1982, David Pawson was invited to speak in New Zealand. His had a reputation as a bible teacher, so people the people of Wellington were surprised when he said that he had a prophecy. He carried two burdens that God had given him for our nation. One burden more

  • Knock Down, Not Out Series

    Contributed by Russ Adams on Aug 14, 2015
    based on 2 ratings

    We are call to be faithful, not successful

    August 9, 2015 Church Planting Knocked Down, Not Out Acts 14:8-20 Opening words: In 1858 the Illinois legislature--using an obscure statute--sent Stephen A. Douglas to the U.S. Senate instead of Abraham Lincoln, although Lincoln had won the popular vote. When a sympathetic friend asked Lincoln more

  • Getting Down And Dirty Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Aug 16, 2015
    based on 18 ratings

    How do you fight to win against sin? There are at least 4 principles we need to know if we're going to overcome sin in our lives.

    OPEN: One man told about the time, when he was a boy, that a bully used to demand his lunch money every day. He wrote: “Since I was smaller, I would give it to him. But then I decided to fight back. I started taking karate lessons, but the instructor wanted $5 a lesson. That was a lot of more

  • Up The Down Side

    Contributed by Dr. Amen Howard on Jul 31, 2014

    It takes tremendous effort to make it to the top. Well, sometimes that’s the way it is for believers.

    At times we may feel as though we’re going up the down side in life. Someone might say, “What are you talking about?” Let me give an example. Have you ever tried to go up and down the escalator? You might take two steps forward and fall back four steps. What should you do more

  • I Bow Down Series

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Jul 2, 2016

    The Word of God is made more sure in our command to Love the Lord our God. This same command is seen in our celebration of the lord's Super.

    July 3, 2016 Morning Worship Text: Deuteronomy 6:4-5 Subject: There is One True God Title: I Bow Down This morning I want to continue with the series we began several weeks ago. The Bible is the Inspired Word of God. Do you believe that? Last week we moved out into the realm of who God is more

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