
Summary: Romans 6:14-15 – *Notice the use of the word “under” Whether its: Under the weather or under the circumstances…we’re always living under something. How about living under grace:

Romans 6:14-15 – *Notice the use of the word “under”

Proverbs 30:5 *Every word of God has purpose – “God breathed” none of it is filler

“Under” whether its: Under the weather & under the circumstances…we’re always living under something

1. Past: Under the Law – Grace gives a New Motive Romans 3:10-19

* Before grace…Unrighteousness, ignorant, apathetic, unprofitable, wicked, deceitful, bitter, evil, miserable, without peace, & without fear of God

o We might not have met all the qualifications- but we can look back and see these in our life before God and grace

* Verse 24-We are set free from things before grace at salvation – by grace and from Christ

* I Corinthians 5:17-These are the old things! Not only do we get a new what – but a new why. Thanks, gratitude, and love **Gospel

Navajo men going to Oakland by train: – in station, saw sign- “Do not spit here” – in beautiful home, no sign // – They loved their home and didn’t need a sign to keep it clean

2. Present: Under Sin – Grace gives a New Master Romans 7:14

* – Even though we can apply grace for salvation- we receive a new life with new motions-we still serve the old master…we stay in bondage to sin as slaves.

* Exodus 3:7-8 – Pharaoh’s way vs. God’s way

* Galatians 5:1 – Grace = Liberty to do what we ought (not what we want!)

* Answers: Romans 6:14-15 believe it!

o Romans 8:15 – Spirit of bondage-brings fear

3. Future – Under Grace – Grace gives a New Mission Romans 16:20, Rom. 8:31, 32, 37, 39

* God promise on ultimate victory over Satan – “over every devise and design on men’s souls to defile, disturb and destroy them.”

* When all seems lost, wrong and wrong prevails – remember this promise-“Hold out, don’t quit!”

* If God’s grace be with us – who shall prevail against us

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