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Sermons on divine plans:

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  • Looking At The Plans Series

    Contributed by Stewart Holloway on Nov 14, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    However, in order for God to be free to work, you need to be dreaming the right dream. You need to be envisioning the right plan. Not just any plan will do for God. You need a divine plan to build your home. That plan is God’s written word.

    I love to look at building plans – especially of houses and churches. Whether it’s a floor plan or a full blueprint, I love it. My love for plans began when I was in fifth or sixth grade and my parents were planning to build their house. Mom and dad involved me in the plan selection process, and more

  • Divine Strategy

    Contributed by Scott Spencer on Aug 19, 2013

    In order to be truly successful, you must not only know where you want to go, but how you want to get there. In other words, you must not only have a goal, but a plan to reach that goal. You might call that plan a strategy. Strategy comes before success, both in the dictionary and in life.

    Divine Strategy Mark 3:7-19 7 Jesus withdrew to the sea with His disciples; and a great multitude from Galilee followed; and also from Judea, 8 and from Jerusalem, and from Idumea, and beyond the Jordan, and the vicinity of Tyre and Sidon, a great number of people heard of all that He more

  • The Divine Design For Our Lives Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Sep 3, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    The concept of God's divine design for our lives, emphasises how our plans align with His purpose.

    "The Divine Design for Our Lives" Introduction: Welcome the congregation and introduce the key verse: Proverbs 19:21 (NLT) - "You can make many plans, but the Lord's purpose will prevail." Explain that today's sermon will explore the concept of God's divine design more

  • Sweet Like Honey - The Promise Of Goodness Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the concept of God's goodness, emphasizing that nothing is wasted in life as God uses all situations to fulfill His plans, and encourages believers to see and trust in this divine goodness.

    Good morning church! Welcome back to week 3 of our 4 part series “Sweet Like Honey,” where we are checking out some of God’s many promises made in scripture. If you missed the last two weeks, we first discussed God’s promise to give us rest. And last week, we looked at God’s promise of grace! It’s more

  • Five Smooth Stones - God Gets The Glory Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores how God often chooses the unlikely and the weak to showcase His strength and faithfulness, using the story of David as an example.

    Welcome back for another week of worship together! I’m thankful you decided to join us this morning. If you were here last week, you know we started a brand new sermon series called “5 Smooth Stones.” We looked at the story of David and Goliath. This is a well-known story about the Israelite army more

  • Focus On Your Future Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    We need to trust God and let Him guide us. We need to focus on the future He has for us instead of dwelling on the past. God has a good plan for our lives, and His thoughts and ways are higher than ours.

    Today, we're talking about your future. Now, I know we all have plans, dreams, and goals, but here's the thing: God's got plans for us too, and they're way better than anything we could come up with. Think about it like this: Imagine you're trying to put together a 1000-piece puzzle without the more

  • #1divine Appointments!

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Sep 7, 2007
    based on 15 ratings

    God has a plan for you. God can take two small fishes and help many. Can we accept God is leading me to new depths of trusting His Appointments? This is not an accident! God has a plan!

    THE APPOINTMENT IS MADE: WE HAVE A DIVINE APPOINTMENT! By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. This is part one of a two part series. There was a man, Jack Wugman walking down the beach one day. He saw an unusual glass bottle. He bent over and picked up the bottle. His life would be more

  • Faith That Knows Series

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Feb 5, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Faith places trust in God to finish and fulfill His divine plan

    Faith understands that God not only cares for our needs but that He answers to meet those needs. Faith places a trust in God to fulfill His word, to extend His grace, to move on our behalf. Faith is simply placing our trust in the word of Jesus. Trust sounds like a simple things but it is any but more

  • The Feast Of Salvation: Celebrating God's Goodness Isaiah 25:1 Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Mar 6, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Celebrate the goodness of our God, His faithfulness and His divine plan for salvation,

    The Feast of Salvation: Celebrating God's Goodness Isaiah 25:1 Introduction: Today, we gather to celebrate the goodness of our God, as proclaimed in Isaiah 25:1: "O Lord, I will honor and praise your name, for you are my God. You do such wonderful things! You planned them long ago, and more

  • Divine Health Beats Divine Healing

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Dec 4, 2014

    There are 12 good health rules for us to follow. It is better to not break a dish than to try and glue the dish back together.

    DIVINE HEALTH TRUMPS DIVINE HEALING... By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. Let us make a covenant to KEEP THE DIVINE LAWS AS BEST WE CAN... I. UNDER HIS FEET... UNDER CONTROL... A BETTER PLAN... 2 Samuel 22:39 And I have consumed them, and wounded them, that they could not arise: yea, more

  • An Ordinary Couple Series

    Contributed by Carl Willis on Dec 4, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Mary and Joseph, an ordinary couple who were chosen to be a part of a divine plan.

    An Ordinary Couple Lessons of the Nativity – Part I Matthew 1:18 – 25 Matthew 1:18-25 Now this is how Jesus the Messiah was born. His mother, Mary, was engaged to be married to Joseph. But while she was still a virgin, she became pregnant by the Holy Spirit. [19] Joseph, her fiancé, more

  • The Baptism Of Jesus Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    God's ways are often counterintuitive to our human understanding, but when we trust and partner with Him, we can experience His power and presence in our lives.

    Hey everyone! Today, we're going to talk about something that might seem a bit strange at first, but stick with me, okay? We're going to look at how God's ways are often counterintuitive, which means they might not make sense to us at first. But trust me, there's a reason for it all. But first, more

  • What Is God Doing? Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Nov 26, 2024
    based on 4 ratings

    God often works in unexpected ways and through unexpected means. We need to watch for His surprising actions and join Him in His mission to change the world.

    You know the Christmas story, right? Baby Jesus, manger, shepherds, wise men - the works. But imagine being there. It was all so unexpected and weird. They must've been like, "What's God up to?" What's God up to? Imagine you're expecting a package. You're super excited, but when it arrives, it's in more

  • Peace PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 26, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    God's peace can be achieved through prayer, contentment, and trust in His divine plan.

    Good morning, my brothers and sisters in Christ. We gather here today to dive into a powerful passage from the book of Philippians. Today's sermon is about The Power of Prayer in Achieving Peace, The Benefits of Practicing Contentment, and The Strength of Trusting in God's Plan. Our focus will be more

  • Go! And Trust In God's Plan - Proverbs 19:21 Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Feb 15, 2025
    based on 1 rating

    We map out our lives, set goals, and pursue dreams. Yet, there is a greater plan at work—the divine plan of God.

    Go! And Trust in God's Plan - Proverbs 19:21 Introduction: Have you ever made plans only to see them fall apart? Have you ever set out on a course of action, believing it was right, only to find yourself facing obstacles and detours? As humans, we love to plan. We map out our lives, set goals, more