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  • Attitude Of Disciples On Good Friday Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Apr 1, 2021

    Usually, many Churches remember the Seven Words of Jesus Christ on the cross and its importance on Good Friday. But today, we are going to mediate the attitude of the Disciples on this Good Friday.

    The attitude of Disciples on Good Friday Introduction to Good Friday Devotions: Almost all Christians all over the globe observe Good Friday. No one would call the death of a person a good thing. But this Friday became Good Friday because the death of Christ has changed many things in life more

  • Disciples Reach Out Together Series

    Contributed by John Dobbs on May 6, 2021

    Disciples are never content to RECEIVE the Gospel, because a key element of the Gospel is that it is to be shared! The Spirit prompts us to share the Gospel - are we listening?

    -ACTS OF DISCIPLESHIP- DISCIPLES REACH OUT TOGETHER Acts 8:26-39 Introduction Disciples are never content to RECEIVE the Gospel, because a key element of the Gospel is that it is to be shared! The Spirit prompts us to share the Gospel - are we listening? Acts is Dr. Luke’s account of the more

  • Peter-A Daring Disciple Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 17, 2021

    Peter dared to do what the others never dreamed of doing. Safety first was their motto. But Peter was an impulsive risk taker, and his impulse in this very unusual setting was to step out onto the water.

    Back in 1959 Ford Motor Company admitted they made a big mistake in making the Edsel. It cost 250 million to bring it to market, and they lost 200 million during the 2 and 1/2 years they produced it. It was the number one lemon in the history of the U. S. auto industry. But smart owners turned more

  • I Am A Disciple Of Jesus! Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Sep 28, 2020

    We are called to be disciples of Jesus which means we are to follow Him and obey Him as Savior and Lord. We must not allow the idea of discipleship to morph into membership, and Christianity to be replaced by "churchianity."

    A. Today’s sermon begins a new sermon series on discipleship that I am calling “I Am A Disciple Of Jesus!” 1. I spent some time wrestling with what to call the series. 2. I thought about naming the series “The Discipleship Adventure” or “The Discipleship Journey” – those titles sound inspiring and more

  • Jesus Prays For His Disciples

    Contributed by John Gaston on May 11, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    In Jesus' High Priestly prayer in John 17, He recognized us as His treasured possessions that the Father gave Him. He prayed for our unity and that we might be kept by God's Name and Word until we're with Him in Heaven.

    JESUS PRAYS FOR HIS DISCIPLES John 17:6-19, NKJV INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: NONE ARE SHARP 1. A man was describing his multiple jobs to his Cantonese coworker, “I’m a jack of all trades and a master of none!” “Oh,” he said. 2. “We have a similar expression in our culture, “Equipped with knives more

  • Disciples Overcome Differences Together Series

    Contributed by John Dobbs on May 13, 2021

    Churches are composed of people from every perspective, heritage, and history. The diversity of people in each church leads to conflicting views on everything.

    Acts of Discipleship Disciples Overcome Differences Acts 15:1-18 Introduction Dr. Debra Dupree wrote, “Anytime two people come together, there are likely to be differences in their beliefs, expectations, attitudes, concerns, hopes, and values.” In every group of people that we have been a part more

  • Disciples Love The Church Together Series

    Contributed by John Dobbs on May 20, 2021

    I love the church. Because I’m imperfect and I’m a part of the church, the church as we see it is imperfect. But I still love the church.

    ACTS OF DISCIPLESHIP DISCIPLES LOVE THE CHURCH TOGETHER Acts 20:18-38 Introduction I love the church. Because I’m imperfect and I’m a part of the church, the church as we see it is imperfect. But I still love the church. Karl Vater : four main reasons why we should love the church -Jesus Loves more

  • A Disciple Shares The Gospel Boldly Series

    Contributed by Jefferson Williams on May 23, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    A Disciple understands the Gospel clearly and shares the Gospel boldly

    Discipleship Matters: Sharing the Gospel Boldly Acts 8:5-40 Pastor Jefferson M. Williams Chenoa Baptist Church 05-23-2021 I Just Wanted to Play Basketball When I was a teenager, I used to go to youth group with my brother. I wasn’t interested in Jesus. I just wanted to meet girls and play more

  • Disciples Endure Storms Together Series

    Contributed by John Dobbs on May 30, 2021

    Everyone faces storms in their life. Sometimes these storms are life-altering, sometimes they seem impossible to overcome. Many of the greatest heroes of the Bible went through sustained storms that challenged their faith.

    -ACTS OF DISCIPLESHIP- DISCIPLES ENDURE STORMS TOGETHER Acts 27:14-36 Introduction Everyone faces storms in their life. Sometimes these storms are life-altering, sometimes they seem impossible to overcome. Death, disease, marriage problems, financial problems, loss of income, disappointment, more

  • Jesus Washing The Disciples Feet Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Jun 16, 2023

    The disciples were expecting Jesus to be an earthly king who would destroy his enemies and rule in the tradition of King David. But what did Jesus do? He took a towel and a wash basin and started washing the feet of the disciples.

    Jesus Washing the Disciples Feet. John 13:1-17 We have in this passage the account of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples the night before he was crucified. John is the only gospel writer that records this foot washing. As you read the life of Christ in the Gospels, you cannot help but more

  • 5 Star Disciples At Work

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Dec 6, 2021

    No matter the environment and no matter your boss, you are called to place a steeple at your workplace. Work as unto the Lord! No matter where or how your receive your paycheck, picture taking the Lord’s Supper while at work.

    For more than a century, a French company has issued a series of guide books where they award stars to the best restaurants. It’s the Michelin rating system. Here’s a quick run-down of their rating system - Three stars is exceptional cuisine and worthy of a special journey. Two stars is excellent more

  • Win 1 - Disciple 1 Series

    Contributed by Jon Daniels on Jan 3, 2022

    Based on Acts 8:26-40 - Challenges hearers to make a commitment to win 1 person to Christ in 2022, & disciple 1 person in 2022.

    “WIN 1: DISCIPLE 1” Acts 8:26-40 FBCF – 1/2/22 Jon Daniels INTRO – You want to know how our church will, without a doubt, grow numerically & spiritually? Not some newfangled church growth plan, or some new book that’s been written, or some new strategy that no one’s ever thought of. It’s not more

  • Raft, Sailboat, Or Speedboat Disciple? Series

    Contributed by Chuck Gohn on Jul 5, 2022

    This sermon focuses on Paul's words to "work out your salvation" and the three options for doing so.

    We are continuing our series on the book of Philippians. As I have mentioned before, the book of Philippians was actually a letter, also known as an epistle, which was written by Paul to the church that he planted in the city of Philippi, which is basically what we would consider today northern more

  • Disciples Must Spread The Gospel

    Contributed by Michael Koplitz on Feb 22, 2022

    It is past time that the disciples of Jesus Christ start fighting for the Kingdom of God. We must fight back against the wokeness that is trying to destroy to the church.

    Disciples Must Spread the Gospel Mark 14:1-2 Rev. Dr. Michael H. Koplitz 1 Now the Passover and Unleavened Bread were two days away; and the chief priests and the scribes were seeking how to seize Him by stealth and kill Him; 2 for they were saying, “Not during the festival, otherwise there might more

  • The Connections Of Father, Son, And The Disciples Series

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Apr 13, 2022

    This passage is flooded with information about the connections between the Father, the Son, and the disciples. What specifically can we learn from it?

    - [Probably best to do on a Wednesday evening – lots of points.] - This passage is dense. Lots going on. It’s deep and complex. - One of the things worth pulling from this passage: there is an almost overwhelming about of information on the connections between Father, Son, and the disciples. - more

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