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Sermons on deniers:

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  • The Denying Denier

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Aug 30, 2013

    Will we stand true to Jesus if the times get difficult?

    The Denying Denier John 13:36-38 Introduction Peter has certainly drawn his share of fire over the centuries. He is presented by the gospels as the first one of them to open his mouth. And often his bravado got him into trouble. The man whom Jesus called “the Rock” when He called him more

  • Faith Denier

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Dec 3, 2024

    If you take care of you and everyone other than your family you are worse than an infidel.

    "I have a question - need an interpretation of 1 Timothy 5:8. Rock solid, hard core, gloves off, down and dirty. What are the implications, explications, every angle, no stone left unturned." 1 Tim 5:8  But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he more

  • The Betrayer, The Denier, And The Deserters Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Jan 7, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Who is responsible for the death of Jesus? Consider his own disciples: a betrayer, a denier, and the rest deserters.

    Introduction This morning we are beginning a series of sermons featuring the passion of Christ. The title of the series is Who is Responsible? Who is responsible for the death of Jesus? We will consider the cast of characters who make their appearance in the story and consider the roles they more

  • Fairweather Fred - "The Denier" Series

    Contributed by Carl Willis on Mar 19, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    A look at those closest to Jesus and His love for them in spite of their flaws.

    Today we will be wrapping up our series on friends who fail. We will be taking a second look at Peter and what would probably be described as his greatest failure. While Peter was sitting out in the courtyard, a servant girl came up to him and said, ‘You were with Jesus from Galilee.’ But in more

  • Herod - How Deniers Find Jesus Series

    Contributed by Paul Barreca on Dec 15, 2014

    Herod was a wicked man and an evil king. But you don't have to kill baby Jesus to end up in hell. You just have to deny him.

    Herod - How Deniers Find Jesus Matthew 2:19-20 Today’s message takes a somber tone. This is our third message on the subject of Finding Jesus. Today, we look at Herod who was seeking Jesus but for the wrong reason. As we know, Herod was seeking Jesus to kill him. He demonstrates for us more

  • Go! Demons Series

    Contributed by Ron Tuit on Jun 13, 2013

    The Lordship and Deity of Jesus are demonstrated in curing the Demon-possessed, as well as the promise of future judgment upon devils and deniers of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    “Go! Demons!” Matthew 8:28-34 We continue to look at the miracles and ministry of Jesus according to more

  • Don’t You Dare Even To Omit A Word, Any Denier Of The Truth! Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Jan 5, 2024

    We can not play games with God for the preaching of His inspired word is so essential, and we become deniers if we omit from our preaching that which we might not find pleasing to ourselves or others. Preaching must not omit a word as Jeremiah learned from the Lord. Be faithful.

    DON’T YOU DARE EVEN TO OMIT A WORD, ANY WHO WOULD DENY THE TRUTH! [1]. INTRODUCTION Some events in the Christian world cause me distress when I learn of them for there are too many practices that are downright dishonouring to God. Those of you who listen to me or read what I write will know I more

  • The 4 Aspects Of Deception

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Sep 30, 2024

    Deception is the systematic inducement of false beliefs in others to accomplish some outcome other than the truth. Deception constitutes the misinterpretation of situations by one individual and a consequence to another or poses costs to the receiver and benefits to the deceiver.

    The 4 Aspects of Deception By Bishop Melvin L. Maughmer, Jr. We as humans have a very damaging trait and that is our susceptibility to deception. Deception is the systematic inducement of false beliefs in others to accomplish some outcome other than the truth. Deception constitutes the more

  • The Secret Life Of A Stiff

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Apr 24, 2006
    based on 10 ratings

    How the witnesses to the resurrection impact our lives today

    Power Point Available upon request + New Slide, > Transition in, x Transition out + The Secret Life Of a Stiff 1 Cor. 15:1-11 + Behind the University of Tennessee Medical Center is a lovely little woodlot on a hillside where people are seen lying in the sun or reclining in the shade as squirrels more

  • Encountering The Fire

    Contributed by Rev. Samuel Arimoro on Feb 9, 2025

    The fire of God represents His presence, power, and transformative grace. When an individual encounters God's fire, their life changes dramatically, often empowering them for great assignments and ministry.

    Title: ENCOUNTERING THE FIRE By Rev. Samuel Arimoro Main Text: Acts 3:2-6 Supporting Texts: Isaiah 6:6-7, Acts 2:1-14, Acts 9:3-6 INTRODUCTION: The fire of God represents His presence, power, and transformative grace. When an individual encounters God's fire, their life changes dramatically, more

  • Man Has Twisted, Contorted, Inverted, And Opposed All God’s Creation – Part 1 – Genesis Chapter 1 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Aug 27, 2023

    Every aspect of God’s perfect creation in Genesis 1 has been inverted by man to make monstrosities out of what God created and said, “It is good.” Satan is the one who will destroy and mangle all for evil. We look at these items Satan has mangled, twisted and inverted.

    MAN HAS TWISTED, CONTORTED, INVERTED, AND OPPOSED ALL GOD’S CREATION – PART 1 – GENESIS CHAPTER 1 We are now living in a twisted, contorted and inverted world. In fact the change has not been a slow creeping of the years, but a very rapid convolution that has ascended from the pit and into the more

  • Walking Tall Series

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on Mar 22, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    The call of Christ is for the true believer to "Walk Tall" for the sake of the gospel.

    It is located in Tennessee, on the Mississippi-Tennesee state line, and it is name "McNary County". Many, if not all, will recognize this county by reputation and story if not by name. In the early 1960’s the area around the state line had become an area of ill-repute. The story is told that more

  • Elisha In His Early Ministry – Part 2 - The Water Is Bad Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Jul 15, 2022

    The water of Jericho was bad and could not be fixed. Elisha trusted in the Lord and was led by Him to the solution. We all need to be purified like that water at Jericho. There are lessons in all of this for us all.

    ELISHA IN HIS EARLY MINISTRY – PART 2 - THE WATER BAD SERIES – MESSAGES ON ELISHA – HIS LIFE AND MINISTRY Number 4 [B]. THE WATER IS BAD 2Kings 2 v 19 [[Then the men of the city said to Elisha, “Behold now, the situation of this city is pleasant, as my lord sees, but the water is bad, and the more

  • Defending The Faith Sermon Iv: Embrace The Deity Of Christ Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on May 6, 2020

    In times of upheaval when our Christian Faith is being attacked relentlessly by unbelievers and scoffers, mature Christians embrace the truth of the Deity of Christ our Lord by whose authority we continue to order our lives.

    IN TIMES LIKE THESE --- MATURE CHRISTIANS EMBRACE THE TRUTH OF THE DEITY OF CHRIST In the minds of many people God is a distant, foreign, unknown entity that exists out there somewhere. On the other hand, some folks say they believe in God but pay no attention to what His more

  • The Seventeen Percent Or The Seventy-Two? Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Apr 13, 2023

    Frodo from Lord of the Rings is great fiction, but Jesus is the Risen King of the Universe.

    Sunday After Easter 2023 A couple of years ago, Rasmussen surveyed Americans and found that seventy-two out of every hundred Americans believe that Jesus is Son of God and raised from the dead. Seventeen percent definitely deny that. Thomas the Apostle, after being told of Christ’s physical rising more