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  • To Deny Series

    Contributed by Richard White on Mar 17, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    To deny ourselves is the call to total surrender

    To Deny Luke 9:23 Matthew 19:16-23 Imagine yourself at the local gym; you are working out trying to get fit, loose weight, generally looking good. As you are on one of the machines you notice a friend coming to the gym. He gets out of his car grabs his gym bag, and just as he leaves the car to more

  • Deny Yourself...

    Contributed by Robert Cox on Mar 17, 2007
    based on 44 ratings

    Jesus said pick upi the cross and deny yourself...

    MARK 8:31He then began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, chief priests and teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and after three days rise again. 32He spoke plainly about this, and Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. 33But more

  • Denying Jesus

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on Nov 18, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Discussion of Peter’s boldness in telling Jesus he would stand by Him, his subsequent denials of Jesus, and how we do the same thing sometimes...

    Denying Jesus Matthew 26:31-35, 69-75; John 21:15-17 July 26, 2009 Me/We: I had originally planned to bring another message about that Last Supper, when Jesus instituted the sacrament of Communion. But the more I actually worked on the message, the more I felt like God was telling me I needed more

  • The Denying Denier

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Aug 30, 2013

    Will we stand true to Jesus if the times get difficult?

    The Denying Denier John 13:36-38 Introduction Peter has certainly drawn his share of fire over the centuries. He is presented by the gospels as the first one of them to open his mouth. And often his bravado got him into trouble. The man whom Jesus called “the Rock” when He called him more

  • Why Deny? Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on May 12, 2014

    We have been inundated with the message of self-indulgence, so why should we deny ourselves?

    Why Deny? Matthew 6:16-18 The Sermon on the Mount is a guide for how to live as followers of Jesus. Specifically, Jesus is teaching us that we have to lose some things in our religion so we can get back to a relationship with God. Religion focuses on religious practices, rules, observances, and more

  • Deny Yourself

    Contributed by Keith Broyles on Oct 7, 2014

    Jesus said some radical things, radical things in his day and in ours. One of those things was, "Deny Yourself."

    Back in my teenage years I did volunteer work with the Harris County Emergency Corps. I rode and drove ambulances and that kind of thing. Though it was a volunteer group, working with them had its perks. As part of our needed fund-raising efforts, we staffed the first aid station at various events more

  • Denied: The Twist

    Contributed by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid on Mar 22, 2015

    The feeling of denial kills the spirit as much as the act---without Christ Jesus. JESUS SAVES us all from the death and destruction.

    DENIED: THE TWIST by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid (March 22, 2015) “So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple”, (St. Luke 15:33), King James Version (KJV) [Those denied discipleship]. Greetings In The Holy Name Of more

  • They Denied Jesus Series

    Contributed by Tony Mccreery on Sep 8, 2007

    The 7th in a series going through all Christ endured leading up to the Cross. The series ends Easter Sunday with the Glorious Resurrection

    Last week we talked about the fact that Jesus was bound. They tied Him up to keep Him from retaliating. The crowd was afraid of Jesus. That is proven more and more as one reads about the events leading up to the crucifixion. Here Jesus is before Pilate. Pilate has questioned Jesus. He has more

  • Rejection Denied.

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Sep 4, 2023

    So just what is rejection? For a child, it could be another child not sharing. -For a teen, feelings of not fitting in. Constant peer pressure. -For an adult, rejection might come by prejudice, race, religion, rejection comes with many faces.

    Rejection Denied. Romans 15:7TPT Rejection is one of the most painful experiences known to mankind. I can remember my first year in High School/9th grade. I was going by the lunchroom when a girl motioned for me to come close to the window. When I did, she shouted, “You’re ugly!” The words more

  • Deny Yourself Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Mar 3, 2023

    Following Christ is the foremost step on the spiritual ladder. Then deny yourself. Today based on Matthew 16:24-26 I would like to share with you about know yourself, love yourself, and deny yourself.

    Text: Matthew 16:24-26 Theme: Deny Yourself Introduction: The Lord is good and His love endures forever. This lent led us to think about the steps to elevation, I mean the spiritual elevation. Following Christ is the foremost step on the spiritual ladder. Today, I would like to meditate with you more

  • Death And Deny

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Feb 20, 2024

    Jesus asks his disciples to deny and death self so He can live in us.

    Mark 8:31-38 Death and Deny 1. According to Jesus, we have two choices. Neither one of them is appealing. Is it possible if were not denying and deathing stuff are we pretenders? • Do we as followers have pretense problem? • Are we fake disciples? Are we pretenders? • Jesus says this about those more

  • Access Denied

    Contributed by Ronald E Flemmings Jr on May 29, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    The Reality of Heaven versus the Realization of Hell

    Access Denied! Matt.7:21-23 You might not consider it, but this world is very heavenly minded, considering just how wretched and wicked the world is, so in a recent Christian-Website poll, it was discovered that 93% of the people asked believed in a literal heaven. 93%! 53% Believe Good works can more

  • Denying Jesus

    Contributed by Wilson Oshorakpor on Sep 27, 2021

    Many claim to belong to Jesus but yet deny him in their words and actions. Others deny him by refusing to accept him as Lord and their saviour. We will either rejoice or regret our actions at the end of time.

    TEXT: Matthew 10:32-33 “Everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in heaven." PETER DENIED JESUS Peter, spectacularly denied Jesus three times even after more

  • Deny Yourself Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Denying ourselves means looking introspectively, living with open hands, and not looking back at what we've left behind in order to fully follow Jesus and experience abundant life.

    Today, we're going to talk about going "all in" for Jesus. You know, like when you're playing a game and you give it everything you've got? That's what we're talking about, but with our relationship with Jesus. So, let's dive in! Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up more

  • Denying Yourself

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Apr 24, 2024

    Revival revolves around this very notion and directly balances on the denial of ourselves and the cross we carry. Are we ready to take it on? Are we ready to carry our cross?

    Illustration: Passion Season - Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey. What is He denying himself? Jesus is in the garden of gethsemane. What is He denying himself? What cup does He choose? Jesus is put on the cross. What is He denying himself? The path is different because it is the path of more

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