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  • Return Of God's Glory: Exuberant Worship (2) Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Oct 24, 2016

    Worship Invites the Glory of God; Introduces Salvation; and Initiates Victory.

    1. Secret to Soul Winning One of the most zealous soul-winners of yesteryear was Colonel George Clarke, who established the Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago, but he wasn't a polished speaker. Dr. R. A. Torrey once wrote, "I used to go and hear Col. Clarke talk and he seemed to me to be one of the more

  • Lesson 18: When Believers Fuss And Fight

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Jan 14, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Principles to handle conflict between believers.

    Series: Learning Victory From Joshua Dr. Elmer Towns Lesson 18: When Believers Fuss and Fight January 6, 2013 A. THE OCCASION OF CONFLICT “Joshua blessed the 2 ½ tribes and sent them home with the instruction. ‘Share with others the spoils of more

  • When Believers Fuss And Fight Lesson 18 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Apr 20, 2017

    Principles to Handle Conflict Between Believers

    A. THE OCCASION OF CONFLICT “Joshua blessed the 2 ½ tribes and sent them home with the instruction. ‘Share with others the spoils of war.’ So the warriors started back to their homes, but before they crossed the Jordan, they built a very large altar to God. The other tribes gathered at Shiloh to more

  • Aggressive Defense Series

    Contributed by Ken Henson on Aug 5, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    We don’t have the right to judge. It is the heart that is broken over the destruction caused by sin, not the heart that is proud of its sinlessness, that God can use to correct the ills of his world.

    Revelation Chapter 11 1. And a reed rod was given to me, like a staff, saying, “get up and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and those worshiping in it. 2. And exclude the court that is inside the temple and don’t measure it, because it is given to the nations, and they will trample down more

  • Hand Me Another Brick

    Contributed by Daniel Cabrera on Feb 18, 2019

    what do I DO with the brick I’m handed?

    Text. Nehemiah 6: 1 - 4 When word came to Sanballat, Tobiah, Geshem the Arab and the rest of our enemies that I had rebuilt the wall and not a gap was left in it—though *up to that time* I had not set the doors in the gates— 2 Sanballat and Geshem sent me this message: “Come, let us meet more

  • Hand Me Another Brick

    Contributed by Daniel Cabrera on Feb 18, 2019

    what do I DO with the brick I’m handed?

    Text. Nehemiah 6: 1 - 4 When word came to Sanballat, Tobiah, Geshem the Arab and the rest of our enemies that I had rebuilt the wall and not a gap was left in it—though *up to that time* I had not set the doors in the gates— 2 Sanballat and Geshem sent me this message: “Come, let us meet more

  • Meet Epaphroditus

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on May 20, 2015
    based on 7 ratings

    link inc. to formatted text, audio.

    Meet Epaphroditus Philippians 2:25-30 Joy comes from living for and serving others, as did Jesus, Paul, and Timothy in this chapter. Now, the example of Epaphroditus. Let me tell you what the name means, in case you are thinking of naming a child. more

  • He's In The Middle Of It

    Contributed by Dean Morgan on May 9, 2017

    Just like with Shammah the Lord is in the middle of every battle we face. He is there to help bring about a “great victory” even for us.

    In the text before us, Shammah is in the middle of a field filled with lentils. Lentils are peas, so he was in the midst of a pea patch. The people of God had labored for many months to plant their ground with lentils. They sowed the seed, they cultivated the little shoots when they broke more

  • It's Time To Get Serious About Mercy

    Contributed by Theresa Ratliff on Mar 26, 2013

    We are poor witnesses when we fail to model God's love, mercy, and grace.

    In the book of John, Jesus often uses words and phrases that have more than one meaning to make a point. For example, when he discusses being “born again” with Nicodemus, he uses a word which means both “again” and “from above”. In today’s scripture lesson, more

  • Sermon On Good & Evil

    Contributed by William Meakin on Jun 24, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    Life has a thin dividing line between good and evil

    The pathway of life can be quite narrow and rocky in places. Symmetrically speaking, one side of the path could be considered as good, the other side as evil. While they oppose each other in substance, they are both necessary in the overall formation in our existence. It is important to note that more

  • The Mighty Men Of David

    Contributed by Michael Hobday on Jul 11, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Today, we will explore the lives of David's mighty men, who demonstrated unparalleled courage, wisdom, and loyalty. These men were not just warriors; they were chosen by God to accomplish great feats and support David in establishing his kingdom.

    Praise be to the wonderful and mighty name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Today, we gather to explore the lives of the mighty men who stood by David, demonstrating unparalleled courage and wisdom. These men were not just warriors; they were extraordinary individuals chosen by God to more

  • Threats To Christian Homes In The Digital And Post-Modern World Series

    Contributed by Antonio Manaytay on Jul 18, 2024

    Our homes should be sanctuaries of faith, love, and godly values, yet they are often under siege from various influences that can undermine our spiritual foundation.

    Good morning, beloved brothers and sisters in Christ. Today, we gather to discuss a topic that is increasingly relevant and pressing: the threats to Christian homes in the digital and post-modern world. Our homes should be sanctuaries of faith, love, and godly values, yet they are often under siege more

  • When Believers Fuss And Fight Lesson 18 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Apr 9, 2024

    The occasion of conflict.

    A. THE OCCASION OF CONFLICT “Joshua blessed the 2 ½ tribes and sent them home with the instruction. ‘Share with others the spoils of war.’ So the warriors started back to their homes, but before they crossed the Jordan, they built a very large altar to God. The other tribes gathered at more

  • Go! And Live The Kingdom Way Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Feb 7, 2025
    based on 1 rating

    Explore how we can go and live the Kingdom way by embracing justice, living with an eternal perspective, serving others selflessly, and praying with purpose.

    Go! And Live the Kingdom Way Introduction Church, today we stand before the living Word of God, ready to be challenged and transformed. The command to "Go!" is not just a call to action; it is an invitation to live out the very essence of God’s Kingdom here on earth. In Isaiah 1:17, we more

  • Pick-Pocketed By The Past Series

    Contributed by Scott Kircher on Jun 1, 2009
    based on 27 ratings

    Discusses how to move on from past sins and failures.

    Identity Theft…Pick-pocketed by the Past To defend ourselves from being pick-pocketed by the past we need to Receive God’s love Confess our sins Receive God’s forgiveness Accept God’s Purification Obey God’s Ways Slide Good morning The Story of Dave I want to begin this morning with a story more

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