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  • Dealing With Problems In Life

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 30, 2022

    The war in Iraq is a war that will go down in the history books because the Americans defeated a brutal dictator and his regime, and helped this Islamic nation gain their freedom to form a democracy.

    Thousands and thousands of lives have been destroyed in bringing about this democracy. But the price of freedom is always high. Many feel the reasons for invading Iraq and going to war with Saddam Hussein are justified. There are those, however, who accuse the President for going to war for more

  • So Great A Salvation - The Way Of Salvation Is Finished!

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Sep 7, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    The plan of Salvation was complete. The battles have been fierce, the war had been long, and Satan would suffer his final defeat. It is finished was the victory cry of Jesus.

    John 19:28 “After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, saith, I thirst. 29 Now there was set a vessel full of vinegar: and they filled a spunge with vinegar, and put it upon hyssop, and put it to his mouth. 30 When Jesus therefore had more

  • The Temptation Of Jesus

    Contributed by John Lowe on Sep 23, 2015

    Jesus provides us with an assurance that we are capable of resisting temptation. And by overcoming temptation, we emerge strengthened in our spirit.

    5-12-06 Title: The Temptation of Jesus Bible Reading: Matthew 4:1-11 The subject today is the temptation of Jesus, as found in Matthew 4:1-11. Verse 1 says, “Then Jesus was led out into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit to be tempted there by the Devil.” The word more

  • Maybe The Worse Thing That Can Happen Is The Best Thing? Series

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Nov 18, 2014

    Our Father has a plan and a purpose, we can get so upset we miss what God is trying to do. This too shall pass... Press on...

    YOU CAN! THE DANGER OF MISSING MY PURPOSE? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. I do this in 3 parts... INTRODUCTION: Do we realize good can come out of bad? Sometimes what appears to be a bad, terrible thing could be a good thing. In 1964 TERRESSA BELLISSIMO owned a little restaurant in more

  • The Road To Recovery Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Dec 28, 2018

    If you want to recover from failure, then start your road to recovery when you cry before the Lord. But don’t just cry, consecrate yourself to the Lord. Then continue your journey when you confess your own sin. But don’t just confess it, clean the sin out!

    The Book of Heroic Failures contains a story about the 1978 strike of British firefighters, when the army filled the gap for the missing firemen. One afternoon the replacement firefighters got a call to rescue a cat caught high in a tree. The soldiers rushed to the scene, put up a ladder, brought more

  • The Mystery Of Goshen

    Contributed by James Dina on Feb 2, 2022

    The Land of Goshen had so many mysteries that only God could unravel. "The more they afflicted the Israelites, the more they multiplied." Whenever God blessed Israel, he cursed Egypt. We need God’s wisdom to guide us during persecution, especially where Christianity practice is forbidden.

    THE MYSTERY OF GOSHEN Then Pharaoh spoke to Joseph, saying, "Your father and your brothers have come to you. The land of Egypt is before you. Let your father and brothers dwell in the best of the land; let them dwell in the land of Goshen. And if you know any competent men among them, then more

  • El Misterio De Goshen

    Contributed by James Dina on Feb 3, 2022

    La Tierra de Gosén tenía tantos misterios que solo Dios podía desentrañar. "Cuanto más afligían a los israelitas, más se multiplicaban". Cada vez que Dios bendijo a Israel, maldijo a Egipto. Que Dios proteja a los cristianos perseguidos en todo el mundo.

    EL MISTERIO DE GOSHEN Entonces el faraón habló a José, diciendo: "Tu padre y tus hermanos han venido a ti. La tierra de Egipto está ante ti. Deja que tu padre y tus hermanos habiten en lo mejor de la tierra; que habiten en la tierra de Gosén. Y si conoces a more

  • Le MystÈre De Goshen

    Contributed by James Dina on Feb 3, 2022

    Le pays de Gosen avait tant de mystères que seul Dieu pouvait les démêler. "Plus les Égyptiens affligeaient les Israélites, plus ils se multipliaient." Que Dieu protège tous les chrétiens persécutés.

    LE MYSTÈRE DE GOSHEN Pharaon parla à Joseph et dit : "Ton père et tes frères sont venus vers toi. Le pays d'Égypte est devant toi. Que ton père et tes frères habitent dans le meilleur des pays, qu'ils habitent dans le pays de Gosen. Et si tu connais more

  • Ang Misteryo Ng Goshen

    Contributed by James Dina on Feb 3, 2022

    Ang Lupain ng Goshen ay may napakaraming misteryo na tanging Diyos lamang ang makakalutas. "Habang inaapi nila ang mga Israelita, lalo silang dumami." Nawa'y protektahan ng Diyos ang mga inuusig na Kristiyano sa buong mundo.

    ANG MISTERYO NG GOSHEN Nang magkagayo'y nagsalita si Faraon kay Jose, na sinasabi, Ang iyong ama at ang iyong mga kapatid ay dumating sa iyo. Ang lupain ng Egypt ay nasa harap mo. Hayaan ang iyong ama at mga kapatid na tumira sa abot ng lupain; hayaan silang manirahan sa lupain ng Goshen. At more

  • Why Must Jesus Come Again? Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Dec 20, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    The Bible teaches us that there are several reasons why Jesus must come again.

    Introduction In December 1941, shortly after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Japan launched an invasion of the Philippines, a U.S. territory at the time. General Douglas MacArthur commanded the U.S. and Filipino forces defending the islands. Despite fierce resistance, the U.S. and Filipino more

  • The Source Of Significance Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Feb 8, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    If you want to find any real significance in life, trust Christ with your life who lowered Himself to lift you up.

    In The Last Days Newsletter, Leonard Ravenhill tells about a group of tourists visiting a scenic little village. They walked by an old man sitting beside a fence and asked him, “Were any great men born in this village?” “Nope,” said the old man, “only babies.” (Leonard Ravenhill, The Last Days more

  • The Baby Jesus: What A Gift!

    Contributed by Eloy Gonzalez on Dec 25, 2002
    based on 27 ratings

    Christmas Day: Through the gift of the Christ Child, God comes into our reality to restore our sinful humanity, to defeat our enemy and to give us hope for life eternal.

    Do you have a favorite gift? I have one that I really, really love. It isn’t a particularly expensive gift. It isn’t a particularly beautiful gift. It isn’t even a particularly useful gift. But, it is a fun gift. I don’t take this gift out very often. In fact, I have this gift in a plastic bag and more

  • What Manifests In Your Life?

    Contributed by Joel Santos on Nov 8, 2004
    based on 69 ratings

    The title of this text in the Bible is called "The Lord Helps His Troubled People." In our lives we encounter troubles and difficulties and as a natural response we become discouraged and defeated.

    During Your Troubled Times WHAT MANIFESTS IN YOUR LIFE? Psalm 3:1-8 “O LORD, how my adversaries have increased! Many are rising up against me. Many are saying of my soul, "There is no deliverance for him in God." Selah. But You, O LORD, are a shield about me, My glory, and the One who lifts my more

  • Triumph In Christ

    Contributed by Howard Parnell on Sep 21, 2002
    based on 31 ratings

    God did not create man for defeat...sin brought that. But the Bible tells us how we may triumph over sin, self, and Satan through Jesus Christ.

    TRIUMPH IN CHRIST II Cor. 2:14 INTRO. Notice carefully, the first part of our text. The human race was never meant for defeat. God’s intention in creating man was that man should be master over all creation. (Gen. 1:26) -- "And God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: more

  • "God Will Expose Our Enemies If We Obey Him”

    Contributed by David Yarbrough on Sep 24, 2001
    based on 54 ratings

    America has waged war on terrorism, but the difficult thing is identifying and locating our enemy. Learn how God is willing to expose and defeat our enemies if we obey Him.

    Intro: We as Americans have declared war on terrorism. The most difficult aspect of this war is identifying and locating our enemies. Fighting the war on terrorism is not as simple as finding one man and bringing him to justice. Terrorism is not a person or a people for that matter; it’s a state more

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