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  • Under Siege Series

    Contributed by Byron Harvey on Jan 18, 2010

    In true prayer, we sign up for the struggle against sin.

    “Under Siege” Matthew 6:13 April 26, 2009 Where we’ve been: • Begin by coming to grips with “Our Father” • Pray then that, above all else, the purposes and plans of God come to accomplishment o That His moral will be increasingly more

  • Life Without Restraint Series

    Contributed by Paul Decker on Dec 18, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    We have standards because Jesus has made the difference in history.

    WHAT IF JESUS HAD NEVER BEEN BORN? LIFE WITHOUT RESTRAINT Philippians 1:27 S: Jesus’ Importance in all of Life C: The essentiality of the Incarnation Th: What If Jesus Had Never Been Born? Pr: WE HAVE STANDARDS. ?: How? How is it observed? KW: Culture TS: We will consider several cultures that more

  • A Heart Ready For Revival Series

    Contributed by Todd Leupold on Aug 5, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    4th in a 7-part series on revival in ourselves, our churches and our community.

    A Heart Ready For Revival Fourth in the series: Revival – Reviving Me, Reviving the Church & Reviving Our Community Perth Bible Church August 5, 2007 AM Rev. Todd G. Leupold INTRO: Show video: “A Man Fell In A Hole” ( I think it’s fair to assume that all of us, at one time more

  • Encouragement For The Persecuted Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Apr 9, 2015
    based on 6 ratings

    Christians need not be taken back by the revilings that come even when they are innocent and prudent. We need not hold back from revealing the full counsel of God either. We must not shrink back no matter the opposition in our duty to Christ

    MATTHEW 10: 24-28 [THE MESSIAH REVEALED] ENCOURAGEMENT FOR THE PERSECUTED [Luke 12:1-11] Having painted a deserting picture concerning the persecution His disciples would encounter in ministry, Jesus shifts to words of comfort, challenge, and encouragement. We need not be taken back by the more

  • A Study Of The Book Of Romans Lesson #6 Series

    Contributed by James May on Aug 15, 2014

    An expository study of the Book of Romans

    Book of Romans Study Romans Lesson # 6 By Rev. James May Let us begin tonight by backing up just one verse into our last lesson. Romans 2:11 For there is no respect of persons with God. We had spoken concerning the fact that God is ultimately Just and Holy, and that He alone is Sovereign in more

  • Mystery Babylon, The Protest Begins Series

    Contributed by Bob Faulkner on Jul 15, 2015

    Eventually people get it: You must come out of Babylon. Here is the story of those first heroes of the Protestant Reformation, who saw Babylon, protested, and were forced out. Thank God for them.

    PART THREE: WHEN PEOPLE PROTEST 1300-1870 THIRTY-SEVEN: THE CALL "OUT OF HER" BEGINS The light which manifests itself to many individuals within the church slowly becomes such a burning glow that, combining with the loss of prestige of the Papacy, and the growing political tensions, it can no more

  • Why We Do What We Do - Repentance

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Aug 26, 2015
    based on 3 ratings

    The reason we Baptize in Jesus name.

    REPENTANCE Bishop M.L. Maughmer, Jr. OPENING:- Last week I taught on Matthew 28:19 & Acts 2:38. I explained the command that Jesus gave and how Peter on the Day of Pentecost along with the rest of the disciples fulfilled that command and revealed the name of the father, the son, and the Holy more

  • Make Good Investments Series

    Contributed by Curry Pikkaart on Sep 1, 2015

    So how are your investments doing?

    “Living a Joy-full Life: Make Good Investments” Phil 4:14-23 So how are your investments doing? It’s more than likely that you immediately thought about your financial investments. And why not? Investment advice is everywhere – radio, television, newspapers, magazine more

  • Jesus Christ & The Media Narrative: The Tactics Of The Media In Subverting Christianity

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Mar 23, 2021

    There is an overarching narrative in our country, the United States, that is projected through media. The narrative is guided by academic institutions, television shows, newspapers, and of course the world wide web.

    There is an overarching narrative in our country, the United States, that is projected through media. The narrative is guided by academic institutions, television shows, newspapers, and of course the world wide web. Narrative is a term that we'll use to describe the overarching framework of more

  • My Foot Almost Slipped - Dealing With Doubt As A Child Of God

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Oct 4, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Have you ever been to the point where you find yourself struggling not with right and wrong, not with rather democratic or republican, not with Pepsi or Coke, but struggling with what you have been taught and believe in your heart and what you are experiencing in your life.

    “My Foot Almost Slipped” Dealing with the Temptation of Doubt as a Child of God By Bishop Melvin L. Maughmer, Jr. OPENING: - Today I want to deal with something that we all have either had to face or at some time will have to face and that is the temptation of doubt. QUESTIONS:- Have you ever more

  • Why Communion Matters

    Contributed by Bruce Lee on Sep 27, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    World Communion Sunday Sermon.

    Why Communion Matters That evening quail came and covered the camp, and in the morning there was a layer of dew around the camp. 14 When the dew was gone, thin flakes like frost on the ground appeared on the desert floor. 15 When the Israelites saw it, they said to each other, “What is it?” For more

  • Today Is Mother’s Day!

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Jun 15, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Today we’re here to worship the Lord & honor mothers. Not only are we commanded to honor our mothers & fathers; it’s also the sensible & loving thing to do. Many of us wish our mothers were alive so we could express our love to them once again.

    MELVIN NEWLAND, MINISTER RIDGE CHAPEL, KANSAS, OK TEXT: Ephesians 6:1-3; Proverbs 17:22, 31:10-31 ILL. Six-year-old Johnny & his 4-year-old sister Suzy more

  • Pilate The Procurator – A Double Minded Psychopath - Part 1 Of 2 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Jul 13, 2022

    Jesus was brought before a very evil man who was supposed to uphold the Roman law but compromised. It was Pilate a man who freely murdered. This message examines that man, one of the Characters of John’s Gospel, and draws several lessons from the account.

    PILATE THE PROCURATOR – A DOUBLE MINDED PSYCHOPATH - PART 1 THE CHARACTERS OF JOHN’S GOSPEL PART A. To understand the man better we will start with some secular history:- FROM DON STEWART “Pontius Pilate was the prefect of Judea from A.D. 27 to 37, and sentenced Jesus to death by more

  • What Is Spirituality? (3 Of 7)

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Apr 1, 2022

    Most of us at times have looked at someone we thought was attractive physically, and thought we certainly would like to look like them if we could.

    Sometimes this is the motivation for some to: (1) DIET EACH DAY Illus: Much has been said about diets, such as: • It's something most of us do religiously: We eat what we want to eat, drink a diet coke and pray we don't gain weight • Someone else said that the problem with curbing our more

  • Snakes And Thieves – Those Who Love The Dark Of Night! Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Aug 16, 2022

    Snakes - sly, cunning, creatures of the night - these are considered and then we look at what snakes do well - thieves! We examine 7 passages of the New Testament to see the verses about "thief". We must also eradicate the opportunities given to the thief.

    SNAKES AND THIEVES – THOSE WHO LOVE THE DARK OF NIGHT! Years ago I used to keep some finches. In fact I had a lot of them. I loved those birds and looked after them well. They used to breed, and birds only do that when they are happy. My species were mainly Australian finches but about four or more

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