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  • The Powerful Hand Of God Series

    Contributed by Bobby Oliver on Jun 8, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    God's hand can send pestilence, God's hand can separate groups, and God's hand can prove His Truth.

    The Powerful Hand of God Exodus 9:1-7 - We’re continuing our study through the book of Exodus. - In the previous sermon of this series, we looked at the fourth plague God sent on Egypt, the plague of flies. - In that sermon, we saw that Pharaoh was warned by God about the coming plague, yet he more

  • The Healing Power Of Jesus: Triumphing In Spiritual Warfare

    Contributed by Wala-Neh Labala on Jan 27, 2024

    This sermon takes a look at the healing ministry of Jesus and encourages believers to be amazed by the knowledge and authority that Jesus had, but most importantly, it motivates them to seek the Him because He has the power to heal.

    The Healing Power of Jesus: Triumphing in Spiritual Warfare Sermon Text: Mark 1:21-28 1:21 They went to Capernaum; and when the sabbath came, he entered the synagogue and taught. 1:22 They were astounded at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes. 1:23 more

  • Living A Life Of Contentment

    Contributed by Jason Cole on Nov 26, 2007
    based on 35 ratings

    we live in a society which craves more yet we are called to be content, how can we be content when we feel we need more.

    Living A Life of Contentment John Ortberg’s book "When the Game is Over It All Goes Back in the Box" was a special help and thought sparker. Introduction: There is a disease that many people have here. The men who have this disease can walk into their garage and look at their car which is less more

  • A Maidens Witness

    Contributed by Norbert Garcia on Oct 3, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    How a young maiden changed the life of Namaan

    A Maidens Witness Today I would like to talk about the power of a witness. Not just any witness, but a slave in a land of pagans. Not just any slave, but a female adolescent. In the ancient world of the Old Testament a female child had as much importance and power as a lowly ant. Slim to none in more

  • Pr1de Series

    Contributed by Mark Eberly on Apr 14, 2008

    Pride is the first of the 7 deadly sins. It is insidious. It is also often recognized as being present alongside the other 6 sins. We’ll look at what makes this so dangerous.

    Se7en: Pride 2 Chronicles 32:24-26 April 13, 2008 Pride is the first of the seven deadly sins. Many preachers and theologians have noted that pride is perhaps the one deadly sin that connects all the other deadly sins together. It acts like the nervous system. It feeds the other sins. It helps more

  • I Am The Light Of The World Series

    Contributed by Reuben Bredenhof on Jul 11, 2021

    When we believe in Christ, the Light of the World, He delivers us from the darkness. The darkness is still there, and it’s still deadly, but it cannot overcome the light of the Lord.

    Say you’re out in the bush somewhere at nighttime. All around it’s very dark, just the murkiness of midnight, and you’re a bit scared. You’re glad you have your flashlight, and glad the moon is shining. And when you come to a hill, and you look out over the treetops, you’re even gladder when you more

  • Discipleship 101 - A Friend Gains Your Faith Series

    Contributed by Timothy Darling on Jan 25, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    What did your friend, Jesus, do to get your attention?

    A friend gains your faith John 2:1-11 As we follow the early career of the disciples in John 1 and 2 we are actually looking at a relatively short period of time. Day 1 - John and Andrew spend a day with Jesus Day 2 - Peter, Phillip and Nathanael follow Jesus as he goes back to Galilee Day 3 more

  • A Messiah Who Values The Child Within Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Feb 11, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    If we want to be a part of the Kingdom of God we need to develop childlike faith.

    A Messiah Who Values the Child Within Text: Matt. 18:1-14 Introduction 1. Illustration: The more we know of God, the more unreservedly we will trust him; the greater our progress in theology, the simpler and more childlike will be our faith (J. G. Machen). 2. No one loves and values children more

  • The Gospel Of Christ Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Mar 30, 2016

    What do you think the cross is about? Why do we think Jesus died? We must answer that question. It is the cross that tells us that we are not playing a game of religion. It is the cross that tells us that the stakes are real.

    7/21/13 The Gospel of Christ 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 D. Marion Clark Introduction We have spent two Sundays exploring the gospel of man in its two forms. There is the gospel of law-keeping, which tells us that if we do our part in meeting the requirements of God, he will do his part in accepting more

  • Can You Hear The Trumpet?

    Contributed by James May on Jun 9, 2002
    based on 116 ratings

    Blow the trumpet in Zion and sound the alarm in my Holy Mountain, the Day of the Lord is approaching. I can hear the sound of battle and I’m waiting for the Trump of God to sound.

    Disclaimer: Due to the large amount of sermons and topics that appear on this site I feel it is necessary to post this disclaimer on all sermons posted. These sermons are original to the author and the leading of the Holy Spirit. While ideas and illustrations are often gleaned from many more

  • God's Indestructible Love

    Contributed by Alan Perkins on Oct 21, 2001
    based on 49 ratings

    What in this world is truly indestructible? Only God’s love.

    Over the past few weeks, we’ve been reminded, in a shocking and brutal way, that nothing in this world is indestructible. For over two decades, the twin towers of the World Trade Center stood watch over New York City, monuments to man’s skill, and energy, and intelligence. Everyone assumed they more

  • Call Me In The Mourning Series

    Contributed by Mark Opperman on May 15, 2008
    based on 11 ratings

    God gives favor to those with heavy hearts by offering them His comfort. I. Those Who Mourn the Departed Can Find Comfort in Christ. II. Those Who Mourn their own Failure Can Find Comfort in Christ. III. Those Who Mourn the Oppressed Can Bring Comfort Thr

    Living in the Father’s Favor: Call Me in the Mourning Intro: One could argue that nearly all adults and many children are in some stage of grief right now. I don’t know anyone who reaches adulthood without experiencing some level of loss or disappointment. Yes, we try to deal with it and move on, more

  • His Crucifixion Series

    Contributed by Travis Markes on Nov 10, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    Eight sermons that deal with eight unique characteristics of Jesus. Got the idea from Joe Causey.

    “Eight Unique Characteristics of Jesus” “His Crucifixion” 2 Corinthians 5:19; Isaiah 53 When you read Matthew chapter 21 you find the account of Jesus entering into Jerusalem in what is often been called the triumphal procession – it’s the event that is celebrated in churches usually the Sunday more

  • To Kill A Giant Series

    Contributed by Larry Turner on Jun 25, 2016

    It takes ability, motivation, and attitude to kill a giant. David had all three.

    Little Billy, a Jewish boy, was failing his math lessons. His parents tried everything they could to get him to do better in this subject, but he continued to fail. At last, they took him down to the Catholic School, and enrolled him. After the first day, Billy came home and went up to his room, more

  • “all Men Are Like Grass.” Cry It Out!

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Dec 1, 2011

    In the midst of withering in this life God gives us permanence in the Word made flesh.

    December 4, 2011 Isaiah 40:6-8 A voice says, “Cry out.” And I said, “What shall I cry?” “All men are like grass, and all their loveliness is like the flowers of the field. The grass withers and the flowers fall, because the breath of the LORD blows on them. more

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