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  • King David Was A Criminal

    Contributed by Andrew Moffatt on Sep 10, 2009
    based on 20 ratings

    David knew he was in need of forgiveness and restoration and that only God could do this.

    Sermon 060909: for it’s when we have been restored, we can bring others to the Lord; Psalm 51. In life there are times and reasons why we don’t believe God would want to have anything to do with us, I’ve even been told by people that, "I’m that bad that God wouldn’t want to have anything to do more

  • David And His Prodigal

    Contributed by Jim Nicodem on Jul 22, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    A message to encourage parents from the story of Amnon and Tamar.

    INTRO: Parenting is hard work! To do the job well requires a lot of time and effort and intentionality on the part of moms and dads. -Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for parents to become increasingly lax about their child-raising responsibilities over time. It’s not uncommon for parents to more

  • David's Mighty Men

    Contributed by Scott Ridout on Jul 2, 2009
    based on 21 ratings

    A sermon focusing on wholehearted devotion to God and determining what in your life is worth fighting for. From a series called "Forgotten" about the lives of the Old Testament.

    We are in the middle of a series called Forgotten, where we are looking at unforgettable lessons from forgotten lives found in the Old Testament of the Bible. And it’s father’s day weekend so today we thought we’d look at the story of David’s mighty men. If you have a Bible turn to 2 Samuel 22 more

  • David's Last Stand

    Contributed by Troy Richards on Dec 9, 2010

    A look at the last full story we have of King David and what we can learn from it.

    -good morning everyone and welcome to NewSong. -for the last couple of months we have been doing all sorts of sermon series, but for the past two weeks we’ve been kind of in between. Next week we will be starting a new one based on board games, it’ll be fun. -but this week there was no more

  • David, Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Ricky Nelms on Jul 24, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    This is Part 2 of looking at the life of David. This is part of the sermon series "Close Encounters" where we're looking at the lives some of the great Bible characters. The outline is: 1)David's Sin With Bathsheba, and 2)David's Sin In Numbering The P

    CLOSE ENCOUNTERS SERIES 7 – DAVID, PART 2 This morning, we are continuing with our sermon series on CLOSE ENCOUNTERS You say, “Pastor, you’ve been preaching on this for a long time, how much longer are you going to preach on this?” Until we have CLOSE ENCOUNTERS Because more

  • King David Reconciled

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on Nov 3, 2015

    Biblical characters can teach us a lot, through their sins and errors in judgment and through their pursuit of God.

    (This is a message that was given at an inner-city mission, mid-week alternative church service in downtown Toronto, Canada) The Bible is full of fascinating characters. They are fascinating because they are very human. Because they are very flawed. Because they, being real people in and of more

  • David's Mighty Men Series

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Jul 9, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Sermon #5 in the series of Untold Stories in the Old Testament, Using the Text from 1 Chronicles 11, and Psalm 34. This message deals with the way David Trained up his men in the cave of Adullam and turned them into his mighty men.

    Series: Untold Stories of the Old Testament #5 Date: CHCC: June 24, 2012 Title: David’s Mighty Men Texts: 1 Samuel 22; I Chronicles 11; Psalm 34 INTRODUCTION: What do you already know about David from the Old Testament? (answer, things like: killed Goliath, man after God’s own more

  • David's Five Stones

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Jun 16, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    The sermon reveals the stones David picked up and what was written on each that gave him the courage to face the giant.

    Five Smooth Stones of Faith. 1 Samuel 17:40 1. First Smooth Stone David used had written on it “Fear NOT” . 23Goliath, the Philistine champion from Gath, stepped out from his lines and shouted his usual defiance, and David heard it 26Who is this uncircumcised Philistine more

  • Wanted: A Better David

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Jul 14, 2021

    David was Israel's greatest earthly king. But Israel needed a better king. Lectionary text for Christmas Day, the day the better King was born.

    Wanted: A Better David 2 Samuel 7:1-17 The meteoric rise to power of King David is the stuff of a Hollywood movie, an old Hollywood movie, anyway. It is a story of a humble shepherd boy who rose to be King of Israel. At was a life full of adventure, danger, and intrigue. David as a youth slays the more

  • David And His Ark Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on May 24, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    There’s only one object, however, from what I can tell, in all the history of the Bible, that God routinely attached his presence to – the Ark of the Covenant.

    The Aim of This Series Today, we continue a series designed to show you what happens when God shows up. All of this series is devoted to what theologians call a theophany. A theophany literally means “to show God.” These encounters are called visitations and they are almost always following a more

  • David Saved By Hushai Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Oct 23, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    Second Samuel 17:1-29 shows us how God's plan prevailed as he preserved his anointed king.

    Scripture King David was on the run from his son, Absalom, who was staging a coup to overthrow his father as king over all Israel. One of David’s closest advisors, Ahithophel, had betrayed David and was now giving advice to Absalom. But God had wonderfully provided Hushai, another friend of David, more

  • The Life Training Of David Series

    Contributed by Ritchie Guerrero on Oct 25, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    Psalm 78:72 “And David shepherded them with integrity of heart; with skillful hands he led them.” The Lord will not give you a task, you are not prepared for. Every step of the way is part of the Training.

    10-25-2020 Theme: Promote Excellence _Series4 Title: The Life Training of David? Introduction: Psalm 78:72 “And David shepherded them with integrity of heart; with skillful hands he led them.” What are you doing in life? How are you doing? Do we realize that what we do today, is somehow a more

  • David Mourns For Absalom Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Oct 30, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    Second Samuel 18:1-19:8 shows us a father's inordinate sorrow for a rebellious son.

    Scripture King David’s third son, Absalom, had staged a rebellion against him. David and his loyal supporters fled Jerusalem. The Lord provided Hushai to thwart the counsel of Ahithophel so that David was able to escape over the Jordan River and get to the city of Mahanaim. Absalom gathered more

  • David Returns To Jerusalem Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Nov 13, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Second Samuel 19:8-43 shows us the grace of the returning king.

    Scripture Absalom, King David’s third son, staged a rebellion against his father. David fled from Jerusalem and was able to gather loyal supporters to himself. In the ensuing battle, Absalom and his army were defeated. Twenty thousand soldiers died and Absalom himself was also killed. David more

  • David And The Rebellion Of Sheba Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Nov 20, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Second Samuel 20:1-26 shows us the problems encountered in restoring the promised kingdom.

    Scripture David and his army soundly defeated Absalom and his army. Sadly for David, his son Absalom was killed in the battle, along with twenty thousand of Absalom’s soldiers. As he returned to Jerusalem to reestablish himself as king over all Israel, David extended grace to everyone along the more

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