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Sermons on daily trust:

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  • Will You Trust Me With That

    Contributed by Pamela Johnson on Jun 22, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    This morning the Lord sent me by here to ask you one simple question. All He wants to know is, will you trust Me with that?

    Will You Trust Me with That Proverbs 3:1-8 By: Pastor Pamela L. Johnson 1-13-2019 This morning the Lord sent me by here to ask you one simple question. All He wants to know is, will you trust Me with that? I’m sure a few of you have already asked the question with what? If that’s you then let more

  • In God We Trust

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Jul 5, 2016
    based on 5 ratings

    Psalm 33:12-22 begins by saying “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord...” The rest of the chapter describes how our country can continue to survive as a free people, blessed of God

    In God We Trust July 4th sermon Chuck Sligh July 3, 2016 [PowerPoint or ProPresenter presentations are available for this sermon upon request by emailing] Adapted from Bruce Howell’s sermon, “Happy Birthday America” found on TEXT: more

  • In God We Trust

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Jul 24, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    A message to encourage people who may be having difficulty with the uncertainty of these times.

    "In God We Trust" Proverbs 3:5-6 Pro 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Introduction: I. The Attitude ( in the Lord...) When the good Lord led me to this text I was more

  • The Truest Test Of Trust

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Aug 2, 2016

    A sermon to emphasis the importance of trust in God.

    Two men were walking through a field one day when they spotted an enraged bull. Instantly they darted toward the nearest fence. The storming bull followed in hot pursuit, and it was soon apparent they wouldn’t make it. Terrified, the one shouted to the other, "Put up a prayer, John. more

  • Trust God's Timing Series

    Contributed by Bobby Oliver on Feb 26, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Moses was ready to deliver his people from the Egyptians, but it was not yet God's timing. As Christians, we must remember that our timing is not always God's timing.

    Trust God’s Timing Exodus 2:11-25 - We’re continuing our study through the book of Exodus, and we’re asking the question, “What can I learn about honoring God from this passage?” - Last week, we looked at God our Protector. - We saw Him protect Jochebed and her husband as they defied Pharaoh’s more

  • Trusting God's Call Series

    Contributed by Bobby Oliver on Feb 26, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Moses had to trust God's calling on his life. Every Christian has a calling as well, and we must trust God's call.

    Trusting God’s Call Exodus 3:1-12 - We’re continuing our study through the book of Exodus, and as we study, we’re asking the question, “What can I learn about honoring God from this passage?” - Last week, we looked at trusting God’s timing. - Moses was ready to deliver his people from the more

  • Trust And Obey 1 Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Aug 29, 2017

    The Bible gives evidence that it is not an ordinary book, but inspired by God. This lesson will briefly look at three proofs -- Historical Accuracy; Scientific Accuracy; and Thematic Unity.

    1. 2 Timothy 3.16-17 (NLT) 16 All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. 17 God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work. 2. The more

  • The Security Of Trusting God

    Contributed by Kelvin Mckisic on Jun 9, 2024

    This sermon explores the comforting assurance of God's protection, His role as our refuge, and His unwavering promises amidst life's uncertainties, as depicted in Psalm 91.

    Good morning, beloved. It's a joy to gather with you today, our hearts intertwined by the common thread of faith, our spirits united in the love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As we gather in His name, let's pause for a moment, allowing the clamor of the world to fade into the more

  • The Security Of Trusting God

    Contributed by Kelvin Mckisic on Sep 21, 2023

    Today we are going to look at a few verses from Psalm 91, and we are going to go through it a bit at a time so that we can see a reason to trust in God, and we are going to use one person’s point of view of why he sees the security of trusting God.

    Today we are going to look at a few verses from Psalm 91, and we are going to go through it a bit at a time so that we can see a reason to trust in God, and we are going to use one person’s point of view of why he sees the security of trusting God. Many have noted the wonderful character of this more

  • Trusting God For Rest!

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Sep 23, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Looking at the need to trust God in order to find rest.

    Pour Your Heart Out Psalm 62:1-8 September 24, 2023 We can all state with confidence, ‘life does not always go as we planned.’ Just when you think you’ve got something figured out, you realize you don’t. Just when you thought you could count on someone, they let you down. Can you remember a more

  • Trusting God For 2025

    Contributed by John Oscar on Dec 29, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Encouragement from the bible on how to survive and thrive in the new year

    "Trusting God for 2025" CCCAG 12-29-24 Scripture: Philippians 3:13-14 Introduction- The last Sunday of 2024! A lot of changes this year Our church family saw a few changes- • Keith and Marvin have gone onto their eternal reward. • Roberta, Matthew, and Doris moved out of the area. more

  • Trusting The Word Of God Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Feb 27, 2025

    The Thessalonian believers gave us a good testimony of genuine faith in Christ. They believed the Scriptures, that it is the Word of God, and they held fast to it as the truth, despite the persecution.

    1 Thess 2:13-16 Trusting the Word of God Paul came to the Thessalonians with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. • He thanked God constantly for this – that they received the Gospel with faith and believed it to be the Word from God. • Not as words of Paul or of men but the very Word of God - the more

  • Tribes, Trials, Trust Series

    Contributed by Joel Gilbert on Aug 12, 2024

    In this sermon, we consider James' opening remarks to believers as they face trials and persecution.

    How do you respond when your rights as a citizen or resident of the United States collides with the life that God has called you to live as a follower of Christ? Can there be a conflict? This week, one of the the guys who came through for training was a man named Stephen. Story: malfunctioning more

  • Trust Me More

    Contributed by Pastor/Author: Terry Sisney on Jan 9, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    There is a Holy Ghost vaccination against fear, worry, anxiety, stress and all the rest. It is an injection of trust. Get your dose of hope today.

    I want to speak to some things today, and bring some encouragement from the word. Because I heard the Lord saying that he wanted to inject some faith into his people. We are so inundated and saturated with nothing but bad news, and confusion, and it creates feelings of hopelessness, and stress, and more

  • Trust And Obey God

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on May 5, 2024

    Jesus tells parables to warn the religious leaders not to remain in their unbelief and disobedience. We are called to believe and obey God. We obey Him because He loves us.

    Matt 21:33-46 TRUST AND OBEY GOD We just read a parable by Jesus this morning – the parable about the evil tenants. • If you take a look at what He said before and after, you will notice that Jesus spoke THREE parables in a row. • The first one was the parable of the two sons more

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