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  • Trust, Teach, Turnover Series

    Contributed by Rob Swan on May 7, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Mother's day sermon based on Exodus 2:1-9. Moses' mother Jachobed

    Scanning a crowd at a sporting event you see all sorts of things, very overweight men who are very underdressed, usually with a letter or a logo on their belly. You see people in costume, some that make sense, like a fan of the Minnesota Vikings dressed up as a Viking, and some that don’t more

  • Mary Is Invited To Trust Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Dec 9, 2015

    Mary was invited to trust … will we trust God? Will we invite others to trust Him because of what we have received? Or, will we invite others to(at a minimum) experience what we’ve seen and heard?

    Mary is invited to trust Luke 1:26-38 Introduction - Today’s Message is titled, “Mary is invited to Trust” - Advent is a wonderful time of year for all Christians to celebrate -- However, there is something that gets lost in the hustle/bustle of the holiday -- APP: It is what more

  • In God We Trust Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Mar 16, 2015

    The God we worship deserves our trust. He promises to never let us down.

    1. A Story of Trusting God Henry Moorhouse came to a Welch mining town to hold a revival meeting. The most immoral, violent man in town was Ike Miller. Ike hated church and sent word to Moorhouse that if he preached, Miller would pistol-whip him. The men of the community told Moorhouse to return more

  • In God We Trust

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Jul 6, 2015

    This message is our declaration as a Church relating to the recent Supreme Court decision relating to same-sex marriage.

    In God We Trust! Scriptures: Proverbs 3:5 Introduction The title of my message this morning is “In God We Trust.” Proverbs 3:5 says “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your more

  • In Spite Of Appearances - Trust Series

    Contributed by Ed Sasnett on Oct 22, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    In spite of appearances, God is in control. Keep your trust in God.

    Title: In spite of appearances—trust. Text: Daniel 6:1-27 Truth: In spite of appearances, God is in control. Keep your trust in God. Aim: I want the church to remain faithful when it is difficult. INTRODUCTION If you had to summarize your life in six words, what would they be? John more

  • Trust In The Lord Forever!

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Jun 26, 2014

    Did you know anxiety hampers faith but trust boosts faith?

    Trust in the Lord forever! Isaiah 26:4”Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD GOD is an everlasting rock.” Did you know anxiety hampers faith but trust boosts faith? When I walked into an Officer’s room with my big file with all relevant documents for the running of our Abide more

  • Trusting Him In The Dark!

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Jun 29, 2014

    This darkness allowed by God, does not damage you, it helps you to grow in faith and knowledge of Christ!

    I don’t have to know the way…… Isaiah 50:10”Who among you fears the LORD and obeys the voice of his servant? Let him who walks in darkness and has no light trust in the name of the LORD and rely on his God.” I would like to split the above scripture into four points more

  • In God We Trust

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Jul 5, 2016
    based on 5 ratings

    Psalm 33:12-22 begins by saying “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord...” The rest of the chapter describes how our country can continue to survive as a free people, blessed of God

    In God We Trust July 4th sermon Chuck Sligh July 3, 2016 [PowerPoint or ProPresenter presentations are available for this sermon upon request by emailing] Adapted from Bruce Howell’s sermon, “Happy Birthday America” found on TEXT: more

  • In God We Trust

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Jul 24, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    A message to encourage people who may be having difficulty with the uncertainty of these times.

    "In God We Trust" Proverbs 3:5-6 Pro 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Introduction: I. The Attitude ( in the Lord...) When the good Lord led me to this text I was more

  • The Truest Test Of Trust

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Aug 2, 2016

    A sermon to emphasis the importance of trust in God.

    Two men were walking through a field one day when they spotted an enraged bull. Instantly they darted toward the nearest fence. The storming bull followed in hot pursuit, and it was soon apparent they wouldn’t make it. Terrified, the one shouted to the other, "Put up a prayer, John. more

  • Trust ~ A Message For Kids

    Contributed by David Henderson on May 2, 2016

    In this message we focus on the topic of "luck" and compare it with trust. Luck can become an idol for children and adults alike.

    Trusting God or trusting an idol? Rabbit’s Foot, Four Leaf Clover, Special Shirt or other “Good Luck Charm” Joshua 24: 1-3a, 14-25 Joshua called all of God’s people together to have a talk with them before they settled into the Promised Land. He wanted to be sure they knew more

  • The Bible-Why Trust It

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on May 22, 2015

    This message deals with 1) myths we believe about the bible 2) how we got the bible 3) why the bible is credible, and 40 what is the purpose of Scriptures for our lives today. It includes an outline form for the congregation to follow.

    The Bible Why Live By It Deuteronomy 6:4-19 2 Timothy 3:10-17 May 17,2015 Pastor Rick The Bible has been called the Word of God. We live in a society that wants to ban the bible and the 10 Commandments, without really knowing what it says. Chuck more

  • Learning To Trust God

    Contributed by Kerry Haynes on Dec 17, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    In the first Christmas, we learn from Joseph and Mary how to trust God. It begins by making ourselves available, then treating others with respect, and finally following the nudges of the Holy Spirit.

    Matthew 1:18-25 Learning to Trust God Have you ever been driving down the road, trying to get somewhere with your navigator or your smart phone giving you directions? And you start doubting whether that thing really knows what it’s talking about? Now I’ve had it work out both ways. Sometimes that more

  • Forgiving, Trusting, Forgetting Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Mar 9, 2020

    What is the relationship between forgiving and trusting? Forgiving and forgetting? What should be our primary motive in forgiving?

    Forgiving, Trusting, Forgetting 1. Once upon a time in their marriage, Saul Rosenberg did something really stupid. Ethel Rosenberg chewed him out for it. He apologized, they made up. However, from time to time, Ethel would mention what he had done. "Honey," Saul finally said one day, more

  • Trusting Within Self?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Mar 21, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    It is easy to fall into an invalid conclusion and trust your self? Your emotions and thought patterns can deceive you.

    TRUSTING WITHIN SELF? WHAT SHALL I DO? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. TRUST OURSELVES? WHAT SHALL I DO? CONSIDER RICH PAUPERS? I read many years ago about a man. The man’s law firm had been very successful and made him millions of dollars. He was known in the political more

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