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  • Who Do You Belong To? Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Sep 16, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Often times we think of our society today as so different from Bible times. But it may surprise you that the things facing the Corinthians are much the same as today, and so is God's grace!

    1st Corinthians was written in A.D. 56 from Ephesus at the close of Paul's 3 year residence there (Acts 20:31, 1 Corinthians 16:5-8). Paul's relationship with the Corinthian church is in Acts 18:1-18. He met Aquila and Priscilla there and taught in a house next door to the synagogue for 18 months. more

  • What Dicktates Your Life

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Oct 4, 2010

    People let every thing run their lives but the Lord we need to wake up.

    WHAT DICKTATES YOUR LIFE There are four things that hurt the church and the Christian witness more than any thing else. Sad but true I had to learn these the hard way. In today’s churches we have to many men deacons trying to run Gods work and leaving God out of more

  • Lessons In Apologetics #5: Deism

    Contributed by Frederick Meekins on Oct 26, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Lessons In Apologetics #5: Deism

    The tests or methodologies of epistemology are just the first step into the realm of Apologetics. These, in turn are applied to the assorted worldviews. The first worldview examined will be Deism. As with Christianity, Deism believes that God created the universe and set it up to operate in more

  • Jesus: Rule-Giver Or Life-Giver?

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on Jul 15, 2011

    Being a follower of Jesus is not about adhering to a set of rules which makes your life dull, boring, and lifeless.

    Jesus: Rule-giver or Life-giver? July 10, 2011 John 2:1-11 Intro: I sat down this past week with my Bible, and decided to read the Gospel of John – I planned to read the whole thing and see if I noticed any of our popular conceptions about Jesus being dumped on their heads by the actual, more

  • A Sermon For Pentecost 3, Proper 4

    Contributed by Ronald Harbaugh on Jun 1, 2008

    The Gospels have a communal as well as a personal dimention.

    3rd Sunday after Pentecost (Pr. 4) June 1, 2008 “Series A” Grace be unto you and peace, from God our Father and from our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. Let us pray: Dear Heavenly Father, Creator of the universe and author of life on this planet we call earth, we give you thanks for our life, and the more

  • What The Household Holds, Potential Pt 2 Series

    Contributed by Joe Hayes on Feb 15, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    A culture that is open to new gifts, ways and ideas all wrapped up in a new person. you can also listen to this message at

    What does the Household of ECC Hold? I want to Reminded us of the kind of Household God has called us to build here at ECC. A household where people are loved valued and considered vital to the Household of God. God wants us to be a Household of People who know their Purpose in Christ, people who more

  • This Sermon Is Not Yet Rated

    Contributed by Bruce Lee on Aug 29, 2011
    based on 8 ratings

    This sermon contains everything a box office hit movie would have, just not from the perspective you might be thinking.

    “This Sermon is Not Yet Rated” "This is a record of the ancestors of Jesus the Messiah, a descendant of King David and of Abraham:" Matthew 1:1 (NLT Intro: This sermon contains everything a box office hit movie would have, just not from the perspective you might be thinking. It more

  • A Call To Reclaim Education

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Aug 10, 2024

    Christians must step up and reclaim the education of our children. The world has indoctrinated them for far too long, and if there is to be a hope to reverse our nations course, it will take a generation of work. A large part of that work must be in the realm of education.

    Short Sermon on Education IF you read our church newsletter, then you know I do a lot of thinking about education. And the reason for that is because God’s Word says a lot about education. The education of children, and the education of His people – the Church. And historically speaking - - - more

  • Part 6 - The Evangel Of Worship Series

    Contributed by Dr. Bradford Reaves on Feb 18, 2020

    we put quite a bit of effort into being attractional to the culture outside of the church. But is this really the best approach? How much is the church allowing culture to influence worship? When we understand the evangelistic nature of worship, we can better approach our role. In 1940, a small country called Latvia in Europe was annexed into Russia. Most of us have never heard of it. It lived under the alien rule of Russian communism until they regained their freedom in 1991 when the iron curtain fell. They lost their freedom, their culture, more

  • The Greatest Christmas Gift

    Contributed by Cameron Conway on Dec 18, 2018

    For some this is a season of magic, others a blatant form of consumer driven religious sacrilege, and some see this time a year as just a slightly more chaotic and crowded version of normal life...

    For more information and other teachings, podcasts, videos, books and study guides visit Good news everyone, it’s Christmas time! The time of year for presents, lights, music, decorations, fests, stress, shopping, fellowship and presents. Each year many people more

  • Theology Of "thoughts & Prayers"

    Contributed by Pedro Trinidad on Oct 14, 2019

    When tragedy strikes, the response of many well-meaning people​ is to say, "Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected".

    Christian Clichés Where God guides, God provides If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it. The greatest distance in the universe is the eighteen inches between your head and your heart. You can’t outgive God! We are saved by faith alone but not by a faith that is alone. When God more

  • Living In A Strange Land Series

    Contributed by Vic Folkert on May 31, 2018

    How do we stay true to our identity as God's people, in a culture that does not support godly values or faithfulness to Christ? Jacob faced that in Egypt. Don't be too easily...impressed...influenced...satisfied.

    Living in a Strange Land—Genesis 46:31—47:31 If you have kids, you know the feeling. Saying goodbye on the first day of kindergarten. Dropping them off at college, and then finally forcing yourself to leave the campus. Praying for them as they move into their first job, or their own home. more

  • Lesson 22: Innovative Preaching Series

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Mar 30, 2018

    Preach the timeless Gospel with modern techniques

    Lesson Goal This lesson is designed to encourage preachers to be innovative and culturally relevant, to be a Greek to the Greek (1 Corinthians 9:20). Lesson Intro Jesus' preaching was innovative and different than the usual preaching in the synagogues of his day. Throughout church history art more

  • To The Unkown God

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Jun 29, 2015

    From Acts 17, how we witness to our culture. Who God is.

    Title: The Unknown God Becomes Known Theme: Text: Acts 17:17 - 31 Introduction It has been an historical two weeks. A little over a week ago the church gathered together to show its support for Emmanuel AME church and its 9 victims. Then this week we hear the ruling of the Supreme Courts on more

  • The Character Of The Races Do You Know The Weaknesses Of Yours?

    Contributed by Kelly Durant on Oct 17, 2015

    Certain cultures have certain characteristics and we must know what the expectations are and share Jesus according to this knowledge.

    The Character of the Races Capt. Kelly Durant Do you know the weaknesses of yours? Today we celebrate the day of the cultures and we will explore some of the different characteristics of a few races. Does the Bible speak of the races, and their good points and bad more

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