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  • Formed For God's Family Series

    Contributed by Dennis Lawrence on Jan 30, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    You were created with the purpose of being part of God’s family!

    Formed for God’s Family Purpose Driven Life #15 Montreal/Cornwall November 22, 2003 You were made for God’s family. God wants a family and he created you to be part of it. This is God’s second purpose for your life, which he planned long before you were born. This is what God has been concerned more

  • Formed For A Purpose Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jun 7, 2004
    based on 145 ratings

    The Bible repeatedly tells us we were created with a purpose. So, why do we have such a hard time believing that?

    OPEN: Several years ago, the Country Gazette in Franklin, Massachusetts had this listing in its classified section: “Unknown item for sale. We know it’s valuable; we don’t know what it is. If you can identify it, we’ll sell it for $250.” APPLY: Now isn’t that interesting? They had no idea what more

  • Created For God’s Glory Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Nov 2, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    God forms and fills His creation for His glory and our good.

    It was a joy to engage via livestream last weekend while Beth and I were in New York visiting our daughter Megan and her husband Lucas. We were both moved to tears by students leading in musical worship and we nearly wept during the message part of worship as Pastor Chris directed us to celebrate more

  • God's Forming Process

    Contributed by Jeff Van Wyk on Sep 15, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Spiritual maturity is a process and if we allow the Spirit of God to help us deal with our weaknesses, He will create something beautiful out of our lives and show us the true potential we have when we submit our lives to Him.

    God’s Forming Process Ensuring Biblical success that lasts God is forming your tomorrow Whenever God gives you a word for the future, He will always give you a road map to the future. We are individually on a journey and God is taking us to a good more

  • Created To Create PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 26, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon's main point is that we are God's masterpieces, created with purpose and love to do good works that He has prepared for us, reflecting His creative love and beauty to the world.

    Good morning, family! We're about to dive into a rich exploration of Ephesians 2:10, which speaks volumes about God's creative love, our own creativity, and the challenge of bringing beauty into this world. As we do so, I'd like to share a quote from Madeleine L'Engle, a devout Christian and more

  • Formed PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 16, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Christian transformation is not about human effort but about the power of the Holy Spirit renewing our minds, leading us to live lives of devotion to God, and not conforming to the patterns of this world.

    Good morning, church family! I am so excited to be sharing God's word with you today, focusing on Romans 12:1-2. Oswald Chambers, a renowned Christian leader and theologian, once said, "Beware of harking back to what you once were when God wants you to be something you have never been." This is a more

  • Forms Of Christmas

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Dec 26, 2011

    Exposition of Philippians 2 regarding the unfathomable truth about Christ and His entrance into the world.

    Text: Philippians 2:5-11, Title: Forms of Christmas, Date/Place: 12.25.11, AM Opening illustration: Jonathan Edwards wrote a discourse/sermon on The Excellency of Christ in which he labored to show the ‘admirable conjunction of diverse excellencies in Christ.’ In it he talked about the more

  • God Created ... Series

    Contributed by Marty Baker on Jul 14, 2004
    based on 30 ratings

    This is the first message of a series based on the most common verses of the Bible. Most people in previous generations learned this scriptures as children, but in today’s world these verses are new to many in our generation.

    Dr. Marty Baker Stevens Creek Community Church Augusta, GA July 11, 2004 What Every Kid Should Know About the Bible God Created Over the last several weeks, it has been exciting to see the number of children involved in our church. If you were here for the musical more

  • Formed For God's Family Series

    Contributed by David Flowers on Dec 1, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Part 3 in series The Purpose-Driven Life, this message looks at Fellowship, the second of God’s five principal purposes for our lives.

    Formed for God’s Family The Purpose-Driven Life, part 3 Wildwind Community Church David K. Flowers channeling Rick Warren October 28, 2007 Now we’re in this 40 days series on God’s purpose for your life. And last week, we looked at His first purpose, which is to get to know Him and to love Him. more

  • Formed For God's Family Series

    Contributed by Rick Duncan on Aug 26, 2005
    based on 34 ratings

    God is building a family for Himself that is going to last for all eternity.

    In the film Cast Away, Tom Hanks plays a workaholic, Chuck Noland, a FedEx systems engineer whose personal and professional life are ruled by the clock. He gets stranded alone on a desert island after his plane crashes. Now, he’s away from his loved ones and he’s had to learn to survive with a more

  • Formed For God's Family Series

    Contributed by Anthony Seel on Jun 7, 2004
    based on 6 ratings

    Second in series on the Purpose Driven Life

    THE THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT March 14, 2004 St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church The Rev. M. Anthony Seel , Jr. Hebrews 10:19-25 “Formed for God’s Family” Let us pray. Heavenly Father, we bow in your presence. May your Word be our rule, Your Spirit our teacher, and your greater glory our supreme concern, more

  • Formed For God's Family Series

    Contributed by D. Greg Ebie on Apr 26, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    Purpose #2 FELLOWSHIP — 40 Days of Purpose (addapted from Rick Warren) See sermon in Word format at

    FORMED FOR GOD’S FAMILY Purpose #2 FELLOWSHIP — 40 Days of Purpose 1 Peter 2:17 Adapted from Outline by Rick Warren—Saddleback Church INTRODUCTION: A couple years ago Adelina Dominguez died in San Diego. Why mention her? Well at the time she died Adelina was listed in the Guinness Book of World more

  • Creating A Culture

    Contributed by Ronnie Smith on May 19, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Definition of Culture - a: the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group. b: the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution or organization.

    Creating a culture. John 15:4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. 5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye more

  • Formative Service Series

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on Apr 8, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    Our faith is demonstrated by our service to others, and it one of the ways God forms us into mature Christians

    Habits that lead to Christian Maturity Formative Service In Lent we went through a series called “Habits That Lead to Christian Maturity”, we looked at formative reading, formative prayer, Formative Fellowship, and Formative Worship. We felt like we needed to stay with Worship for a while, so we more

  • You Were Created For Ministry Series

    Contributed by Kenneth Squires on Jul 20, 2004
    based on 44 ratings

    You were formed and fashioned for service.

    For years the book of Nehemiah has provided a wealth of biblical insights for many occasions in my life. This ancient autobiography provides a blueprint for a study on leadership. Few sections in my library are as extensive as this one. I love Nehemiah’s work because he gives us a candid more

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