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  • Master In Interior Decorating – Part 1

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Mar 29, 2018

    A study in the book of Exodus 25: 1 – 40

    Exodus 25: 1 – 40 Master in Interior Decorating – Part 1 25 Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying: 2 “Speak to the children of Israel, that they bring Me an offering. From everyone who gives it willingly with his heart you shall take My offering. 3 And this is the offering which you shall take from more

  • What Does The Bible Say About Covenant Series

    Contributed by Michael Monica on Feb 21, 2020

    What Does the Bible Say About Covenant

    What Does the Bible Say About Covenant PSALM 105:8-11 He remembers his covenant forever, the word that he commanded, for a thousand generations, the covenant that he made with Abraham, his sworn promise to Isaac, which he confirmed to Jacob as a statute, to Israel as an everlasting covenant, more

  • His Sacrifice Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Mar 6, 2020

    The sacrifice of Jesus has made all other sacrifices obsolete; it alone is the full payment for sin.

    His Sacrifice Hebrews 9:9-26, 10:1 The sacrifice of Jesus has made all other sacrifices obsolete; it alone is the full payment for sin. SLIDE #1 Introduction • What do you think of when you hear the word sacrifice? Do you think of someone (like a soldier or law enforcement officer) laying down more

  • God Is Great Series

    Contributed by Dean Rhine on Aug 5, 2019

    Introduction to the book of Ezekiel

    Ezekiel 1 - 2/11/18 Play “Ezekiel Saw the Wheel” So what is the story with that song? It’s a song I can remember learning in elementary school - but what in the world is it talking about? We’re going to talk about that today. If you have your bibles, join me in turning to the book of Ezekiel, more

  • The Death Of Abraham Series

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Jan 22, 2018

    Part 42 in our Genesis series

    The Death of Abraham (Genesis pt. 42) Text: Genesis 25:1-11 By: Ken McKinley Well our look into the life of Abraham is about to come to an end. We’ve followed him as he has learned to walk with God. We’ve seen his faith falter, and we’ve seen his faith grow. Last week the focus of Genesis began more

  • Let’s Break Camp And Move On! Series

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Feb 1, 2024

    Israel had become a mature nation who were able to go in, dispossess the enemy, possess their possessions, and receive a full reward in God’s land that flows with milk and honey. On the border of the Promised Land, they are commanded to break camp and go forward.

    Subject: "Let’s Break Camp and Move On!" Text: Deuteronomy 1:3-8 (NLT) “But forty years after the Israelites left Egypt, on the first day of the eleventh month, Moses addressed the people of Israel, telling them everything the LORD had commanded him to say. This took place after he had more

  • God's Covenant Relationship With Us As Children Of Abraham Series

    Contributed by Nigel Heath on Jan 28, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    President Obama has a place and context in history, as do Christian believers whose time has come in the providence of God.

    INTRO This week a historic event took place in the USA. An estimated 40 million people worldwide tuned in to watch the inauguration of Senator Barack Obama as President of the USA. Significant contributions were made to the ceremony including from Rick Warren (Pastor of the Saddleback Community more

  • The Anointing Breaks The Yoke - Empowered For Service And Warfare

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Feb 22, 2019
    based on 5 ratings

    Every Born-Again Christian has the anointing of God which provides the ability to have an intimate relationship with Him

    The word 'anointing' is one of the most misunderstood and misused words in the church. It is often taught as if the anointing is something that people can 'feel' when the 'anointing' is in the room. People go to 'spiritual' teachers who have declared they have a more

  • In Christ We Are A New Creation

    Contributed by Gbemisola Fafowora on Jul 12, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    When we are in Christ the word of God says that we are a now a new creation.

    2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. Anyone who is joined to Christ is a new being, the old is gone, the new has come - GNT If anyone belongs to Christ, there is a new creation ( the new more

  • God's Altar Call (Exodus 19:1-15) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Mar 24, 2022

    If we think about our relationship with God in terms of covenant, we will be far better off.

    Let's start today by reading Exodus 19:1-4: (1) In the third month of the sons of Israel going out from the land of Egypt, on this day they came to the wilderness of Sinai, (2) and they set out from Rephidim, and they came to the wilderness of Sinai, and they camped in the wilderness, and more

  • Cancellation Of The Previous Command

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Feb 18, 2014

    To show that we are now under a better covenant with much better management - the HOLY SPIRT.

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you live in faith or in fear of the Law? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that we are now under a better covenant with much better management - the HOLY SPIRT. IV. TEXT: Hebrews 7:18 (Amplified Bible) 7:18 So a previous physical regulation and more

  • The Most Important Concept In The Bible - Understanding The Blood Coveanant

    Contributed by Dale Rebarchik on May 26, 2014

    Without the shedding of blood there can be no remission of sins. Understanding the Blood Covenant. Why Jesus had to die for our sins.

    Answers 2 Big Questions The Most Important Concept in the Bible Understanding the Blood Covenant Scripture: Matthew 26:28 Introduction:  We sing about the blood.  We talk about the blood.  What was the uniqueness about Jesus’ blood that He could boldly stand up more

  • The 4 Points: #1: God Loves Me: Bible Story: The Last Supper. - Series

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Mar 11, 2024

    Easter Series - THE 4 POINTS: #1: God Loves Me: Bible Story: The Last Supper. - sermon by Gordon Curley (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: Surprise #1: Limited Information. Surprise #2: No Lamb. Surprise #3: A New Meaning SERMON BODY: Now you will not find the four points graphics hanging up in any museum, • No art expert would ever consider them a great work of art, • But somebody in advertising would value more

  • A New Start Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Jun 2, 2022

    We are going to look at a New Start of humanity for Noah and has family in Genesis 9:7-11. The rainbow is a fitting sign. Light must be shinning through the clouds. There can’t be a flood, light is breaking through a rainbow is formed. God has made this a sign he will not flood the world.

    Speed skater Cathy Turner prepared and waited years for her chance to win an Olympic gold medal. She won all her preliminary races, and she was in the final medal race. When the gun sounded Cathy had a fall just after the start. That was it. Her Olympic medal dreams were over. One of the other more

  • God Our Refuge

    Contributed by John Perry on Jul 13, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    We all have to live in a troubled world & to make matters worse we all have personal troubles we have to work through. God's plan however is that we would fine a place of refuge in all the troubles of life.

    Bunbury Sun am 10/072011 “God our refuge” Intro: *** The famed survival expert Bear Grylls was shooting a survival show in Norway not too long ago teaching people how to survive in some of the worst weather conditions. Parts of Norway are known for being amongst the wettest places in more

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