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  • Willful Sin, Or Service

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Apr 14, 2002
    based on 11 ratings

    This sermon addresses how we cannot sow to the nature of the flesh and expect to reap from the Spirit.

    WILLFUL SIN OR SERVICE Text: Romans 6:3-14, 20-23 When I used to be a sales clerk at Spencers (now closed) at Outlet Marketplace adjacent to Carowinds in Fort Mill, S.C. I used to get into disagreements with my fellow employees. Most of them had what I like to call an "inoculation theology" more

  • Sin Takes Root Series

    Contributed by Roshelle Brenneise on Aug 29, 2024

    And the sin weed sprouts a few more leaves...

    August 31, 2024 Last week we were introduced to the Villain. He planted the seeds of distrust and rebellion through the power of an idea – God cannot be trusted. The central question in the rest of the story will be, “Who is telling the truth – God or the Villain? One thing is certain, sin more

  • The Saviour And A Sinful Servant

    Contributed by Larry Grant on Apr 6, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and you say, 'He has a demon.' The Son of Man has come eating and drinking, and you say, 'Look, a glutton and a winebibber, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!'

    Luke 7:36-50 (NKJV) The Saviour and a Sinful Servant April 7, 2024 There are two servants here, the Pharisee serving dinner and a Prostitute serving kindness. There are also two sinners here, Simon the Pharisee in contempt and arrogance and this unnamed Sinner who was well known in her community. more

  • Declaring War On Sin

    Contributed by Alan Perkins on Feb 8, 2003
    based on 67 ratings

    If we desire to know God, we must declare war on sin.

    For the past few weeks, we’ve been talking about seeking God. What it means to pursue God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. And why it’s necessary to do so; why it’s not only desirable and beneficial, but even essential, that we continue striving for God throughout our lives. Last week, more

  • Are All Sins Equal? Series

    Contributed by Dennis King on Nov 9, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Many of us have heard (and accepted) that all sins are equal. But is that statement Biblically correct?

    What Are Sins and What does the Bible say about sin? Genesis 4: 7. “If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” Deuteronomy 9:7 “Remember this and never forget how you more

  • Silenced By My Sinfulness Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Dec 15, 2015

    Salvation comes only to those who are silenced by their sinfulness.

    I want you to consider for a moment two different doctors. Both are equally competent, but the way that they deal with their patients is quite different. Let’s imagine that you’re not feeling well so you go to both doctors who both do the same thorough examination and run the same tests more

  • The Signpost Of Sinfulness #3

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Jan 9, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    This sermon is about the mastery of sin in the believer’s life.

    Sunday Morning March 26, 2000 Bel Aire Baptist Church Hobbs, NM THE SIGNPOST OF SINFULNESS [#3] The Mastery Of Sin In The Believer’s Life JAMES 4:13-17; GALATIANS 5:16-23 Introduction: Isaiah 35:8: "And a highway shall be there, and a way, And it shall be called The way of holiness..." 1. more

  • The "I”s Of Sin Series

    Contributed by Dan Waite on Jun 8, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The core of sIn is “I.” Paul lists the “slippery slope of sin” in this section and explains how humans descend into the absolute corruption of sin. In essence, “God gave them over.” However, we are “without excuse” because at the root we have “suppress

    Romans 1:18 – 32 The “I”s of sin. The core of sIn is “I.” Paul lists the “slippery slope of sin” in this section and explains how humans descend into the absolute corruption of sin. In essence, “God gave them over.” However, we are “without excuse” because at the root we have “suppressed the more

  • Deliverance From Sin

    Contributed by Peter Balogun on Nov 23, 2004
    based on 11 ratings

    Many people struggle to live holy lives. God has made provision for your deliverance from the power of sin. this message exposes God’s mind on the subject.

    DELIVERANCE FROM SIN What is sin? Sin is a transgression of the law. When a man breaks the law, that man is said to have committed a sin. There are several factors that could be responsible for this but more prominent amongst these reasons is ignorance. Incidentally, ignorance is never accepted more

  • The Deadly Sin Of Sloth Series

    Contributed by R. David Reynolds on Mar 30, 2008
    based on 15 ratings

    This is the final message in the series on The Seven Deadly Sins with the thesis that God’s ministry is never to be done slothfully by His people.

    The Deadly Sin of Sloth --Proverbs 6:6-11 and Mathew 25:14-30 James S. Hewett, former pastor of Saratoga, California’s Presbyterian Church, tells this story: “A class of high school sophomores had been assigned a term paper. Now the day of reckoning had come, the papers were due. The teacher more

  • Showing Partiality Is A Sin

    Contributed by Bill Butsko on Sep 3, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    Favoring one person over another indicates failure to follow Jesus’ example of how to treat people.

    Text: “But if you show partiality, you commit sin, and are convicted by the law as transgressors” (James 2:9). There is a wonderful old story by John Denver about a man invited to a fancy banquet. He arrived wearing simple clothing and was told to get out and go in the kitchen door for a handout. more

  • Spurn The Allurement Of Sin

    Contributed by Efren V. Narido on Sep 23, 2019

    Do you really know what is wrong with sin?

    “Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit more

  • Racism Is A Sinful Behaviour. Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Jan 22, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    I must approach this topic with sensitivity and caution. It's important to avoid perpetuating harmful stereotypes or making generalizations about people based on their race or ethnicity.

    I must approach this topic with sensitivity and caution. It's important to avoid perpetuating harmful stereotypes or making generalizations about people based on their race or ethnicity. Additionally, it's essential to recognize that racism is a complex and multifaceted issue that can more

  • The Self-Deception Of Sin Series

    Contributed by Tim Diack on Jun 19, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Paul exhorts us to test ourselves to see if we’re in the faith – but how do we do that? John points us in the right direction with some practical “tests” so that we may discern whether we are living in the light or in the darkness.

    The Self Deception of Sin - 1 John 1:10-2:2 Series: That We May Know – Life With Jesus - #4 In his second letter to the Corinthian Church, the apostle Paul pleads with the people, saying to them these words … “Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test more

  • The Slippery Slope Of Sin Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Feb 20, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    To avoid sliding into sin, make sure you are tethered to God’s truth.

    The Slippery Slope of Sin Genesis 3:6-7 Rev. Brian Bill February 18-19, 2023 One of my favorite shows is America’s Funniest Home Videos. I can’t stop laughing at the videos which show people slipping and sliding on ice. I know first-hand that falling isn’t funny because it led to my shoulder more

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