Sermon Series
  • 1. Time For Dinner

    Contributed on Jan 25, 2006
    based on 21 ratings

    A series exploring the seven miracles and seven "I Am" statements in the Gospel of John. This messages reflects on what we can learn about Jesus from the feeding of the 5,000.

    (Read today’s passage.) This is the only miracle outside the final week of Jesus’ life recorded in all four Gospels.  This particular day, in all likelihood, began with the news of the death of John the Baptist. Jesus has lost a dear friend.  As the day progressed, the more

  • 2. I Am. . .the Bread Of Life

    Contributed on Jan 25, 2006
    based on 59 ratings

    A series exploring the seven miracles, and seven "I Am" statements in the Gospel of John. This message reflects on Jesus statement that "I am the bread of life."

    (Preview flow of sermon series – Miracles w/ “I Am” statements) Pick-up the reading in John 6:15 (read through verse 27). Jesus hasn’t made the significant “I am. . .” statement yet at this point, but He is leading up to it and has begun to refer to this food that endures forever. This more

  • 3. Sin, Saliva And Sight

    Contributed on Feb 9, 2006
    based on 8 ratings

    A series exploring the seven miracles, and seven "I Am" statements in the Gospel of John. This message reflects on Jesus healing of the man blind since birth.

    I’ve got some bad news for you today. As we look at our next miracle, one of seven, around which the Gospel of John is focused, we find ourselves coming upon some tough teaching. If you are looking for three points and a poem today, the news is not good. Not only are there six points. . .but more

  • 4. I Am. . .the Light Of The World

    Contributed on Feb 9, 2006
    based on 84 ratings

    A series exploring the seven miracles, and seven "I Am" statements in the Gospel of John. This message reflects on Jesus statement that "I am the light of the world."

    A few questions to get your minds thinking as we head in to today’s sermon. First one. . . Q: How many evolutionists does it take to change a light bulb? A: Just one but it will take a million years. Q: How many Psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb? A: Only one, but the bulb more

  • 5. Truly Living

    Contributed on Apr 18, 2006
    based on 2 ratings

    Jesus says, "I am the resurrection and the life." The message explores what it means to have Jesus as your life, and to live abundantly.

    (Preached Easter Sunday 2006) As the children are going out, I’m reminded of the story of a Sunday School teacher who was extremely enthusiastic. She looked at her class of four-years olds and asked this question: “Does anyone know what today is?” A little girl held up her finger and said, more

  • 6. I Am The True Vine - Part Iv

    Contributed on Apr 18, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    This is the final of a four part look at Jesus teaching that He is the true vine. This message focuses on our need to abide with Christ to be fruitful for the kingdom.

    (Inspiration for this series from Bruce Wilkerson’s "Secrets of the Vine") We are exploring Jesus’ final "I Am. . ." teaching on earth - John 15: 1-8 Building towards our purpose – individually and as a church – not to become fuller plants, with bigger leaves, and thicker branches. But to more

  • 7. I Am The True Vine - Part Iii

    Contributed on Apr 18, 2006
    based on 28 ratings

    This is the third of a four part look at Jesus teaching that He is the true vine. This message focuses on God’s utilization of pruning to prepare us to bear more fruit.

    (Extensive inspiration for this sermon series taken from Bruce Wilkerson’s "Secrets of the Vine") Introduction - Spring has arrived, we have begun gardening, and pruning (reference recent Herald-Leader Article on pruning) Draw connection to Spiritual Pruning Jesus final "I Am. . ." more

  • 8. Picturing A Joyful Jesus

    Contributed on Jan 8, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    A look at another side of Jesus. The side of a joyful, personable man that would take time out of his life to attend a wedding feast.

    (Significant inspiration and segments of this sermon taken from Max Lucado’s writings on this passage.) There was a woman who goes to the post office to buy stamps for her Christmas cards. She says to the clerk, "May I have 50 Christmas stamps?" The clerk says, "What denomination?" The more