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  • Father, Forgive Them Series

    Contributed by Troy Horne on Mar 28, 2009

    Considering the words of Christ from the cross

    Lk. 23.34 “From the Cross” pt. 1 1. Seven times Jesus speaks from the cross. And each time He says something meaningful and significant. Of course, Jesus isn’t the kind of person to just be caught talking, saying anything that comes to mind. Whenever Jesus speaks, it is significant, more

  • Developing A Cause Mentality

    Contributed by Kerry Bauman on May 24, 2005
    based on 67 ratings

    A call to consider the cost of following Christ.

    Developing A Cause Mentality Text: Luke 9:57-62 Developing A Cause Mentality Text: Luke 9:57-62 Introduction: (Senator John McCain was held as a prisoner of war in a North Vietnamese camp for several years. He relays this story about his interment.) In the final years of our imprisonment, more

  • Maintaining Family Unity

    Contributed by David Elvery on Nov 27, 2005
    based on 45 ratings

    Considering how to maintain family unity.

    Maintaining Family Unity – Eph 4:22-32 Gladstone Baptist Church – 5/9/04 Screen Viva La Difference – The Ledger people. Well this is the last night in our series on the family and we are stopping to consider the issue of unity within families. If you were to watch many of the TV shows featuring more

  • Christ Is Our Cornerstone Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Nov 11, 2019
    based on 2 ratings

    Consider the truth that Christ is our Cornerstone.

    Christ is our cornerstone We continue in our theme Dare to be different and this month we have been looking at Different Foundations. This morning I want us to consider together the truth that Christ is our Cornerstone. Listen to the words of the first verse of the song in Christ alone: In more

  • Fair?

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Sep 24, 2023

    What consider fair depends on the person.

    Fair? – Matthew 20: 1 - 16 Intro: The story is told of a young Jewish man who applied for a job at the First International Bank of Israel. The bank asked for a letter of recommendation. The young man asked his rabbi to supply the requested letter. The Rabbi wrote, more

  • What Is The Greatest Act Of Love?

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Jul 22, 2020

    Let us consider what demonstrates love to others the best? Kiss? Hold hands? How about considering LISTENING SKILLS?

    THE GREATEST ACT OF LOVE… By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. I ask the question what is the greatest act of love? May say “THE KISS” or MAYBE HOLDING HANDS? THE KISS CAN BE DECEIVING. The kiss can be deceiving. The kiss could hid motives and could lead to lust and hurt. Luke more

  • A Mom's Bitterness Backfires

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on May 11, 2019

    We consider a Mother's duty to motivate, mentor and model eternal values. We consider to mothers: Herodias and Mary.

    A MOM’S BITTERNESS BACKFIRES? MENTOR? By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. There are two kinds of truth? 1. Personal truth? 2. The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Your personal truth may be the truth or it may not be the truth? We can lie to our self and believe more

  • Why God Hates All Forms Of Idolatry

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Mar 15, 2003
    based on 54 ratings

    A person seldom considers that his own selfishness can be an idol, as "self" is more important than God. Very few consider that anything, which is more important to a person than obeying God, may be considered an idol.

    Why God Hates All Forms of Idolatry A person may not consider that an automobile, house, certain possessions, a hobby, a person, a political party, a cause, a job, a sport, an addiction, lusts, pleasures, or some other thing, can become an idol. A person may not consider that stubbornness is as more

  • Why Should We Use Sound Judgment To Consider Our Place In The Body Of Chris

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jan 2, 2002
    based on 27 ratings

    Why Should We Use Sound Judgment to Consider Our Place in the Body of Christ? – Rom. 12:3

    Why Should We Use Sound Judgment to Consider Our Place in the Body of Christ? – Rom. 12:3 As Americans we can be very competitive and outspoken about our success. One enduring characteristics about Americans is our freedom to speak our mind as given to us by the first amendment. We love our more

  • How Could A Good God Allow Suffering? Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Dec 16, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    No answer can completely answer this most difficult question of life. I this sermon we consider some things about God and the world He created, we consider the reasons for suffering, and we consider how to cope with suffering.

    Introduction: A. There is a scene in a British movie where a young brother and sister had experienced the death of their beloved kitten. 1. The children had prayed fervently that the cat would get well, but unfortunately, it had died. 2. The children couldn’t understand why this had more

  • Survive Life’s Challenges

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Dec 15, 2013

    Survive Life’s Challenges 1) Consider Satan’s Goal 2) Consider God’s Control

    If you want to become a good hockey player, you’ll want to spend time watching elite players like Sydney Crosby. If you want to become a great artist, you’ll want to study the works of Van Goh and Rembrandt. Where should you turn though if you want to figure out how best to survive more

  • Sun Stand Still Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Mar 30, 2015

    Consider Joshua's motivation - pray boldly to see that God's will is done. Consider his commitment - work hard to see that God's work is finished.

    Joshua made an audacious prayer. It was a prayer for the impossible. The fact that he even thought of it surprises everyone. • Today we want to look at his motivation behind that prayer, and his commitment to fulfilling God’s will. The chapter opens with 5 opposing Amorite armies more

  • Book Of Life

    Contributed by Lindeal Greer on Jan 22, 2001
    based on 65 ratings

    Let’s consider a book written in Heaven.

    Book of Life There is no end to book writing and making books. Each one is written to offer some insight, to give some new direction, or to reaffirm some old. But God says there is nothing new under the sum. Ecc 1:9 "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which shall more

  • The Life Of The Lost

    Contributed by Dennis Deese on Aug 9, 2002
    based on 14 ratings

    Do we really consider the life of the lost?

    “THE LIFE OF THE LOST” By: Dr. Dennis Deese JOHN 4:1-30 There are two perspectives of life I believe Christians are prone to ignore or are simply too detached from. The troubling life of the lost and the blessings and spiritual resources that are available to us in our painful (common to the more

  • Start At The Manger... Then Go To The Cross

    Contributed by Andrew Chan on Dec 17, 2002
    based on 38 ratings

    Consider the questions of "why the manger" and "why the cross?"

    Start at the Manger… then go to the Cross 1At that time the Roman emperor, Augustus, decreed that a census should be taken throughout the Roman Empire. 2(This was the first census taken when Quirinius was governor of Syria.) 3All returned to their own towns to register for this census. 4And more

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