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  • Restore My Soul Series

    Contributed by Mark Haines on Oct 16, 2009
    based on 14 ratings

    We often seek restoration for our weary souls in the very things that tear us down but we need the Lord to restore our souls.

    PATTERN: PASTORAL CARE INTERVENTION THIS IS OUR PROBLEM: Everyone in this room has seen someone with a worn out, dried up, caved in, torn down, burned out soul this morning. Perhaps you woke next to him. Possibly it was the guy who cut you off in traffic on the way to worship. By chance it was more

  • I Am Refined Series

    Contributed by Bruce Rzengota on Dec 23, 2011


    Who Am I? I am Refined Ephesians 2:1-10 April 25, 2010 INTRODUCTION How do you define refined? Does it refer to our manners, our bearing, our posture, our social skills, our dress? How do you define refined? Which of the following is the more refined? Which businessmen? Which more

  • "Pray And The Red Sea Will Part For You Too" Series

    Contributed by Brad Henry on Jul 31, 2014

    We put too much stock in pleasing man instead of God. This lesson will show the benefits and peace that we will receive when our allegiance changes.

    The Ultimate Decision July 31, 2014 Years ago I was doing a project with the Beach Boys and Circle K Stores. I was working with a friend and record producer out of Las Vegas. It was fun to meet the Beach Boys and watch from Backstage some of their concerts. That is why when this record producer more

  • What Parents Owe Their Children

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Oct 9, 2013
    based on 6 ratings

    Devotion. Direction. Discipline. Link inc. to formatted text, audio.

    What Parents Owe Their Children Ephesians 6:4 Devotion. Direction. Discipline. 1. Devotion. Somehow we have communicated to our children that they are a burden rather than a blessing. We can't wait for school to start, and dread summer more

  • Know-Go-Do-Tell Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Oct 8, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    As imitators of Jesus Christ, we too are to know what to do for God, go, do what God says and tell people the truth in love!

    Last week from Luke 13 we noted that Jesus responded to persecution by actually just continuing the work He was called to do by God. Maybe this is where we got the saying “when the going gets tough, the tough gets going!” In our passage today, we will note the confidence of Jesus more

  • Provoking Divine Visitation

    Contributed by Apostle Izu Ulu on Jun 19, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    A time of Divine visitation is a period of meeting God and discussing all our issues with him or a time when all our expectations are delivered to us. When God visits you, everything about you changes for better. As God visited Sarah, may He visit you als

    I. WHAT IS DIVINE VISITATION? Divine visitation refers to when the heavens and the earth collaborates. The superior – the heavens decides to show mercy, and pay the created – the earth, a visit. Divine visitation can bring about reconstruction (Jeremiah 4:23-24), where a wilderness, barren land more

  • A Divine Birth Announcement

    Contributed by John White on Dec 14, 2019

    There's something about a birth and birthdays that is intrinisically exciting. A new life begins,,,,,,,,

    A DIVINE BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Luke 1:26-38, Matthew 1:18-25 Introduction: , There's something about a birth and birthdays that is intrinisically exciting. A new life begins, a new personality comes into existence and another creature made in the image of Go walks onto the stage of the universe. more

  • Christmas Doldrums

    Contributed by Mary Erickson on Dec 18, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    John the Baptist lost his certainty of who Jesus was. We can suffer from the "doldrums," too.

    December 15, 2019 Hope Lutheran Church Rev. Mary Erickson Isaiah 35:1-10; Matthew 11:2-11 Christmas Doldrums Friends, may grace and peace be yours in abundance in the knowledge of God and Christ Jesus our Lord. “Are you the one who is to come, or are we to wait for another?” The John the more

  • Arror Prayers: From Your Heart To The Heart Of God

    Contributed by Geoffrey Foot on Feb 19, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    Arrow prayers are short prayers from your heart to the heart of God and express uniquely your feelings, desires, fear and wonder of a loving Father who is there ready and waiting to hear and act.

    Arrow prayers Have you ever been in the situation when you needed to pray an instant prayer for Gods help, in a situation of great danger? Many years ago I was travelling with friends on a country road near Aberthaw cement works. It was a very windy road, narrow with sharp bends. All of a sudden more

  • Gods Protection, Plan & Promise Are Yours

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Jun 20, 2018

    God has a plan to protect us so that his promises for us will come true. Listen carefully Saints, not the plans you have or desires you have for yourself, no quite the contrary. Here we are talking about God’s plan for your life as His servants.

    Gods Protection, Plan & Promise are Yours Matthew 2:13-22 Psalm 139 We are a full week into 2018 and the Christmas story is fresh in our minds. Many of you may have taken down your decorations and have stored away the cards and the gift wrap for another year. What remains is the message of more

  • Blessed Be The Name Sermon Iv: The Lord God Our Intervener Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Aug 26, 2020

    As we mature in our walk with the Lord, mature Christians cherish their remembrance of prayers which never fell on deaf ears but got the attention of Father God who intervened in life's situations to turn negatives into positives.

    BLESSED BE THE LORD GOD OUR INTERVENER A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among thieves. Each of three passersby had opportunity to intervene in his situation, but only one did. The first was too proud and unwilling more

  • Sunday Schooled

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Apr 3, 2020

    The resurrection Sunday brought us great lessons into the person of God -=- He is Mysterious, Victorious, and Amorous!

    1. “Sunday School” is relatively new. Robert Raikes was a pioneer in the movement in the 18th century in England. SS was initially a school, with paid teachers and students, on Sunday to give some of the children of the slums an education and religious training. The intent was to improve their lot more

  • Heaven. Hell. And The Walking Dead #3 Series

    Contributed by Robert Butler on Nov 3, 2021

    The walking dead are those who believe the lies of the world and their own self sufficiency to denial of an eternal future with Jesus.

    Two weeks ago we began a three week Halloween series called - Heaven, Hell and The Walking Dead. It’s a series to answer three of the most asked questions by Christians and non-Christians: what happens after we die. As we talked about heaven, we learned that Heaven is a real place where Christ more

  • Remember...

    Contributed by Robert Butler on May 23, 2020

    In all situations, we are called to proclaim and serve our Lord.

    Today, we look to a prophet who saw it all. The son of Amoz was married, his wife was a prophetess and his two sons would be named to remind the world of his predictions about Israel - The first would speak of judgement and the second would be restoration. He would live some 80 plus years and more

  • The Blessings Of Hardships

    Contributed by Fr. Rian Adams on Aug 26, 2019

    Jesus said he came to, "send fire on the earth." This sermon takes a unique approach on this idea and uses the fire metaphor as a purging of the things inside us that hinder us from becoming who we can be through God.

    The Blessing of Hardships Since this Gospel reading is intense, I thought I’d begin by admitting something kind of funny about it. When I read it this week, I pictured Jesus at a Charlie Daniels concert singing, “Fire on the mountain run boys run.” It also made me wonder, “… how am I supposed more

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