Sermon Series
  • 1. How To Pray Part I

    Contributed on Aug 15, 2011

    This series is on how to pray. Many peopl pray but very few people have fellowship witjh God. We will explore this week how to know the difference and how to energize your prayer life.

    The next two series will be on “How to Pray” and “What Is Heaven Like”. This morning as I was doing some research one of my e mails was about “How Long Does The Average Pastor Pray” by Sermon Here are some of the more

  • 2. "Pray And The Red Sea Will Part For You Too"

    Contributed on Jul 31, 2014

    We put too much stock in pleasing man instead of God. This lesson will show the benefits and peace that we will receive when our allegiance changes.

    The Ultimate Decision July 31, 2014 Years ago I was doing a project with the Beach Boys and Circle K Stores. I was working with a friend and record producer out of Las Vegas. It was fun to meet the Beach Boys and watch from Backstage some of their concerts. That is why when this record producer more

  • 3. "Getting Back To Basics"

    Contributed on Aug 5, 2014

    Learning How to Pray and the power of prayer.

    The Ultimate Decision August 5, 2014 I love getting back to basics or simplifying things. Today, we make things too complicated. This past weekend I had the joy of meeting a friend from Prep School. I had not seen him in 40 years but it was as if we had never stopped meeting. He had told me of more

  • 4. "Study Hard, Pray Often"

    Contributed on Aug 15, 2014

    We rely to much on others on what God says we need to be encouraging others how to learn , study and pray.

    The Ultimate Decision August 15, 2014 As I was praying and reading this morning the Lord asked me to ask you, "Are you growing in your faith”. Is growing in your faith a priority to you? This morning I am going to speak about something that caught my attention to help you grow in your more