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  • How Will Light Shine On All Your Ways?

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Dec 9, 2024

    Allowing the Light to shine on all that we do and all that we may go through is important to show to others our joy in the Lord, regardless of what happens.

    In an attempt better understand the question posed, I think we should have a brief overview of the book of Job. Everybody has heard about Job at some point in time. The book of Job is a grasping show of wealth, to poverty, to wealth (riches, to rags, to riches), a theological composition about more

  • Selling Yourself Into Slavery

    Contributed by Robert Tallent on Sep 24, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    the Gibeonanites were quick to give themselves to the Hebrews as slaves. Most people do the same thing regarding sin

    Selling Yourself into Slavery? Joshua 9:1-8 To make yourself a slave, you must give into 1. Dread & Despair vs 3 women making themselves a slave to a man that uses them men making more

  • Suffering And Trial

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Oct 23, 2017

    The experience of suffering can at times involve a loss of confidence in God’s near presence.

    Suffering and Trial The experience of suffering can at times involve a loss of confidence in God’s near presence....The challenge of suffering is a test to all sanctity. It is met well whenever the truth of God’s presence is embraced in a deeper certitude of faith. The certitude is directed more

  • Wise Up About Conflict Series

    Contributed by Timothy Peck on Jun 4, 2002
    based on 45 ratings

    Six steps to applying God’s wisdom to relationship conflicts.

    When the first Lord of the Rings movie came out--The Fellowship of the Ring--my 12 year old son begged me to take him to see it. So we went; not just once, but twice. Since I’d never read the J. R. Tolkien books, my son had to explain parts of the movie to me as the story unfolded. As I watched, I more

  • His Banner Over Me Was Love

    Contributed by Steven Cook on Jan 5, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    Taken from the Song of Solomon, this message speaks of the love of God for all believers.

    “His Banner Over Me Was Love” Song of Solomon 2:4 By Dr. Steven G. Cook I. Introduction A. Read Text - “He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love.” B. David wrote in Psalm 139:6 - “Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it.” C. This more

  • Week 25 John Eats The Little Book Series

    Contributed by Tim Byrd on Apr 9, 2003
    based on 41 ratings

    Week 25 in a Wednesday evening study through the book of Revelation

    WEEK 25 “John Eats the Little Book” Date: January 22, 2003 Place: Allendale Baptist Church Text: Revelation 10: 1-11 Introduction Being off for several weeks let’s begin with verse 1 of chapter 10. We have come to a pause or a parenthesis between the 6th and the 7th trumpet. * We have said that more

  • "John Eates The Little Book" Series

    Contributed by Tim Byrd on Jul 9, 2003
    based on 9 ratings

    Week 25 in a Wednesday evening study.

    WEEK 25 “John Eats the Little Book” Date: January 22, 2003 Place: Allendale Baptist Church Text: Revelation 10: 1-11 Introduction Being off for several weeks let’s begin with verse 1 of chapter 10. We have come to a pause or a parenthesis between the 6th and the 7th trumpet. * We have said that more

  • Sermon On An Endorphins Rush

    Contributed by William Meakin on Aug 2, 2024

    Endorphins are defined as any of a group of hormones secreted within the brain and nervous system and having a number of physiological functions.

    Ellen DeGeneres, an American comedian and actress once remarked: “Now, I'm no scientist, but I know what endorphins are. They're tiny little magical elves that swim through your bloodstream and tell funny jokes to each other. When they reach your brain, you hear what they're saying and more

  • " They Hurt You In Secret, But God Will Expose Them Publicly"

    Contributed by Jessie Manuel on Feb 25, 2025

    I want to remind you of a powerful promise: Even when people hurt us in secret, God has the ability to expose those injustices publicly.

    Opening Prayer: Heavenly Father, we gather in Your presence today, seeking comfort, strength, and truth in Your Word. As we prepare our hearts for communion, open our eyes to see Your goodness and our ears to hear Your voice. Help us to understand the depths of Your love and grace, especially more

  • What Are The Signs Of The Time? Series

    Contributed by Eugene Pansler Jr on Dec 12, 2018

    What are the Signs of the time?

    What are the signs of the times, in Luke 21, Christ shares 3 major signing of the time. What are the signs of the time, (first, second, third): 1. False Prophets. What are the signs of time, the first one is false prophets, Christ say's in Luke 21:8, "For many will come more

  • We All Will Reap

    Contributed by Daniel Austin on Aug 6, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Our character, our relationship with God and with one another, these are ruled by the law of sowing and reaping. It’s part of the moral fabric of the universe created by God.

    We All Will Reap 06/28/09 AM Text: Galatians 6:7-9 Introduction Illus: South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, 49, a conservative former congressman viewed as a strong contender for the White House in 2012, had disappeared from his state of South Carolina, telling aides he was going hiking in the more

  • You've Been Hiding So Take Off The Mask

    Contributed by Dr. Jwt Spies on Nov 20, 2021

    Allowing God to see who we are from the heart

    We live in a culture, a society and a time when people are impress with how each other look or what we know. We have gotten so far into this fad that we are afraid to allow people see who we are and what we really look like. And that’s why many men are afraid to allow people to see them cry; now I more

  • Bible Interpretation

    Contributed by Gregory Thomas on Jul 20, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Reading The bible with clarity

    Bible Interpretation John begins his gospel with a series of declarative statements about the deity of Christ. In contrast to the other gospels, John begins his gospel in eternity past. Matthew, who portrays Christ as the King, begins with a genealogy to prove His Davidic more

  • Life In The Spirit.

    Contributed by Trevor Chuma on May 14, 2019

    There is a realm of eternity where time and space hold little significance, and physical and material things do not matter.

    There is a realm of eternity where time and space hold little significance, and physical and material things do not matter. It is a realm of the spirit—so bright and peaceful—a place where life takes on new meaning and purpose. It is a little bit of heaven on earth. Revelation 11:12 says, And more

  • Master Manipulators Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Feb 3, 2014
    based on 6 ratings

    Here is David's attempt to manipulate others in order to hide his sin. Far to many today still manipulate others in an attempt to get their way or to hide their sin. "O, what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive."

    2 SAMUEL 11: 6-27 [The Life of David] MASTER MANIPULATORS [Revelation 21:8] Forty-two years ago (June 17, 1972), hotel personnel noticed that a stairwell door lock had been taped in the open position. Three police officers responded to find five unauthorized individuals inside the more

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