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Sermons on commands of jesus:

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  • There The Lord Commands A Blessing PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Mar 16, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon emphasizes the importance and blessings of unity within the Christian community, as desired by God and depicted in Psalm 133.

    Greetings, beloved family in Christ. I stand before you today, not as a distant preacher on a pulpit, but as a fellow traveler on this road of faith we share. We gather under the banner of God's love, bound by His grace, and united by the Holy Spirit. Today, we shall turn our hearts and minds to a more

  • God's 9 Commandments Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Oct 8, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    A study of Chapter 20 verses 1 through 17

    Exodus 20: 1 – 17 God’s 9 Commandments 1 And God spoke all these words, saying: 2 “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 3 “You shall have no other gods before Me. 4 “You shall not make for yourself a carved more

  • The Applicability Of The Sabbath Commandment

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Jun 1, 2018

    How to apply the Sabbath Commandment today as Christians

    Sermon. There seem to be a surprising number of strange laws around in the USA Revd Brian Bill in his sermon Law or Legalism lists a number of these He writes "Almost every state has surprising laws on their books. • In Florida, a woman may be fined for falling asleep under a hair dryer. • In more

  • Obeying God's Commands PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 25, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    The importance of unquestioning obedience to God's commands and aligning our lives with His will, as disobedience leads to consequences and rejection from the Lord.

    Good morning, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ! Today, we're going to dive into a passage from the Word of God that teaches us about unquestioning obedience to His commands, the consequences of disobedience, and the importance of aligning our lives with His will. C.S. Lewis once said, "The more

  • Preservation Of Property Commanded Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 6, 2021

    Stealing is wrong because ownership is right, and ownership is right because God has ordained it. Obedience to the eighth commandment, like all of the rest, is essential to the good life, and the good society.

    The teacher said to the little boy who had stolen an apple from another boy's lunch pail, "Don't you know that you broke the eighth commandment?" "Yes," he responded, "But I figured I might just as well have the apple and break the eighth commandment as covet it more

  • Five Final Commands Series

    Contributed by George Bannister on Jul 31, 2003
    based on 77 ratings

    This message deals with the five final commands given to the Hebrew believers.

    TEXT: Hebrews 13:1-17 TOPIC: “Five Final Commands” INTRODUCTION: I. EXPRESS LOVE (V.1-3) A. Express it continually (v.1) (Rom. 12:10; 1 Pet. 1:22). 1. The expression of love to brothers and sisters in Christ is to be continual. B. Express it through hospitality (v. 2; Rom 12:13). 1. Love is more

  • A Very Good Command

    Contributed by Efren V. Narido on Sep 20, 2019

    Do you consider God's command good? Why?

    “And the LORD God commanded the man, ‘You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die’” (Genesis 2:16-17, NIV). Could you remember an instruction given to you that you really more

  • Joshua Takes Command

    Contributed by Keith Andrews on Jun 5, 2002
    based on 15 ratings

    Joshua takes command of the Israelittes after the deat of Moses.

    Joshua Takes Command Often in our lives we encounter crossroads. We face two roads going in opposite directions. Many times we know the one to take but the other road looks easier, more comfortable, and more popular. Then there comes the time when you are leading people. Which way we lead them? more

  • The Ten Commandment Introduction Series

    Contributed by Hugh W. Davidson on Mar 13, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Intro to the ten commandments in Exodus 19.

    Exodus 19 When I was in Bible College at London Baptist I used to be asked to preach at different kinds of youth events and one time I remember arriving at a church for some kind of an evening service and I asked the guy in charge, “How long should I speak?” And he said, “You can preach all night more

  • The Imperative Command: Fear Not

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Oct 26, 2019

    There is a literary tool called IMPERATIVE COMMANDS. THIS IS USED TO GIVE A COMMAND, A DIRECTIVE, MAKE A REQUEST, OR OFFER ADVISE. The Bible is so full of the imperative commands FEAR NOT. Faith and fear cannot coexist. Could it be the beginning of fear is the end of faith?

    THE IMPERATIVE COMMAND FEAR NOT--- By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. *Will you agree with this: The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith? The beginning of faith is the end of anxiety? Ever ponder DRIFTING? You know about RIP TIDES? How did we get here? Years ago we sang more

  • Preservation Of Marriage Commanded Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 6, 2021

    Marriage is similar to conversion in that, in conversion we make a commitment of our lives to one Lord, and in marriage we commit our lives to one mate. Sex and salvation are linked all through the Bible.

    Actor Eli Wallach figured that his son who was approaching his teens was sharp enough to grasp some basic facts of life. So he called him in, and gave him the time-honored story about the birds and the bees. When he was all finished the boy said, "You know in a rudimentary fashion, the more

  • Commandments For Living With Humanity PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 5, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    Emphasizes the importance of living a life guided by God's commandments, fostering respect, honesty, and harmony in our relationships.

    Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, we gather here today under the banner of God's love, a love so profound, so encompassing, that it has the power to change hearts, alter destinies, and heal the deepest wounds. We are here to immerse ourselves in the teachings of our Lord, to seek wisdom and more

  • Submission - A Command With A Promise Series

    Contributed by Eddie Snipes on Apr 24, 2001
    based on 63 ratings

    The Biblical principles of submission. This study looks at how submission is an act of humility and faith in God. We are trusting God to lift us up and fulfill His promises.

    Submission – A Command with a Promise Genesis 16 8 And He said, "Hagar, Sarai’s maid, where have you come from, and where are you going?" She said, "I am fleeing from the presence of my mistress Sarai." 9 The Angel of the LORD said to her, "Return to your mistress, and submit yourself under her more

  • The God Who Commands Series

    Contributed by Dave Clark on Oct 8, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    In Sunday school we get the condensed version of the Ten Commandments but they can be read expansively, so that you are challenged to consider how the commandment may apply to all sorts of real life situations.

    The God Who Commands Exodus 20:1-17 October 5, 2014 Rev. David J. Clark The Israelites had been wandering in the desert for a long time. They were learning what it means to really trust God but that trust was hard learned. There was a definite pattern: at the first hint of adversity they turned more

  • A Command For Strength And Courage Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Aug 7, 2018

    Strength, Courage, Crossing Into New Territory

    WORDS FOR LIFE - A Command for Strength & Courage August 12, 2018 Joshua 1:9 (p. 147) Introduction: Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected four times to be President of the United States of America…He ascended to this place of leadership after fighting the corruption of a more

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