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  • Come To Jesus Series

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Aug 19, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Are you in a storm, struggling with demons or addictions, sick in your body, or facing challenges in your family? The answer is simple: Come to Jesus!

    THE SCHOOL OF PRAYER #5: COME TO JESUS) (Aug. 2010 – Beausejour Church – Pastor Chris Jordan) OPENING: Share testimonies from Costa Rica: • How proud I am of the team and how they stepped out in love and faith and prayers. • 8 salvations, 2 rededications, hundreds of Holy more

  • Come And Dine!

    Contributed by Tony Abram on Sep 11, 2010
    based on 8 ratings

    One of my favorite memories as a child was when I would be playing and mom would call me home for supper! In the message of the disciples fishing and Jesus calling to them to come and dine we find the Word teaching us many lesions in this sermon outline

    Come and Dine! One of my favorite memories as a child was when I would be playing and mom would call me home for supper! In the message of the disciples fishing and Jesus calling to them to come and dine we find the Word teaching us many lesions in this sermon outline. I. John 21:3 Simon Peter more

  • Night Is Coming

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Sep 28, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus declares that He is the light of the world. As He approaches a blind man, the disciples want to know who has sinned, but Jesus is busy with the Father’s work knowing that the night of the cross is approaching.

    Night is Coming John- major theme- Jesus Christ is the incarnate Word. He is God- He left heaven/took on- body of a man. He who was all God became all man-remained all God Jesus- made seven statements that speak of who He is- I AM the Bread of life I AM the Light of the world I AM the Door of the more

  • Come To The Table

    Contributed by Richard White on Oct 8, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    Like Mephibosheth we were crippled, expecting death, but we come to the presence of the KING and receive mercy and grace. Come and Eat.

    Come to the Table 2 Samuel 9:1-11 1 John 3:1- “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” The Bible seems to abound in difficult names- names like “Ne-bu-chad-nez-zar” and more

  • Jesus Is Coming Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Mar 30, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Introductory message in a series on Revelation focusing on the theme and purpose of the book.

    “The Revelation of Jesus Christ” Jesus is Coming! Introduction & Background The subject of future events attracts a great deal of attention. Prophecy conferences draw significant curious crowds. Many promise to uncover the latest new and exciting insights. More than a few assert that they more

  • Coming To Church

    Contributed by Matthew Davaughn Cox on Sep 18, 2012
    based on 5 ratings

    This sermon will reflect on our reason for coming to church.

    Today’s sermon will be one unlike any other sermon you have heard or read here at St. Matthew’s. You will find me coming from Matthew 21:12-13 on this day. I would like for you to ask yourself this question: Why do I come to church? This very question is very important and should be answered with more

  • Come Forth!

    Contributed by Randall Parker on Sep 26, 2011
    based on 2 ratings

    You've been in that tomb too long!!!! It's time to COME FORTH!!!

      "COME FORTH” John 11:43 Bishop Randall Parker III This is a season of Uncommon….unexpected blessings in the lives of God’s people, and there are people on the verge of these blessings, so don’t give up regardless of what your circumstances look like. God can work a more

  • Come And See Series

    Contributed by Mark Driscoll on Oct 12, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    You are a connector for God. He has called you to bring your worlds together in Christ. You are an evangelist.

    Tonight we will be in the Gospel of John. And we will be in the Gospel of John potentially until we see Jesus again face to face. This could be a while. And what I’m gonna ask that you do tonight is something very simple and very practical that we begin with. The first thing I’m gonna more

  • Time Will Come

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Aug 24, 2013

    To show that in the last days, if we don't preach GOD's Words, (a) people will no longer listen to the Truth, (b) they will follow their evil desires instead, (c) they will gather teachers that will only say what they want, and (d) they will listen to fab

    I. EXORDIUM: Is it your time? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that in the last days, if we don't preach GOD's Words, (a) people will no longer listen to the Truth, (b) they will follow their evil desires instead, (c) they will gather teachers that will only say what more

  • The Coming Of The Lord

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Nov 4, 2014

    One day the grace of God will cease and the Lord will return. Are you ready and what can you do until He returns?

    The coming of the Lord Luke chapter 17:20-17:37 Introduction- This week we continue to look at the parables of Jesus. What better way to see what is important than to learn from the Master Himself. Jesus addresses the Pharisee’s and instructs the disciples on the kingdom of God and his more

  • Come On Down

    Contributed by Wayne Lawson on Jul 11, 2012
    based on 21 ratings

    What a terrible position to be in, when we find ourselves dangerously positioned higher than Christ. This is when Jesus challenges us to Come On Down.

    TITLE: COME ON DOWN SCRIPTURE: ST. LUKE 19:1-10 I am reminded of a game show that has been televised since 1956 entitled THE PRICE IS RIGHT. Even if you are not a fan of the game show we are very familiar with the announcers call to those in attendance as they hope for the opportunity to be more

  • Coming Home

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Apr 19, 2011
    based on 10 ratings

    What a wonderful thing coming home is! After a 15 mo. deployment in Iraq, this sermon was timely, with Jesus telling us about His home, the hope we can have to go there and how to get there.

    Coming Home Preached during “Reintegration” after a 15 mo. deployment of troops to Iraq from our military community. Chuck Sligh June 2008 The “Top Ten Reasons Heaven Will Be A Blast”’ under point I. are adapted from Steve Malones sermon by that title at more

  • The King Is Coming

    Contributed by Jason Bonnicksen on Apr 22, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus is the ever-present King who rode along the palm laden road to the Cross of Calvary in order to bear our shame. He came to declare he’s the way, the truth, and life, and he’s calling us to change our perception of him towards God’s eternal light.

    INTRO Let’s start our time this morning with an interesting, Palm Sunday, brain tease. Listen to this account, and picture in your mind “the one” I am going to speak about. Okay, here we go… The crowds cheered and waved their hands. Many stood upon their tip-toes more

  • Coming Attractions

    Contributed by Lynn Malone on Dec 1, 2015

    What if we anticipated the second coming of Jesus Christ the way we anticipate the new Star Wars movie?

    December 18, 2015 is the date everyone…and I mean everyone…has been waiting on. That’s the date the latest installment of Star Wars will be released. It must be the most anticipated coming attraction of all time. Star Wars: The Force Awakens begins again (or continues, whichever more

  • The Coming Crisis Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Dec 4, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Preparing for the coming crisis as set forth in Luke 12:49-59 teaches us to settle our eternal destiny before it is too late.

    Scripture This is the second Sunday of Advent. Advent is the season of the Christian year in which we remember the first coming of Jesus and also anticipate the second coming of Jesus. In our study of the Gospel of Luke Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem from Galilee. He only had a few months left more

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