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  • Studies In Revelation Chapter 8 Series

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Oct 12, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    This is a study of chapter 8 in the book of Revelation. This is a controversial subject but takes a conservative approach to understanding the book.

    Note: I used many sources to study this book, one of my favorites is Revelation: God’s Word for the Biblically-Inept by Daymond Duck and some out of different study bibles. Title: The Seventh seal and the four judgements Text: Revelation 8 What happened in our previous chapter? Who opens more

  • An Unchanging Message For An Ever Changing World

    Contributed by Chad Bolfa on Oct 29, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    In these four verses that we are going to consider tonight the apostle Paul gives us four principles concerning the word of God, or the gospel.

    An Unchanging Message for an Ever Changing World Pm Service October 25th 2009 Galatians 1:1-10 Introduction One of the most frequently used phrases in Christian circles is "the gospel." Amazingly few adults know what this term means. It could either refer to its literal translation, "good news;" more

  • 'tis The Season To Be Extravagant Series

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Dec 4, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    There is much excess and waste in the church especially in the west. It is time for us to be excessive in worship, forgiveness, caring for others, self-control, stewardship and thankfulness. Learn the difference between sinful excess and righteous exces

    Intro: A woman bought an extravagant dress, and the husband asked why did it have to be so expensive, She said the devil made me buy it, The husband asked, why didn’t you say get behind me Satan?, The woman said, I did and he said it looked as good in the front as it did in the back, so I more

  • Who Am I PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 27, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Highlight God's immense power and majesty, His deep care for humanity despite our insignificance in the grand scheme of creation, and the importance of practicing humility in our daily lives.

    Good morning, everyone! It's wonderful to be with you today as we dive into the Word of God together. Today, we're going to unpack a passage from Psalm 8, verses 3 to 8. This passage is a beautiful reminder of God's majesty and power, His incredible care for humanity, and the importance of us more

  • Por Su Justicia: La Necesidad De La Justicia

    Contributed by Wilbur Madera Rivas on Sep 30, 2023

    No importa quiénes seamos y qué trasfondo tengamos, todos necesitamos creer el evangelio para alcanzar la medida de la rectitud requerida.

    En el mes de octubre de 1517, un monje agustino llamado Martín Lutero, colocó sus 95 tesis en la puerta de la capilla de Wittemberg, Alemania, en las que manifestaba su oposición en contra de lo que se enseñaba en sus días respecto a las indulgencias. El problema de fondo more

  • Eres Carnal O Espiritual?

    Contributed by Ralph Mendez on Mar 9, 2002
    based on 141 ratings

    Después de entregarte al Señor tu tendrás que tomar una decisión diaria, vivir conforme a la carne, o conforme al Espiritu.

    ¿Eres Carnal o Espiritual? Digo, pues: Andad en el Espíritu, y no satisfagáis los deseos de la carne. Porque el deseo de la carne es contra el Espíritu, y el del Espíritu es contra la carne; y éstos se oponen entre sí, para que no hagáis lo que quisiereis. Gálatas 5: 16, 17 INTRODUCCION: Después more

  • The First Star Trek

    Contributed by David Dykes on Mar 31, 2003
    based on 257 ratings

    Like the Magi, we are all on a star trek. Some are searching for something; some may be the star God uses to guide others to Jesus. The magi weren’t wise because they sought Jesus; we call them wise because they found Jesus.

    The First Star Trek Matthew 2:1-12 by David O. Dykes INTRODUCTION For all of you who are looking for Santa this week, I need to read a memo to you. To: All Southern USA Residents From: Santa RE: Replacement Santa “I regret to inform you that effective immediately, due the growing population, I more

  • La Lucha Entre La Carne Y El Espíritu

    Contributed by Major Gerardo Balmori on Feb 23, 2008
    based on 77 ratings

    Después de entregarte al Señor tu tendrás que tomar una decisión diaria, cada mañana al despertar y prepararte para comenzar tu día; esta decisión será: ¿Cómo he de vivir este día? ¿Viviré conforme a la carne o conforme al espíritu?

    La Lucha entre la Carne y el Espíritu Gálatas 5:16-17 El Ejército de Salvación Mayor Gerardo Balmori Digo, pues: Andad en el Espíritu, y no satisfagáis los deseos de la carne. Porque el deseo de la carne es contra el Espíritu, y el del Espíritu es contra la carne; y éstos se oponen entre sí, more

  • ¿a Quién O A Qué Adoras? Series

    Contributed by Wilbur Madera Rivas on Jun 11, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Aquello que adores, te controlará

    Lo que adoras te controla –12/06/11 Jueces 13-16 Intro. Recuerdo que aquella tarde estaba viendo las noticias en Orlando Florida y con horror escuchaba el reporte. Una mujer salió en la televisión siendo entrevistada acerca de la desgracia de la que había sido víctima. Estaba cargando more

  • Signs Of His Return Series

    Contributed by John Oscar on Jul 29, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    A heavily edited sermon from the series, "The Return of the King" available on Sermon Central, we look at the biblical prophecies regarding the return of our King Jesus

    Signs in the Sky Return of the King: Week 2 Scripture: Luke 21:24-25; Joel 2:30-31; Matthew 24:29-47 (Back of Bulletin) Last week we started a new series called Return of the King… Last week, we learned about seven signs coming from the nation of Israel, signaling that Jesus is preparing to more

  • El Pecado De Quejarse

    Contributed by Byron Perrine on Apr 22, 2020

    Este discurso fue originalmente entregado como un mensaje de Acción de Gracias. El lector tiene el desafío de reconocer que el descontento es un pecado, porque es contrario a la acción de gracias que se le debe al Señor.

    Esta tarde, nos hemos reunido para dar gracias a Dios. Mañana compartiremos el Día de Acción de Gracias con los seres queridos. Este debería ser un momento del año verdaderamente glorioso y feliz para nosotros. Pero, lamentablemente, habrá algunos que, en lugar de dar more

  • He Must Increase Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jul 6, 2023

    To conquer jealous comparisons before they conquer you, humble yourself and exalt the Savior.

    An urban legend has Microsoft’s Bill Gates speaking at a COMDEX computer expo several years ago. Supposedly, he was comparing the computer industry with the auto industry. He said, “If GM had kept up with technology like the computer industry has, we would all be driving $25 cars that got 1,000 more

  • Debilidad Moral Cronica

    Contributed by Amat Fernandez on Jun 10, 2003
    based on 209 ratings

    El llamado de Dios y los dones son irrevocables. El destino y el proposito que el tiene para nosotros son permanentes, pero nuestra desobediencia puede cancelar sus mejores planes.

    Debilidad Moral Cronica Pastor Amat Fernandez Lectura: 1 Samuel 2:22-25 22 Elí era muy viejo, pero cuando supo lo que sus hijos hacían con todo Israel y cómo dormían con las mujeres que velaban a la puerta del Tabernáculo de reunión, 23 les dijo: «¿Por qué hacéis cosas semejantes? Oigo hablar a more

  • Solo El Poder De Dios

    Contributed by Jose Diaz on Nov 18, 2003
    based on 61 ratings

    A. Un caballero que Miraba en su TV la lucha libre, vio un en el público un letrero que decía Jn.3:7. 1. Este verso debe estar escrito en todos los lugares que visitamos. a) El espejo del baño b) La puerta de la casa c) La puerta del baño d) La puert

    I. Introducción A. Un caballero que Miraba en su TV la lucha libre, vio un en el público un letrero que decía Jn.3:7. 1. Este verso debe estar escrito en todos los lugares que visitamos. a) El espejo del baño b) La puerta de la casa c) La puerta del baño d) La puerta del mercado 2. Debe estar more

  • Putting The "El" In "Behtel"

    Contributed by Gary Waguespack on Oct 25, 2001
    based on 54 ratings

    God called Jacob to Bethel, so what’s he doing in Shechem?

    EL-BETHEL Intro: Jerome Engles, Babies & Hymnals, $.75. Years ago, a Pastor, named Jerome Engles was making an announcement in church about the new hymnals, a man in the congregation stood up and also announced the annual Baptism service where all the babies could be baptized. more

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