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  • Clueless! Series

    Contributed by Lanny Smith on Jul 5, 2022

    The Church at Laodicea was lukewarm because they were clueless!

    Hot or Cold? Clueless! lanny smith Seven / Church at Laodicea / Revelation 3:14–22   • Clueless People The Church At Laodicea Revelation 3:14 NLT 14 “Write this letter to the angel of the church in Laodicea. This is the message from the one who is the Amen—the faithful and true witness, the more

  • Clueless On Purpose

    Contributed by Joel Smith on May 18, 2009

    Choose Christ rather than cluelessness.

    When I was growing up one of the highlights of the year took place every September. We were all euphoric when the Davidson County Agricultural Fair rolled into town. As a kid I liked the rides and the cotton candy and candy apples. As a teenager and young adult, I enjoyed the fair because it was a more

  • Clueless Clod - Series

    Contributed by Carl Willis on Feb 26, 2002
    based on 15 ratings

    Looking at some of the character flawed personalities that surrounded Jesus in his last days.

    Matthew 16:21-23 “From then on, Jesus began telling His disciples what would happen to Him. He said, ‘I must go to Jerusalem. There the nation’s leaders, the chief priests, and the teachers of the Law of Moses will make me suffer terribly. I will be killed, but three days later I will rise to more

  • Esther: The Clueless Queen

    Contributed by Todd Riley on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 136 ratings

    I’ve provocatively entitled today’s sermon: Esther, the clueless Queen because of the following.

    I’ve provocatively entitled today’s sermon: Esther, the clueless Queen because of the following. Esther, as you may know won a beauty contest put on by her husband, king of Persia. She had a chance to audition for the role because her husbands first wife refused to be part of a fashion show. You more

  • "Dinner For Two"

    Contributed by Jerry Depoy on Feb 9, 2004
    based on 15 ratings

    The Pharisee thought Jesus was clueless about who was at the dinner table. It was the pharisee what was clueless.

    I have been reading my Bible through again this year. When I came to the passage of scriptures about the Old Testament Tabernacle, I became intrigued with this thought, "God wants to have a romantic dinner with us." He has a table (Shew Bread) prepared for us in the Holy Place. It even has the more

  • Searching For Jesus

    Contributed by Bret Bone on Oct 22, 2012

    As Christians…we have witnessed God’s grace in our lives and many times in those who are close to us. Every week… Because of God’s love for mankind…people like you and I get the opportunity to walk out of the church a changed person! For some…this c

    Video...Work as Worship Slide#1 Welcome…Gift bags Prayer As Christians…we have witnessed God’s grace in our lives and many times in those who are close to us. Every week… Because of God’s love for more

  • Dear John

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Sep 10, 2015

    Notice 3 truths that will refill our faith in Jesus' love (Material adapted from Mark Atteberry's book, Free Refill, Chapter 5 on Refilling Your Faith In His Love, pgs. 77-89)

    HoHum: A "Dear John letter" is a letter written, originally to a soldier overseas, by his wife or girlfriend to inform him their relationship is over, usually because the author has found another lover. WBTU: Because human love is failing, at times we doubt God’s love for us. When some more

  • Jesus Offers Real Rest

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Jul 29, 2012

    Jesus Offers Real Rest 1) To hardworking disciples; 2) To clueless crowds

    A favorite topic of conversation at this time of year is vacation plans. I think I can tell you what most of my friends from the gym are doing for their summer holidays. One is going to Hawaii. Another ran a mountain race over the Crow’s Nest Pass. Another drove twenty plus hours to the B.C. more

  • “i Wish We’d All Been Ready” Pt. 1 Of 2

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Apr 26, 2016

    Most people, church folk included, are clueless to the 3,000 year-old mystery surrounding the word shemitah, but their lives have been critically impacted or altered by its manifestation.

    “I Wish We’d All Been Ready” Pt. 1 of 2 8/23/15 CFBC, Chester, IL Dr. Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction: A Earlier in the year I did a mini-series on a prophetic hot topic called “Shemitah.” 1 Most people, church folk included, are clueless to the 3,000 year-old more

  • The Christmas That Wasn't Series

    Contributed by James Wallace on Dec 28, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    The Magi were an example of people who have little light who make the most of the opportunity. The Jews and Herod were the opposite--they were clueless as to when their King and Messiah had come.

    Back in November, Jeanie and I received a newsletter from an organization called SAT-7. SAT, I assume stands for satellite, because that is the means by which they broadcast the Gospel via television programs into Muslim dominated countries in the Middle East. SAT-7 is the largest provider of more

  • Christ Gifted His Church

    Contributed by Paul Gauntt on Jun 1, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    As children of God and members of the Body of Christ, we are basically clueless as to the awesome power which has been vested in Christ’s New Testament Church, through His gifts working through us.

    Virtually every cardinal doctrine in the Holy Scripture is covered in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. Ephesians consists of two basic truths - positional truth and practical truth. In studying this blessed book, I counted thirty nine different benefits which are ours as members of Christ’s Body more

  • How To Pray Authentically: The Four Position Prayer

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Mar 30, 2021

    When I first became a part of the family of Christ I was pretty clueless. I had no idea what it meant to be a Christian, I had no idea how to study the Bible, and I didn't really know how to pray.

    When I first became a part of the family of Christ I was pretty clueless. I had no idea what it meant to be a Christian, I had no idea how to study the Bible, and I didn't really know how to pray. I've read several books about prayer. And often times I find myself, after reading more

  • Cluless Christians With Crossless Commitments

    Contributed by Mcclinton Hall on Jul 24, 2008
    based on 15 ratings

    This sermon gives thre role and the relationship that men and women ought to have with God, especially those who seek the office of Deacons and Deacons’ Wives.

    My brothers and sisters, this message this evening is to insure us and to remind us of our relationship with God. Because with God it’s not who we are, but rather it’s who God is. It’s not the position but rather it’s the praise. It’s not about who is in control, but it’s about who holds us. I more

  • What Did Jesus Say Will Complete Our Joy? Series

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Mar 29, 2022

    In this passage Jesus previews the new era that He is about to bring. Of great importance is the direct relationship with God this will bring and the accompanying great prayer power.

    WE DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT HE IS SAYING: Jesus starts by telling them a major transition is coming. - John 16:16-22. - There is a lot of uncertainty from the disciples about what Jesus is talking about in these sayings. The meaning is hidden to them. - Of course, we know that He is referring more

  • Easter Impact

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Feb 20, 2018

    Mary Magdalene has the biggest “narrative impact” on Easter morningI: “I have seen the Lord." Which speaks of her life-transforming experience.

    John, called the Beloved Disciple, is clearly the hero of Easter morning! He is spiritually superior with love and understanding; runs fastest. Between John, Peter, and Mary Magdalene— all of whom were at the empty tomb on that first Easter morning— only John had faith in the Physical more

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