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  • Good News/Bad News

    Contributed by Clark Tanner on Jan 30, 2001
    based on 84 ratings

    A devotional for young believers

    “FOR I SAY TO YOU, THAT UNLESS YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS SURPASSES THAT OF THE SCRIBES AND PHARISEES, YOU SHALL NOT ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN.” This may very well be the original “Good news/Bad news” line. Waddya want first? Good news, or bad news? The bad more

  • The Gospel Verses Religion

    Contributed by Bruce Howell on Feb 9, 2001
    based on 151 ratings

    Religion can point one to God and provide expression for faith, but only the Person of Christ can bring slavation.

    The Gospel Vs. Religion Eph 2:1-10 A recent article in the religion section of our local newspaper, dealt with the question, “Is it better to be religious or spiritual?” Opinions were garnered from five local pastors, representing Unity, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Disciples of Christ, and Bahai. more

  • Which Came First - The Chicken Or The Egg? Series

    Contributed by Stephen Todd on Nov 28, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    The sermon examines the relationship between faith and works as God gives Abraham the rite of circumcision.

    Genesis 17 May 18, 2003 Which came first - the chicken or the egg? It is one of those silly questions that the human brain can get a little silly with. You can’t have a chicken without an egg, yet you need a chicken to lay the egg in the first place. Of course science has solved the problem by more

  • "God In A Box"

    Contributed by J. Douglas Duty Jr. on Nov 28, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    Christians living a God filled life

    “God in a Box” Galatians 4:8-20 Nov 30, 2003 Well we have come to that time of year… Friday was the biggest shopping day, decorations started going up, people start planning parties and gifts are already being bought and boxed up… This time of year reminds me, well not really the time but more

  • Get Right With God (Sermon #3) Series

    Contributed by Darrell Stetler Ii on Dec 12, 2003
    based on 47 ratings

    Paul gives another secret of real joy -- how to get right with God. Paul examines several ways he COULD try, and rejects each of them in favor of real FAITH.

    Sermon #3: Get Right Before God 4 ¶ Though I might also have confidence in the flesh. If any other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might trust in the flesh, I more: 5 Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, more

  • The Story Of The Mistaken Mother Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Jun 3, 2005
    based on 19 ratings

    Paul’s teaching against salvation by works is brought to a climax here in Galatians 4:21-31. Paul breaks his discussion into three sections. First, Paul gives historical facts. Second, he gives spiritual truths. And third, he gives us some practical appli

    Scripture When my children, Lauren and Jon, were little they had a book titled Are You My Mother? Here is how that story begins: A mother bird sat on her egg. The egg jumped. “Oh, oh!” said the mother bird. “My baby will soon be here! He will want to eat. “I must get something for my baby bird more

  • True Spirituality

    Contributed by Roger Thomas on Jun 13, 2005
    based on 11 ratings

    Overview of Colossians and its explanation of the Christ-like life.

    Colossians: The Secret of True Spirituality Colossians 1:27-2:8 Dr. Roger W. Thomas, Preaching Minister First Christian Church, Vandalia, MO Introduction: Janet loves the Lord. She is active in her church. She works hard at trying to do what’s right. But she still struggles. She wonders if more

  • Who Cut In On You?

    Contributed by Ken Durham on Jun 24, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    It was for freedom that Christ has set us free!

    WHO CUT IN ON YOU! GALATIONS 5: 1 ~ 13 1. Introduction: Mindset God has given His salvation freely to every one who believes in the atoning sacrifice and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. But the enemy, whom the Amplified Bible aptly describes as the evil genius of this world does his more

  • Freedom In Christ (Part Two) Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Jul 8, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    This is the second part of a message dealing with freedom in Christ. Having discussed the consequences of embracing works, Paul now concludes this section by asking some questions of those who have "fallen away from grace."

    Scripture “Paul’s doctrine of grace is dangerous!” cried the false teachers in Galatia. “It replaces law with license. Why, if we do away with our rules and abandon our high standards, the churches will fall apart.” Those first century false teachers, known as Judaizers or legalists, were not the more

  • New & Improved Or Tired & Old Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Jul 25, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    Sometimes the new and improved isn’t - and we become leary. When God came up with a new and improved way to approach Him, some thought the new way was uncomfortable so they wanted to go back.

    There’s no doubt that we as humans like the comfortable and the familiar. Especially when presented with challenges - we like what we know. My dog is like that. She knows that when we are finished exercising on Saturday morning that it’s time for her walk. And at a certain time in the evening - she more

  • In Jesus' Name

    Contributed by Al Lowe on May 13, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    There is not other name under heaven given by which one is saved.

    Acts 4:5-12 (12) PROPOSITION: By Christ you are saved. OBJECTIVE: To lead the church to Christ. The time following Easter and Pentecost is a time of the birth of the primitive church. It is also a time we consider the basics of our own, personal beliefs and why we believe it. The first few more

  • Let Your Hair Down! Series

    Contributed by Quinton Williamson on May 26, 2003
    based on 54 ratings

    To let people know that praise is necessary in order to bless God for blessing us.

    SUBJECT: LET YOUR HAIR DOWN! SCRIPTURE: ST. JOHN: 12; 3 In this particular scripture we find where Jesus had one of his first after the resurrection of Lazarus. Jesus, before the Passover came to Bethany after hearing about Lazarus being dead. The Bible says that he came and raised Lazarus more

  • The Way Of Salvation

    Contributed by Mitchell Skelton on Aug 14, 2004
    based on 25 ratings

    When you look around at the religious world one soon learns that there are many ideas concerning the way of salvation. Some people encourage you to "Choose the Church of Your Choice," but do we really have that choice? The bible teaches that when one co

    The Way of Salvation Ephesians 2:8¡X10 INTRODUCTION When you look around at the religious world one soon learns that there are many ideas concerning the way of salvation. Some people encourage you to "Choose the Church of Your Choice," but do we really have that choice? The bible teaches that more

  • Very Religious Yet Very Lost!

    Contributed by Kenneth Trent on Aug 28, 2004
    based on 51 ratings

    Ardent religious activity and a high and lofty intellect fall far short of the righteousness God requires.

    VERY RELIGIOUS YET VERY LOST! 22 Then Paul stood in the midst of the Areopagus and said: "Men of Athens, I perceive that in all things you are very religious; 23 for as I was passing through and considering the objects of your worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: TO THE more

  • At Home With Jesus

    Contributed by J. Yeargin on Sep 2, 2004
    based on 40 ratings

    I believe that many times Christians will know what it means to be a follower of Jesus, and they may rightfully call themselves Christians. And yet some people may not sense a connection with God.

    Let’s begin tonight by giving thanks to what the Lord has been doing in each of our lives. I know that it is God that is doing these things. We are dependent on the Lord and His stirring our hearts. We can study, and train, and discuss what needs to be done and what should be done, but it will more

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